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Rapid Weight Loss and You

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 7:02 pm
by Lil' Jack Horny
It's been a while. It has been a while. I'm a little older, I'm a little wiser, I'm starting to get hair in really weird places...
So it's been a while since I've last posted, guess I didn't have much to say, and to top it off I forgot my username and password, so that's a thing. Long story short, I inadvertently began a lifestyle change in June while staying with my parents for the summer and came back to school 50 or so pounds lighter. I now weigh 131 pounds. I don't want this to become the emotional outpour forum, but I just wanted your guys' thoughts on this. I've changed my lifestyle, namely my diet, and as a result have lost a lot of weight, but for as much weight as I may have lost, I've gained it all in fear. That was a metaphor.
I have this perpetual fear of just gaining it back in the blink of an eye, being fat again. I may be young, but I spent a good portion of my life, about a decade, overweight. I've just recently gotten down to 131 (I seem to have plateaued there) and things like going out with friends, gatherings, family dinners, and grocery shopping have become grotesque misadventures. To be fair, this is my cross to bear, and I'm not complaining. My friends are starting to worry about me. Since August I've experienced frequent light headedness, fatigue, dizziness, and just feeling weak overall on a consistent basis. The other day at work, I was legitimately struggling to carry a small stack of porcelain plates over to a shelf.
So, what do you guys think? Have you ever experienced something similar to a body transformation? How did you deal with the fears and feelings that came along with it? I guess my main issue is that living without certain foods isn't the issue, it's maintaining the strict regimine for the next 40-50 years that makes me feel like breaking down. What are your guys' thoughts? How do I overcome this fear of obesity?

Re: Rapid Weight Loss and You

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 9:17 pm
by shramiac
I've always been heavy and yes it sux! Exercise sadly for many (myself included) is the only way that you can keep it off!!! Not one of those lucky ones who can drop weight at the drop of a hat! I'm lucky in that I don't have sugar or a cholesterol problem! The genes helped out on that one! :)

Remember, no one is perfect! No matter what they look like in a magazine! All photoshopped baby! :P :)

Moderate exercise will keep you healthy! A naughty snack once in a while ain't gonna hurt either!

Re: Rapid Weight Loss and You

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 12:05 am
by PinkWiz
Yep, an anxiety-inducing, constant fear of many. Ever since I was laid off from my last "real job" in 2009 I've gained 25 lbs that I can't get rid of. Constantly moving and lifting at that job kept me under 200 lbs. As soon as the job was yanked out from under me the weight gain began... maxing at around 225 (my twin brother and I are 6'2" and he weighs roughly 5 pounds more). When I DO struggle and lose 10 lbs it comes right back. Plus playing music for a living doesn't really help (alcohol, free food, sitting on a stool for 4 hours straight, etc.) I despise exercise but love to walk so the wife and I walk 5 miles a day (can't imagine how much I'd weigh not walking). :?

Re: Rapid Weight Loss and You

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 7:55 pm
by TheGoodDr
The secret to loosing weight and keeping it off is simple:
Eat Less + Exercise regularly!

Despite turning 43 in a few month's time, I force myself to maintain a regular exercise regime......and believe me, you have to FORCE yourself. The mind is very clever at convincing you that hard work is too hard and good tasting food is just too good to pass up.

I run either four or five kilometers on the treadmill at least twice a week. I push myself as hard as can, sometimes running 4kms in less than 18 minutes (on average though, I run for about 20 mins).

About eight years ago I decided to give up take-away/fast food. I literally haven''t had McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, Pizza Hut or any other branded take-out since then.

As hard as exercising can be (believe me, it NEVER gets easier) it is the key to keeping off the weight and the endorphins released as a result of a good work-out create a feeling that getting high or drunk fail to achieve (oh yeah, I don't drink booze as well).

Healthy Body = Healthy Mind :D

Re: Rapid Weight Loss and You

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 6:30 pm
by AceAlive1
i shall be trying to get my rotund self in shape soon. theres a park down the street from my new place so i should take advantage of that soon.

i dont know what my problem is as far as waiting so long to do it.

i usually burn fat extremely fast so i might as well get it done!!

Re: Rapid Weight Loss and You

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:29 am
by metatron

Re: Rapid Weight Loss and You

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 4:33 am
by metatron
I know it hard but no CRAP in your ALL Systems GO.
Look at your acid-alkaline balance.
NO SUGAR. SUGAR IS THE ENEMY. Only two pieces of fruit a day.
Cut out all your wheat consumption. That means bread, pasta...PIZZA :( :( :( .
Don't drink Milk. Want dairy, Drink organic only Goats milk.
EAT YOUR GREENS. As Much as you want.
Eat WILD Salmon. Chicken's Ok. Cut down on your Red Meat to once a week.
Take a Good Vitamin D. Eagles a USA made one. Very Good. Just Spray it into your mouth. No Pills needed.
Get a Good Vitamin B. Pure Innovation Activated B Complex is great. Get a good Zinc tablet.
And eat something like a Fermented Vegetable. Like Japanese Ginga. High in vitamin K2 (Different to Vitamin K) which is like the instruction set to tell your Vitamin D where to deposit calcium. Like don't deposit calcium in my soft tissue, put it in my Teeth & bones. Result...Highly reduced calcification in your arteries.
[youtube][/youtube] ... 20_023.pdf
DON'T EAT PORK PRODUCTS. It's Very high in inflammatory response.
Exercise. Even it it just walking. Turn the Dumb ass TV off & Just move your Ass.
(Don't argue with me young man...Like the adverts says, JUST DO IT)

There, that a good start.
Make sure your wear a rubber :D :D

Re: Rapid Weight Loss and You

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 5:14 am
by AceAlive1
metatron wrote:Seriously.
I know it hard but no CRAP in your ALL Systems GO.
Look at your acid-alkaline balance.
NO SUGAR. SUGAR IS THE ENEMY. Only two pieces of fruit a day.
Cut out all your wheat consumption. That means bread, pasta...PIZZA :( :( :( .
Don't drink Milk. Want dairy, Drink organic only Goats milk.
EAT YOUR GREENS. As Much as you want.
Eat WILD Salmon. Chicken's Ok. Cut down on your Red Meat to once a week.
Take a Good Vitamin D. Eagles a USA made one. Very Good. Just Spray it into your mouth. No Pills needed.
Get a Good Vitamin B. Pure Innovation Activated B Complex is great. Get a good Zinc tablet.
And eat something like a Fermented Vegetable. Like Japanese Ginga. High in vitamin K2 (Different to Vitamin K) which is like the instruction set to tell your Vitamin D where to deposit calcium. Like don't deposit calcium in my soft tissue, put it in my Teeth & bones. Result...Highly reduced calcification in your arteries.
[youtube][/youtube] ... 20_023.pdf
DON'T EAT PORK PRODUCTS. It's Very high in inflammatory response.
Exercise. Even it it just walking. Turn the Dumb ass TV off & Just move your Ass.
(Don't argue with me young man...Like the adverts says, JUST DO IT)

There, that a good start.
Make sure your wear a rubber :D :D

pizza is gonna be my breaker. i was raised in los angeles and pizza was absolutely a staple in food every week.

i must eat healthier. thanks for the link!!

Re: Rapid Weight Loss and You

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 2:53 pm
by MatthewF
I should get my bike back out of the shed and start riding this summer working nightshift though since you are awake when it is dark out all the time.

Re: Rapid Weight Loss and You

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 1:41 am
by poserboy71