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Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 11:09 am
by Genebaby
Thanks guys. There is also the ignore function that you can use.

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 11:17 am
by AnkhWarrior
Genebaby wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2019 11:09 am Thanks guys. There is also the ignore function that you can use.

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 11:26 am
by SimonBFrostSr
Tacos anyone😂

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 7:54 pm
by shramiac
Bald tacos are my favourite. :twisted: :P

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 8:07 pm
by AnkhWarrior
Bald IS best :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 8:29 pm
by doublev2
Vinnie saying he doesn't like hype is probably the biggest misconception he has ever said. Geez that whole Interview has giant problems. Sorry to say.

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 8:33 pm
by doublev2
And it was clear that vv would go against gene again if he wasn't offered some kiss work. Like clockwork. Vinnie was a struggling session musician that had basically made no money in his twenties and then kiss came along. Come on!!! He got paid shit loads of money for a very difficult guy he is and kiss are not the people who pay his royalties. Lies about representing himself too he is just imagining in his head that mark Nolan was basically just a figure head

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 8:34 pm
by doublev2
When the new live show gets cancelled it will be that dumbass assistants fault. Just you wait.

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 11:39 am
by diamondave22
Wow, just wow! :shock:
My BS detector broke somewhere between "I've got recordings of every single show from COTH & LIU we ever played" and
"I've got 3 albums written in the can and ready to record". Also, what's up with the profane tirades and repeatedly screaming "GROW UP!"?
I think VV is channeling his inner Spyder!

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 12:10 pm
by poserboy71
diamondave22 wrote: Mon Apr 22, 2019 11:39 am Wow, just wow! :shock:
My BS detector broke somewhere between "I've got recordings of every single show from COTH & LIU we ever played" and
"I've got 3 albums written in the can and ready to record". Also, what's up with the profane tirades and repeatedly screaming "GROW UP!"?
I think VV is channeling his inner Spyder!
I believe him in regards to all of those recordings.
Where do you think a lot of Vinnie rarities on Youtube have been leaked from ? I would venture to say from Vinnie's tapes.

I hope he didn't mean to lump in people who make fun of him online with folks who not only paid to see him twice but because of those cancellations still lost money each time. Of course people were bummed about losing cash and not seeing Vinnie play.
I'll give Vinnie the benefit. Although he said it was Derek's doing,Vinnie had Derek driving the car. Derek hit a lot of us in Vinnie's car.
Responsibilities are somewhat shared in that case.
Not many of us can keep affording $300 tickets and losing our cash to non-refundable expenses that go with traveling.
Vinnie didn't really acknowledge the disappointed fans who lost money.
I hope he says something soon.
He has 8 more months to make good with those fans who believed in him enough to buy the boxset.
Vinnie said last year that it will happen in 2019.
I will take his word.

Some people are assholes who have nothing better to do than take cheap shots.
Other people are authentic fans that laid down big cash to seemingly receive a "fuck you" for basically venting and saying that given the recent history, future events don't look promising.

I would love to see Vinnie's car have a video camera installed in it in order to extend personal updates straight from his moving mouth and fingers.
It's about time to utilize the internet in a proper way.
Those other managers didn't deliver. Now Vinnie can do it !
It would have been beneficial to everyone to have updates from Vinnie throughout these clusterfucks.

I know I won't ever see my cash again. I got fucked.
Lesson learned.
Derek will experience karma.
I hope I see it.

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 12:50 pm
by Slayer
"It is always someone else's fault" but there is only one common denominator

Mitch was never a Vinnie Fan so I wonder why he got this interview? I like Mitch but he was never a fan of Vinnie's and always stated that Vinnie never saved KISS

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 5:24 pm
by doublev2
Yeah to all this.

He did an interview very similar after vvi broke up where he mentioned he is driving the car now.

I have not got to second half but I found this very arrogant and ungrateful and full of hype and total narcissistic bullshit.

Vinnie doesn't have the control he would love to have to decide who are fans or who are not . A lot of us spent years as kids in the 80s listening to vv music.

He doesn't have 3 albums in the can as he said. He can not even get the one album he did write out from 1989/1990.
I also have very little interest in these projects with a drum machine. Obviously would love to be proven wrong.

As for him representing himself against kiss is narcissistic bullshit where he believes he did everything and the other guy was just admin at best.

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 2:34 am
by beano
And this thread was beginning to be such a good read until I got to the childish spew in the middle. Sad.

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 6:49 am
by VikingVVFan
Of course Vinnie will show up!
Sure he will play!


Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 2:45 pm
by Slayer
shramiac wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2019 7:54 pm Bald tacos are my favourite. :twisted: :P
Tuna Tacos?
Snapper Tacos?

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 5:01 pm
by Cernex
diamondave22 wrote: Mon Apr 22, 2019 11:39 am Wow, just wow! :shock:
My BS detector broke somewhere between "I've got recordings of every single show from COTH & LIU we ever played" and
"I've got 3 albums written in the can and ready to record". Also, what's up with the profane tirades and repeatedly screaming "GROW UP!"?
I think VV is channeling his inner Spyder!
You do know there are a ton of bootlegs and unreleased VV material that you could easily fill 3 albums with if re-recorded, right?

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 3:39 am
by aeroflott
I like Vinnie's history, I guess it's why I'm here. His is an amazing story. I'm also an admirer of Lafon's work over the years.

But by Christ this interview. It was the spoken word version of Speedball Jam. No direction. No hard hitting questions. No substance. No structure. Just VV rambing on and on about not very much. I learned nothing new. Interviewing someone is not "letting them talk", you've got to hold your subject to account, and steer them along a series of questions and come to a conclusion. I don't think any of that happened.

The Boxset issue should have been resolved by now. Remember it was one of the first things we saw in the promo video for Atlana over a year ago. Instead of focusing on a live show, why not get that out the door to the loyal fans still waiting. Then sell more copies to other fans who had the foresight not to pre-order it. Fans happy + Income. I don't understand why the situation is so difficult to resolve.

12 months ago, I was hoping for a Tiger Woods-esque return to glory by now. But I just can't see where this is going. A few appearances at conventions/expos plus several PR disasters. Still no boxset.

I wonder how many people in the here and now are following VV's return, not for new music, but for the circus that follows him everywhere. I sincerely wish VV well - he's an amazing talent, and seems like a free-spirited decent human being with a hell of a history, but some of the decisions made and PR outreach is pretty appalling. Despite being a golden opportunity, this interview doesn't help with any of that - it's just more white noise.

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 6:36 am
by Genebaby
Good post.

I don't feel this interview has helped Vinnie in any way.

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 10:36 am
by metatron
Slayer wrote: Mon Apr 22, 2019 12:50 pm "It is always someone else's fault" but there is only one common denominator

Mitch was never a Vinnie Fan so I wonder why he got this interview? I like Mitch but he was never a fan of Vinnie's and always stated that Vinnie never saved KISS
The almighty Hilary Von Vincent is off the rails.
Totally nuts.
So, not his fault, eh?
Someone else's?
Do I hear to boy crying again?
What is that? - 'Wolf, Wolf, Wolf, I see Wolf'
Fuckit, I'm rooting for the Wolf. Eat that mutherfucker and put him out of his God forsaken misery .
Never the boys fault. Always the Wolf's.
Boxset - all systems failed. Fans ripped off
Tom's AZG/Pear getting ripped off.
Chris's Podcast. Another epic fuckup
Two failed to launch gigs and Fans ripped off.
Snowballing jam (swallow prick, don't spit) - Wank, Wank, Wank material.
VV truly is a side show circus joke.
Welcum to the the fuckwit circus!

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 12:43 pm
by Slayer

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 3:54 am
by SimonBFrostSr
Nashville here I come... Please don't cancel Vinnie because I'm giving up going back home to CT. the same week we do every summer to see my wife's family and I'm coming to see you!... and if you should cancel... I'll still have fun in Nashville getting lost on purpose...

Bring some guitars you have that are on your web site... I'll be bringing 2 palladium maple leafs with me and I'll cash them in at the coin shop broker in Nashville (I've already made private arrangements with one and spot index price will be more than enough to buy 1 in june) and I'll purchase one at the meet and greet the next day... hand to hand deal only...

Till later.

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 5:32 am
by QSano
I thought the interview was great in that it covered some of the time Vinnie spent with Dan Hartman, Laura Nyro and the like. It would have been cool to see him comment on GE Smith as well.

I don't know a lot about Mitch, but I would have liked to hear Mark Chiccini do the interview. Mike and fruity grandma Tommy have a pretty good podcast but glorifying someone like Guitar Center drum salesman Hirsh Gardner (am I the only one who thinks the drumming he did sucks?) and putting down VV for so many years didn't deserve to do the other QA.

I hope VV keeps talking and does more playing/recording. I think he can still play and I would bet he probably hasn't shredded in a while and is probably in the process of getting his chops back.

Does anyone have any photos of the Grover Jackson VVVs that were being made for Graceland?

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 6:33 am
by Genebaby
We're not sure what stage the guitars got to before it all fell apart.

The interview is like other things he's done lately, good and bad, but the bad shouldn't be there to tarnish things.

Like when he was so nice during his initial comeback but so shitty about Mark and Bobby. That was not needed at all. But I guess that's how things are.

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 6:47 am
by doublev2
Grover's assistant knew nothing of a vv guitar. I don't think the Grover guitar ever got past a discussion at best. Why would that productions stop just because a change of concert date. It was booted for the re scheduled date .. why? Most likely because it was never confirmed with Grover or may have never even been discussed. Or Grover decided to forget about working with vv again. He has discussed vv being very difficult to work with business wise in the past.

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 6:49 am
by doublev2
Vv definitely making more money out of those cheap rr v's that crack adicts seem to be buying.

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 7:28 am
by poserboy71
I enjoyed aspects of the interview where you could hear the smile in Vinnie's reminiscences of his happier times.
In that respect, Mitch's style works.
I do believe that Mitch having some topics announced ahead of time would really wet the appetite of listeners more.
Vinnie has said that he wants to basically cut the bullshit and hype of yesteryear. That would lead to incredibly informative interviews if the interviewer had the balls to go deep.

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 12:51 pm
by metatron
SimonBFrostSr wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2019 3:54 am Nashville here I come... Please don't cancel Vinnie because I'm giving up going back home to CT. the same week we do every summer to see my wife's family and I'm coming to see you!... and if you should cancel... I'll still have fun in Nashville getting lost on purpose...

Bring some guitars you have that are on your web site... I'll be bringing 2 palladium maple leafs with me and I'll cash them in at the coin shop broker in Nashville (I've already made private arrangements with one and spot index price will be more than enough to buy 1 in june) and I'll purchase one at the meet and greet the next day... hand to hand deal only...

Till later.
I'd keep the 2 palladium maple leafs. You know they are real. They are solid.
I wouldn't bank on VV
Like dealing with a cut snake on acid.
Look at what are are willing to do. People willing to give up their investments for a flash in the pan, could-be, cancelled on the 12th hour situation. And to basically see a deconstructed Vegemite on toast - gig. No structured songs, no format, just shred sloppy seconds.
Dude, go any guitar shop, throw any half assed guitar dude a tenner and you'll get the same shit. - Self centered, self indulgent wankfest. Don't forget what separated VV from most guitarist, that he could play songs. He could shred and play songs. Shredding alone is like having a great picture frame on a shit painting. In the case of Speedball Jam no painting, just a frame. Speedball, Snowball, cumstain jam was a piece of tosser crap.
Screw that. Keep your palladium maple leaf coin.
VV is a bad investment.

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 3:57 pm
by SimonBFrostSr
That is a bad ass it!

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 10:18 pm
by doublev2
What people don't realise is vv doesn't want to do anything. He wants the excitement and hype he gets from a big announcement but he doesn't want to do it and when it's nearer the time he realises he can not deliver. I really really doubt he will do the live show jamm or if be does it will be him without other players as he is not going to want to rehearse.

The three albums, the box set, the re recording asg with Robert, the two cancelled shows, the Grover guitar, the t shirts that barely got sent out. The demos etc. Its all probably legit when he announces them but when the time draws near he bails as he hasn't thought it through or didn't get his act together

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 10:20 pm
by doublev2
I would have thought also when vv did that cruise gig with frehleys comet he would have expected Paul and gene to say hi or had him come on ship as a guest but because they didn't it will have hit vv hard that he has no future with them and then most likely booted a whole bunch of people

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 2:58 am
by SimonBFrostSr
To better explain my reasoning behind wanting to cash in on a few maple leafs is quite simple... hoax, scam or real deal that VV will play Nashville in June is not the only reason why nor even for just to get a guitar... both would be nice to have happen but going to the state of Tennessee will fill in a spot that I need to fill so I can have 1/3 of the country visited....

My rough drafts of wanting to add things to VV'S Wikipedia page is now near complete... I can't wait to publish the things I'm going to publish inside his personal life section on the page... Honeyshitz and clan, you all can take credit for what I am about to publish... for it would had been far much different than what I was going to do for VV until I have had he great pleasure of being inspired by you all...


Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 4:48 pm
by doublev2
Sorry but this is crazy shit. Get your own career going rather than fucking with people's Wikipedia
SimonBFrostSr wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2019 2:58 am To better explain my reasoning behind wanting to cash in on a few maple leafs is quite simple... hoax, scam or real deal that VV will play Nashville in June is not the only reason why nor even for just to get a guitar... both would be nice to have happen but going to the state of Tennessee will fill in a spot that I need to fill so I can have 1/3 of the country visited....

My rough drafts of wanting to add things to VV'S Wikipedia page is now near complete... I can't wait to publish the things I'm going to publish inside his personal life section on the page... Honeyshitz and clan, you all can take credit for what I am about to publish... for it would had been far much different than what I was going to do for VV until I have had he great pleasure of being inspired by you all...


Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 6:35 pm
by SimonBFrostSr
The page has never been verified... for all we know it could be a fake profile...

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Fri May 10, 2019 11:00 am
by ZachAttack
Jesus Christ reading through some of these comments is like being in a mental asylum and listening to the inmates incoherently ramble on about nothing.

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 7:33 pm
by Lars5150
How do i delete my account here?
Can someone help or do it for me plz!

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 8:03 pm
by Genebaby
Lars5150 wrote: Sun May 12, 2019 7:33 pm How do i delete my account here?
Can someone help or do it for me plz!
Just log out and move on if that is your desire.

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Tue May 14, 2019 2:26 am
by poserboy71
Lars5150 wrote: Sun May 12, 2019 7:33 pm How do i delete my account here?
Can someone help or do it for me plz!
Simple. Just don't come back or you can just hit the ignore/block button towards those members whose posts you don't care to see.

Re: Vinnie on Mitch Lafon soon

Posted: Wed May 15, 2019 1:30 am
by Lars5150
Thanks for your help guys..much appreciated!