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Paul Stanley

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 7:15 am
by Carlo
Just an anecdote here. Don't if this is the right place to post here on the forum. Anyway, my two brothers once did meet Paul Stanley quite by accident back in 1993. They were at JFK airport in New York just casually waiting for a flight back to Italy and who the hell do they see? PAUL ! My brother spots him but just can't seem to beleive it so he asks my other bro "hey is that Paul Stanley? What the hell is he doing here?" My other fratello says "yeah, that's him !". So they both walk over to him and he's just standing there by himself and like everybody just walks by him without recogninizing him. My brothers call him out and he answers so they shoot the breeze for a couple minutes and my brothers tell him they love KISS and that I went to see them on their 1985 Asylum tour. They ask him what he's doing at the airport and he says that he's waiting for his wife to come in from L.A. on a plane. Then they didn't want to break his balls too much so they asked for an autograph and he did sign one for them on a piece of paper and that was it ! They told me he was a nice guy and sociable but the weird thing was that nobody recognized him. I wish I had been there, too. Ciao !

Re: Paul Stanley

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 7:36 am
by poserboy71
Cool story. Respect is a two way street. Vinnie ??? :? :? :?

Re: Paul Stanley

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 4:11 am
by Carlo
You're right. Don't get me wrong. Vinnie is my favorite, of course. Just wish that I could meet someone. My brother had also met Rob Zombie of White Zombie backstage. I see that you have met many musicians yourself. That must be really exciting !

Re: Paul Stanley

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 6:11 am
by Genebaby
Would have been cool to meet Paul back then. In 93 Kiss were not so big again, hence the return of the makeup and original members a few years later.

Makeup goes on, makeup goes off. Makeup goes on.

Re: Paul Stanley

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 6:27 pm
by Iceman75
I met Paul backstage in Germany.
He was walking down the hall with a bowl of pudding!
We chatted for a minute and Doc McGee walked up and was really nice.
I was with my son and Paul let me take a photo of him, Doc, my son, and the pudding!
Nice guy.