What's happening with Vinnie?

News and information from 2018 onwards

Post by doublev »

also let me tell you,

for someone who is interested in copyright. Ripping of an alien from the the movies aliens for the youtube ad 'its alive; may have not been a good choice

Post by doublev »

i will tell you all i know.

Hs estate owns the board and Owns the domain vinnievincent.com
he is doublev on the doublev.forumco.com board as owning that member is the only way to own the board.
He is the one deleting people on the board. He is the one asking for real names.

I also believe him to be someone who showed up on this board.

I have to leave it their.

Once everyone knows that I no longer am part of the dv board I will rest and quit as I no longer have interest in this painful subject.

Post by doublev »

shramiac. i agree. it would be great for everyone for that board to be official. this board can work along side. I know if I had not gone through this I would still be very happy to hear what is coming out etc.

Please understand i want VV to put out all thats promised and hope it works. I just want honesty about myself that I am no longer 'owner' and i am no longer 'doublev' I don't even care if he says bad stuff about me . I just want it confirmed I have nothing to do with that place.

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Post by wolfgang161272 »

I can't belive this...
Vinnie is doublev????
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Post by Genebaby »

wolfgang161272 wrote:I can't belive this...
Vinnie is doublev????
Vinnie is the NEW doublev over on the doublev forum, as of about three months ago. This happened when Dino, the original doublev, became doublev2.

Vinnie was then given the account details for the doublev username on that board to allow him to own/control it.

I think we have all worked out now that Susie Q who posted earlier is actually Vinnie, and she/he has been talking with us on the other board for a few weeks, telling us how great it's going to be and how she is working hard to buy her own pink Vinnie guitar. :roll:
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Post by DirtyRhythm »

Not sure what the heck is going on over on the other forum, but it seems like a mess and is in complete disarray. I'm joining you guys over here for a bit...at least until some sense can be made of this mess!

I'm a long-time VV fan from seeing him live with KISS on the LIU tour and getting to see Invasion 3 times. Heck, I was even a "victim" of the box set fiasco and I'm still here because of my love of Vinnie's music. I long for the day I can hear Guitars From Hell in all it's sonic glory on CD (or at least a decent MP3 via iTunes/Amazon).

I really hope Vinnie can get is s**t together, but it seems like he's up to some old tricks with locking everyone out of the old board.
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Post by zandrews39 »

If Spyder/Chris/Eric(whom ever the fuck he is) Is the moderator. I can almost promise you Vinnie isnt the owner. Vinnie wouldnt do that to us, his loyal fans, Would he? He wouldnt really be gaining anything by doing this. Unless he just wants to be forgottin about. Because that may come for some members if he keeps this up. That is IF IT IS HIM???????
THATS THE BIG QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by wolfgang161272 »

If it is really Vinnie, I do not understand the world anymore. How can he do something with his most loyal fans??? Now we have so many years, a sign of life waiting for him. And what's he doing? Throw us out of gratitude from the forum. Yes Vinnie - thanks a lot!
But I do not believe anything, I hope everything is just a bad joke, and everything becomes clearer still on

Keep on rockin'

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Post by zandrews39 »

Yea. I hope something happens soon. The freakin suspence is killin me!!!!!!
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Post by Streetbeat »

i think is done
everything is going downhill
i won't be buying the guitar unless a brand new picture and statement
is done on the boards or site
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Post by mp5999 »

WTF is going on???

Dino, how are you SURE that it was VV that took over the site??

Couldnt it just be some assclown that has nothing better to do then screw with people?

Man this is just nuts.

And has ANYONE actually spoke with the Tom Palecki guy from AZG???
I had my wife try (I dont have a facebook acct) to send him a few facebook notices simply asking if he was building any guitars at present and that we had some $$$$ to spend. She never recieved a reply. She didnt mention shit about VV , it was a vague email to see whats up.

And some people on the old board had the nerve to knock people like me for having teej build me a guitar? seriously, what the f*ck choice did I have after waiting for 20 YEARS!!!!!!! What do you expect- how long do you think someone should have to wait, even if it literally means waiting forever??? Sorry but I have no patience , I cant wait, especially when it comes to guitars.Dont get me wrong, I will buy one of the new guitars (I still pray they are really coming) but I am damn glad to have my pink/silver VV on the wall.
Dino please let us know if and how you know without a doubt that its really him thats done this please. I am glad you let us know it wasnt you, I was starting to get pissed. You remember a few months ago you sent me an email letting me know a guitar was in the works, I havent been able to sleep since!

still keeping my fingers crossed,


Post by vinnievincent »

I have a VVV pink Jackson if you want it.

Asking price: $40,000

PM for details
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Post by mp5999 »

wow, you really must be the real VV to think it would be worth that kind of $$

I will bite my tongue from saying anything else as I am sure its a joke.

Re: OK

Post by vinnievincent »

vinnievincent wrote:I have a VVV pink Jackson if you want it.

Asking price: $40,000

PM for details

To answer your question- it's worth what someone is willing to pay at a particular time. And, in today's world that encompasses guitar aficionados willing to pay for rare pieces, price can be no object. Look at Zematis, Gibson, Fender, PRS, Martin, etc. Guitars worth $30,000 and up to $500,000 are sold everyday around the world. Just because you might not be able to afford such an instrument does not mean that someone else cannot either. But when guitars with substantial provenance hit the market, you never know who might take interest. Ask the Hardrock Cafe's storage management in FL, home to the world's most extensive guitar collection. And many of the guitar manufacturers' guitars that I mentioned above obviously were not not "one-of-a-kind" as this one is. Many collectors look at these only as investments. I'm sure if everyone knew that in 1959 a Gibson LP Standard would eventually fetch upwards of $450,000 today they would have bought as many as they could, regardless of the price they had to pay then.

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Post by mp5999 »

I couldnt have said it better - its worth whatever someone wants to pay for it. And I find it hard to believe that someone who has chosen by their own freewill to stay out of the limelight and be forgotten or even never known of by some would be that sought after or in demand in collectors eyes. I do truly wish this werent the case. I think most everyone on this board wishes that every single man woman and child on the face of the earth knew the name Vinnie Vincent like most do Elvis , or Jimi or Eddie in musician circles.
Yes I do have the funds to buy whatever I want , but I try not to be stupid about it (plus I hate hearing my wife bitch) I go to plenty of instrument auctions and see some older , rare and historic pieces bringing some decent money. However I am afraid to say I dont think a Jackson will ever reach that status short of the few that Randy Rhoads actually owned.
So would you care to share with us how you come into possesion of this $40,000. guitar? Does it have any documentation to back it up at least?


Post by doublev »

Yes. I gave Vinnie Vincent control of the forum and domain . This is fully backed up with my lawyer and some trusted members have seen proof.
The single intention is to have an official statement that me, Dino is no longer owner or moderator of the board. I have not seen this, just comments saying I am this or that but I say nothing that is not 100% true and backed up. if the statment had been made then all would have been made all would be cool. I just want it to be clear I am not involved anymore at that board.
P.s whoever is faking to be Vinnie Vincent here is loosing the credability of the board.
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Post by teej »

well well well . .can I say I am surprised? No. Dissapointed yes .. more screaming insanity from the world of VV .. such a fucking waste .. at least you cant block me now Dino ;) .. I got your mail from Wilma btw .. and it´s cool .. thankyou for your honesty .. and as for a $40 000 pink jackson .. the only one known of is Drew´s and as I heard VV repainted/destroyed his so there are none .. show is some pix man .. but really all i paid for mine was 10k and that was including UK import tax .. where it still lives in it´s case .. oh btw it was TJ not me that built the guitars man!


Post by doublev »

I See that now the header on the doublev board written by the so called spyder says I am spreading lies and rumours about him. Well Chris or Eric. How do you know anything of this and why are you willing to make slanderous remarks about me? Someone you don't even know. I tell you 100% flat out I would not be stupid enough to say anything that is not 100% true and backed up.
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Post by teej »

so what is vinnie´s email address then .. perhaps we could have a little word?
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Post by CaptainSpaulding »

Vinnie is clearly off his meds again.

Gene was right... this guy would hang himself while someone is handing him the keys to the kingdom.

Way to screw over some of your most hardcore fans, genius. :lol:
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Post by Streetbeat »

CaptainSpaulding wrote:Vinnie is clearly off his meds again.

Gene was right... this guy would hang himself while someone is handing him the keys to the kingdom.

Way to screw over some of your most hardcore fans, genius. :lol:
100% right


Post by doublev »

Teej. Thanks. I want to speak with you. I wondered if you can pm me a number. I owe you. an apology.
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Post by teej »

you can get me on my email - tjohnston054@yahoo.co.uk .. or I can give you my fiance´s cell no if you wanted to call man .. I´ll PM it to you

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Post by Slayer »

If that's really you I want to support you and give you credit for stepping up and posting here. There are some hurt feelings here from true fans that have been disconnected from you at the DoubleV Board. I would respectfully suggest that you think of this board in addition to the DoubleV Board as yet another place for fans to pay their respects to you for what you have worked so hard for your entire life and yet sadly never received the accollades that nearly everyone here believes that you deserve. There is no doubt that if you had gotten a break your name would have been mentioned in the same breath as Satriani, Vai, Malmsteen and others. The time is now for you to make a general statement to all your fans and I can assure you most of the drama will go away. I believe that Dino wants nothing more than recognition that he is no longer connected to the DoubleV Board and that you own it. That's simple enough and that issue is behind you!

Come clean and we can all start focusing on getting the guitar released, then whatever music that you decide that you would like to sell. I think that this will help cover your legal bills and when that's taken care of it's all profit from that point on. The choice is yours bro! If your not ready to talk publicly private message any of us and you'll find us supportive.

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Post by Genebaby »


That person isn't Vinnie. I didn't think to dissallow certain usernames, but that's one I should have put on the list, only for Vinnie himself when he does show up.


Post by doublev »

that is not vinnie vincent and not vinnie's guitar. i assure you. i think its a strange joke, but not sure. I don't have to say don't buy the guitar as at that price it would most likely be a very drunk and horny guy with a platinum card buying it to impress a topless dancer.
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Post by Batman »

Hey, dubv...
Did they get in trouble for the "It's alive" alien thingy ad?


Post by vinnievincent »

So why doesn't Vinnie Vincent come to post on his own forum or here? Is he hiding behind the name "Suzie Q Rocks" on the old forum he squeezed out of Dino perhaps? :? What was promised to you Dino for turning your board over to VV? You didn't just give it away, did ya dude?
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Post by Streetbeat »

vinnievincent wrote:So why doesn't Vinnie Vincent come to post on his own forum or here? Is he hiding behind the name "Suzie Q Rocks" on the old forum he squeezed out of Dino perhaps? :? What was promised to you Dino for turning your board over to VV? You didn't just give it away, did ya dude?
He is several names at the same time
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Post by lerxstcat »

Slayer wrote:Vinnie,
There is no doubt that if you had gotten a break your name would have been mentioned in the same breath as Satriani, Vai, Malmsteen and others.
:lol: LMFAO!!! IF he had gotten a break? He got the guitar gig in KISS, then got a solo record deal after leaving KISS.

He fucked up his own gig by being an unreliable crackhead who blatantly abused the Chrysalis expense account and failed to show up at record company meetings and recording sessions. This was all stated quite openly in the first Slaughter interview in RIP Magazine. It's not a rumor, his bandmates told the tale.

I am a fan of VVI and Vinnie's playing, but he had every chance and he blew it. And according to this thread, which was linked at Metal Sludge, he is messing with the last diehard fans who are left to him.

Hey Vic, nice to see you! I hope I didn't outlive my welcome with one single post, but I think you guys deserve better than this.

Post by vinnievincent »

Streetbeat wrote:
vinnievincent wrote:So why doesn't Vinnie Vincent come to post on his own forum or here? Is he hiding behind the name "Suzie Q Rocks" on the old forum he squeezed out of Dino perhaps? :? What was promised to you Dino for turning your board over to VV? You didn't just give it away, did ya dude?
He is several names at the same time
Well that's kinda weird. Oh well...

Hopefully when the dust settles we'll see something rise from the ashes out of the great state of TN other than a court order. BTW, the guitar is NOT for sale. I was just playin' around fellers, sorry :D Vinnie, when you read this, you should know that your fans are not out to get you. Have you ever considered making a youtube statement as to what you've been doing for the last 20 years maybe? Just a thought. And whoever is running your board now needs to take a chill pill. The pen name "vinnievincent" on a forum is not meant to portray an imposter. I can think of a 100 more disparaging things to call myself if I WASN'T a fan.

God bless,
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Post by AllSystemsGo »

[quote="susie.q-rocks"]So this is how you all show your loyalty and support for Vinnie Vincent. The Board locks down for a few days to change direction and get ready for what you all SAID you wanted, and SAID couldn’t wait for, and within days all you “hard coreâ€
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Post by Genebaby »

lerxstcat wrote:
Slayer wrote:Vinnie,
There is no doubt that if you had gotten a break your name would have been mentioned in the same breath as Satriani, Vai, Malmsteen and others.
:lol: LMFAO!!! IF he had gotten a break? He got the guitar gig in KISS, then got a solo record deal after leaving KISS.

He fucked up his own gig by being an unreliable crackhead who blatantly abused the Chrysalis expense account and failed to show up at record company meetings and recording sessions. This was all stated quite openly in the first Slaughter interview in RIP Magazine. It's not a rumor, his bandmates told the tale.

I am a fan of VVI and Vinnie's playing, but he had every chance and he blew it. And according to this thread, which was linked at Metal Sludge, he is messing with the last diehard fans who are left to him.

Hey Vic, nice to see you! I hope I didn't outlive my welcome with one single post, but I think you guys deserve better than this.
Nice to see you too Lex, welcome!
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Post by The_Creeper »

I'm not surprised...at all.

Out of decency and respect I do not think it is appropriate to discuss where professionals live or reveal extreme private aspects of their life. Details of this nature are irrelevant to the current situation(s) that have arisen.

I have only spoken to a select few from the board outside of the board that I hold friendship or value towards. My main reason for joining the board was not to obtain friendships but to obtain and share information and discussion on V.V. No offense to be ment towards anyone else but most of the time and duration I've sat in the corner and watched all the charades I care to see. I have attended membership to a few forums of interest (wether it be a forum about V.V. or Ford Auto Parts) and I have never wittnessed such a production as I have seen and expirienced in amungst a group of people on one board.

I found the previous moderator to be untrustworthy, and deceitful. A person just as guilty for locking members out of the board to suit their own personal vendettas rather than for a logical reason, I will not forget specific instances when this occured and this was way before all of these fireworks. Because there was fireworks before in the past, over several different topics, and they all seemed to be connected to this person one way or another.

I can say I wouldn't be surprised if this whole act is to take focus off of the guitar never actually being produced and the new material being released. One huge publicity stunt to attract a load of attention and promotion for the board which has backfired and done nothing but attracted a load of negative attention to the V. V. name.

I do not know if anyone else has noticed it or not but on the old forum there use to be an interview with VV a rather long one. This interview was suppose to be "1996 Pre-Guitarmageddon. The statements if infact that actual interview was a real V.V. interview the statements seem very similar to those outbursts of Susie Q's outbursts and this would lead me to believe that Susie is infact the man behind the curtain.

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Post by poserboy71 »

Ace Ventura references are ALWAYS welcome.
THINK: Porter Wagoner

:wink: I am the Undisputed Sex Symbol of the VVFF
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Post by BearFan »

Just weird, let's face it, it is not like there are millions of people waiting to buy whatever Vinnie might put out.

Ticking off your die hard fans that would but multiple copies, pay extra for autographed versions, etc is just a piss-poor way to go about it.
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Post by Streetbeat »

BearFan wrote:Just weird, let's face it, it is not like there are millions of people waiting to buy whatever Vinnie might put out.

Ticking off your die hard fans that would but multiple copies, pay extra for autographed versions, etc is just a piss-poor way to go about it.

i wanted some music,i wanted the guitar as well
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Post by BearFan »

Streetbeat wrote:
BearFan wrote:Just weird, let's face it, it is not like there are millions of people waiting to buy whatever Vinnie might put out.

Ticking off your die hard fans that would but multiple copies, pay extra for autographed versions, etc is just a piss-poor way to go about it.

i wanted some music,i wanted the guitar as well
I still want the music (assuming it is songs, not a big fan of things like Speedball), but no way I would buy it from anywhere but Amazon. In contrast, when Ace's last CD came out, I bought the CD, bought Itunes for the extra track, and bought an Autographed LP from his site.

Under different circumstances (not feeling I would get ripped off), I would have done the same for a Vinnie release.
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Post by Slayer »

1st up I'm not for censorship at all but I would suggest that the Vinnie Vincent Guest kindly choose any other name of his choice and that particular name be saved for the one and only. :D

I'm very aware that Susie Q is probably Vinnie Vincent himself as well as Chris, Eric and Spyder. I really would like this terrified but very talented person to feel comfortable enough to just step up and make a statement.

My friends it's true that Vinnie has had some opportunities and their is truth to lerxstcat post but calling it like it is right now is not going to get any of us some long over due music. Vinnie has been in nearly complete seclusion for approximately 14 years. It's fairly safe to assume that he trusts few people.

Let the man not fear us and maybe some day we might get some answers in addition to some new music.
I understand that folks are pissed but being pissed or hostile to Vinnie isn't going to get any of us what we said that we wanted.

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Post by poserboy71 »

Words of wisdom written by Uncle Kev the SLAYER.
THINK: Porter Wagoner

:wink: I am the Undisputed Sex Symbol of the VVFF
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Post by Genebaby »

The vinnievincent account has been deleted and the name and similar ones are now off limits. Drew will sign up again, everything is cool there.

It is now reserved for Vinnie himself.

I wasn't up for censorship either, a reason this board was created in April.
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Post by Slayer »

Drew is a great Vinnie Fan and a well connected fucking rock historian. I hope that he does join us under a different name. I will refrain from mentioning his famous moniker in the event that he is still a member of the Double V Forum.

Drew welcome here bro!

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Post by metatron »

:evil: This is a shout out to the likes of susie.q-rocks, Stacy Q(two of hearts), what ever your name is? Who ever u r. You want to talk friggin loyalty. What do you carrying torch for VV since 1996. Do you realise we are in the year 2010. That a long time between drinks pal. No a peep out of the guy. What do you call people spending their hard earned ca$h for box sets that they never received. And not being pissed off about it (as you can read on this forum). Listen champ, loyalty is a two way street. And a lot of people have been more than loyal. These people on the forum want something. A little hope. But what do we get. We get booted out of a forum that was set up in his honour. Yes these people want to know about Vinnies life, what going on. That's human nature to be curious. Don't think anyone means Vinnie harm. If your a celebrity, you need to expect that behaviour. Also Vinnie Vincent is a brand, like Jackson guitars, like Apple computers. If Jackson started making sh!t products, people would eventually turn away. Doesn't matter how loyal you are. If a brand starts giving you crap, the consumer will at some point stop supporting that brand. No one has done this as of yet to Vinnie Vincent. How you like those bananas, yeh!. Also b4 you go off crying to your mommy. I know a lot of shit has happen to the man, but a lot of shit happens to everyone. This is life. Life is complicated & messy. Other artists have been in similar situation & still been able to make a decent living. Take Steve Stevens (I love Steve Stevens by the way) Why do I love Steve? Cause he has always had his mug out there doing stuff. Keeping the brand Steve Stevens rolling. Steve is the Perpetual Burn. The guy has done so much & yes he had/has an extreme image. Just check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Stevens to see for yourself what & who he has played & recorded with. He even won a Grammy in 1987 for his performance on the Top Gun soundtrack. The guy is a guitar machine. I pick Steve cause their is a KISS/Vinnie Vincent link here. Steve Stevens & Vinnie Vincent both are credited on the Peter Criss - Let Me Rock You (1982) album. Also cause they both sort of repeat their first name in their surname (LOL!!!). Vinnie Vincent could have been like Steve Stevens. Could have played & recorded on numerous albums, with countless artists. Could have been a house hold name for guitarist. Then people like me, wouldn't have to go into battle when his name comes up in conversation about great guitarists. I wouldn't have to explain myself, because the proof in the puddling would be there. His works would speck for themselves. Instead of wasting all his time & effort suing those two masked clowns, he should have been playing music. He would have been rich, for filled & happy. Instead all I hear is the sound of bankruptcy. Very sad, knowing it didn't have to be this way. Waste of talent. :cry:
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Post by shramiac »

I always wondered about a comparison with Steve Stevens too Meta! Here was a supremely talented guitarist who was satisfied with making "simple rock" music with a solo performer (although he was really more like the half of a duo) and then waiting till the time was right to show the guitar community what he really could do! Atomic Playboys is fantastic!! And yet he was happy to return to Billy and record & tour with him again!
In a perfect world Vinnie could have stayed as Kiss' lead guitarist AND made the solo albums he needed to get off his chest!
Promises made, crying in vain, all empty. Never accepting the blame and not letting go of the shame. A river of tears, as months turn to years, all wasted. On someone not willing to change.Now only a shadow remains! :(
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Post by metatron »

:D Shramiac, Steve Steve is smart cookie, my friend. He knows that the only way for him to survive is to play the more poppy stuff (Michael Jackson's Dirty Diana). And when he does that poppy stuff, he does it in a way that he is not really selling out. The Whammy Damage Dive Bombz r still there, the Ray Guns are still there, the (shorter) Shreddy Leads & fiillz r still there. Yep, agree totally with you in that Steve is happy to play the more simplistic stuff. The fact of the matter is Brinty Spears makes more money than Malmsteen. Cause the majority of the populess don't want to hear four minute guitar solos. The general public have a short attention span, they are bored easily, more so in 2010 than 1986. The other thing was that they both had Bill Aucoin Managing them. Bill managed KISS (1973–1982) & Billy Idol, (1982–1984). So Vinnie had access to Bill Aucoin & his contacts if he played his cards right. Bill left when KISS started talking of taking off the make up (end of creatures tour). Even though Vinnie is about 6 years older than Steve, wouldn't have mattered. Vinnie could have been thinking of retiring by now(2010), instead of trying to relaunch his career. Another thing, Man, when I've purchased a guitar, it's basically the maker of the guitar I deal with. I mean, you don't call Steve Vai up & negotiate a deal with Steve to by a Jem. No, you go to a retailer of Ibanez guitars or deal with Ibanez the company. Why can't I deal it AZG Pear & Tom Palecki. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to by pass Vinnie, so as to get a guitar cheaper. It just songs like someone has a strangle hold on all processes. Vinnie should get a good manager & make a deal where, if he makes money (real money) then the Manger gets money. Then VV can focus on the Music instead of trying to get money out of a superpower like KISS, who have the money(& power & influence) to legally buried him alive.
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Post by metatron »

I think TNT"s Tony Harnell said it best, when he sang Everyone's a Star (Tell No Tales, album)
'Lay your cards on the table. Show the world who you are. Stand for the right Cause baby you can never lose. In your blood it's electric .And the power's in your veins. You've got a chance , might as well Dance. You know we're all the Same cause... ' :D
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Post by Batman »

metatron wrote:I think TNT"s Tony Harnell said it best, when he sang Everyone's a Star (Tell No Tales, album)
'Lay your cards on the table. Show the world who you are. Stand for the right Cause baby you can never lose. In your blood it's electric .And the power's in your veins. You've got a chance , might as well Dance. You know we're all the Same cause... ' :D
Eeeeeveryoneeee's a staaaaaaaaaaaaaar!
Dude, I love TNT...a band I think I ended up talking a little too much about on a VV forum last time hah. Harnell was god. Vinnie + Harnell would be a cool combination 8)
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Post by metatron »

Yer Batman, I luv TNT too bro. And Tony Harnell would have been awesome in VVI. But from what it sounds like, with all the dramas, I think it was good that Tony was in TNT. He has an insane voice. At one stage I use to be able to sing like him. (These dayz, that it feels like "A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away"). TNT goes to show you can still have Shreddy Guitars, insane Vocals & make more than two albums. 'Stand up & Shout!!!, Rockstar, the movie.'
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Post by DirtyRhythm »

Batman wrote: Eeeeeveryoneeee's a staaaaaaaaaaaaaar!
Dude, I love TNT...a band I think I ended up talking a little too much about on a VV forum last time hah. Harnell was god. Vinnie + Harnell would be a cool combination 8)
I've often thought Tony and Vinnie would be an amazing combo, but having spoken with Tony in the past I don't think he would ever go for it. I know Yngwie wanted him, and Tony turned it down.

Tony has a new acoustic disc due out in a few weeks of TNT & Westworld cover songs. Also, the 2 discs he did with Starbreaker were killer!
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Post by lerxstcat »

Slayer wrote:1st up I'm not for censorship at all but I would suggest that the Vinnie Vincent Guest kindly choose any other name of his choice and that particular name be saved for the one and only. :D

I'm very aware that Susie Q is probably Vinnie Vincent himself as well as Chris, Eric and Spyder. I really would like this terrified but very talented person to feel comfortable enough to just step up and make a statement.

My friends it's true that Vinnie has had some opportunities and their is truth to lerxstcat post but calling it like it is right now is not going to get any of us some long over due music. Vinnie has been in nearly complete seclusion for approximately 14 years. It's fairly safe to assume that he trusts few people.

Let the man not fear us and maybe some day we might get some answers in addition to some new music.
I understand that folks are pissed but being pissed or hostile to Vinnie isn't going to get any of us what we said that we wanted.

Uncle Kev
I think it's great that you all have the compassion for Vinnie that you do, but the fact is that the vibe here is almost like a bunch of battered spouses with the same abuser. "Maybe he won't hit us this time if we're good", except it's "Maybe he'll finally put out some music if we're good".

His fans have been more than patient, and that's great. But his reclusiveness, trust issues, whatever you want to call them, are psychological problems - a mental illness. You aren't gonna cure him of that by any degree of patience. It takes therapy and a desire to change.

I can see why people are leery of buying this supposed new guitar from Vinnie if they have to go through Vinnie. Well, if he fucked you on a $100 cassette boxset, and those who got screwed thusly basically took it and forgave, what makes you think he won't take your $5 grand or whatever he decides to charge, and leave you hanging for that too?

He figures you took the first fucking, you'll take this one too.

I'm verbalizing some uncomfortable things, but you can't tell me that anyone who's thought of buying new music OR the alleged new guitar hasn't thought they might get ripped off.

I'm just gonna guess and hope I'm wrong, but I don't think anyone will ever see one of these new VV guitars. Maybe Vinnie will con the guy into making him a few, but production model? I don't see it.

New music is another story, he can do that and most people will take the risk of sending off money for a CD they might never get. But not thousands of dollars for a guitar. You'd have to be nuts, really.
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