New VV Music is on the way (allegedly)

News and information from 2018 onwards
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New VV Music is on the way (allegedly)

Post by aeroflott »

An interesting update from VV was made on 9th August on the Facebook groups:
A Message from : VINNIE VINCENT
Hi everyone.
I am so moved by your well wishes on this very important birthday for me.. and I will tell you all about that in a few sentences from now.
I have been off the grid for a bit preparing for some very important events that are coming very soon. Events, I think and hope will make the faithful who have been waiting patiently for new VINNIE VINCENT music to be very excited about. Yes, I said VINNIE VINCENT music.
First, I want to thank everyone for coming to our VV LEGION and EUPHORIA homes to be part of something that ties us all together which is VINNIE VINCENT, The music, The Legacy and the events to come.
Your incredible posts and comments have helped fuel my inspiration in creating the events that hopefully will see light of day soon. It's fantastic the people that come here everyday and bring with them the Vinnie Vincent events in history, heart and memory that still fill their lives today.
It blew me away to see everyone's birthday wishes and my heart goes out to everyone! Victor, thank you for your incredible are amazing my friend... although you're in Russia you're in my heart here, every day. Richie dear friend, thank you for the birthday wishes, Jeff Germa, Johan Strömqvist, my dearest Valou, Dave, Roger, Suzy, Simon, Mikki, Brian and Sophia Carvell, Nina, Pat Palumbo, Neil Davis, Brian Bell, Dale Walter, Krystal Summers, Ursula, Camilla, Naomi, Sandrine, Tammy, my dear Rosie, Mikki, Simon, Butch, Hector, you guys are the best! I love you all.
The list of friends is very long, so forgive me for missing many names. We are going to see some wonderful times coming very soon and despite the insanity happening everywhere,
We're not going to let that stop us from enjoying life, music and the shows that we're hoping to make possible this coming year and the great music that will live 4ever in our hearts. So with all of My heart i thank and embrace everyone who comes Faithfully 2 say hi to the Vinnie Vincent family every day. Soon we will all be part of something very exciting and musically important of which I want to share some great news with you all.
As I alluded to earlier, The door to the VINNIE VINCENT music vault has finally opened. With the help of a fabulous team of very talented people, ALL of the VINNIE VINCENT MUSIC that has been in the vault will finally be released.
This includes master recordings of EVERYTHING! All of the Power ballads, all of the unreleased material, all of the master quality recording versions of everything you have always wanted to hear.. including.. Yes!!! the long desired and awaited, master recordings of GUITARMAGEDDON, which appears as though it may be a double album, along with some very delicious unexpected and unreleased music recordings.
I will save the details for the appropriate time closer to release dates. Enough music to cover 7 albums. With GOD's blessing, they will all materialize in the next year. The first expected vinyl release should early 2022.

As everyone knows we are in Dangerous times. There's so many lovely and talented people that have left us for another Journey in their life, so with that said, I encourage all of you take 24 hours in any given day and give thanks to your creator to enjoy the miracle of life.
It is a special gift that happens once. The world is changing as we know it, and I encourage everyone to make every minute count in any way you can. As for me, I kiss the ground I walk on.. Ironically, God has given me the richest time of my life.. now, to fulfill my personal journey and musical Destiny to finally resurrect all of the music that has been alive and kicking inside of me for so long and in giving me this time to be with you and my beloved little furry family. I take nothing for granted.
A birthday is most importantly, a celebration of how old you feel, and who and what you have become for the time you have been given. For me... I've just turned 35 because that's how young I feel, the age of my spirit and how much of the world I have in front of me... for in bringing everyone VINNIE VINCENT master recordings and mixes of all of my music, i get to live forever.
My excitement levels are maxxed !
I cannot wait to share all of this with you. I'm still standing..I give my thanks to God everyday that I feel great Knock on wood) I'm here with you, I'm alive, above ground... And yep... this is the best time ever for me... better than it was when I was 35. So cheers my friends!.
My love to all.
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Re: New VV Music is on the way (allegedly)

Post by Genebaby »

Hey, thanks for post. This was posted before here: viewtopic.php?f=38&t=8610

Hopefully something is released, one day....
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Re: New VV Music is on the way (allegedly)

Post by aeroflott »

Arrgh! my mistake. :)
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