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vinnie vincent clown and liars

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 3:04 am
by amedeimarco
do you know the last one? vinnie has already left the new singer I don't understand how we still manage to stay close to this clown

Re: vinnie vincent clown and liars

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 4:22 am
by Genebaby
Yes, it's hard to believe that Vinnie just loves to shoot himself in both feet at once these days.

He's a laughing stock all over the world.

Re: vinnie vincent clown and liars

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 6:39 pm
by aeroflott
Oh Jesus.

Love the PR line: "Any affirmative wording regarding a vocalist is misconstrued".

Re: vinnie vincent clown and liars

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 4:44 am
by VikingVVFan
"Regarding the VVI situation:
As a lifetime KISS fan, I was very humbled and honored to be asked to join forces with Vinnie Vincent. Not only to sing with him at his album listening party last weekend in Nashville but I was also asked by Vinnie to become his new lead singer a few weeks ago after hearing my vocals on a number of his songs along with samples of some of my other performances.
While getting to know Vinnie, I learned we shared a love of the old blues artists and we were totally on the same page with musical direction and plans moving forward. We are both from the same ''old-school" type attitude which really excited him about us working together even more. Vinnie was very nice every time we spoke on the phone. He loved my vocals as he felt they were reminiscent of Fleischman’s voice but he also wanted me to “make them my own” but still keeping the integrity of the original vocal.
There were a lot of plans Vinnie discussed with me including playing live shows, going into the studio and re-recording the "All Systems Go" album for him, as well as collaborating on new material he supposedly had ready. Vinnie introduced me as his new singer and announced all these plans to the fans attending the listening party in Nashville on May 20th.
Vinnie took me into the studio before the album listening began to help him "tweak" the sound and get it ready sound wise for the fans to hear, asking for my opinion on all aspects of the sound and making me feel a big part of his album listening process.
Vinnie and his organization were all very nice to myself and my wife both nights at the event. It was a lovely family type vibe and I enjoyed hanging with the fans and meeting all the incredible musicians also at the event.
We had a cool jam for the fans performing a few of Vinnie's favorite songs. Vinnie had a huge smile throughout the jam and he especially enjoyed playing our "Page/Plant like" back and forth call and answer breakdown during one of the songs.I was also honored that we had Leo Roritz (Sleeper Signal) and Ben Hans (Trixter) sitting in with us for the jam. What a great experience.
The fans got to see something very special and to my knowledge, hasn't happened in well over 30 years, Vinnie playing live with full band and a new singer. As a fan, I was right there with them enjoying every minute.
I really wanted to support Vinnie as a fan and as a friend to help get him back out into the music scene in a “positive” way and felt I could be a good influence. I told him repeatedly over the last month or so, that if we can start working on his plans with some forward motion and see the plans through, that it would help in silencing all the nay - sayer's and a lot of the negativity surrounding him.
Vinnie and I were in contact with each other about plans for me to come out and start re-recording ASG as recently as last week, a day after he released to the press about me being his new singer. The outpouring of love and support online from fans and all my FB friends was nothing short of humbling to me after the announcement. Vinnie even commented that the press and word of mouth from the event and announcement was exactly how he hoped it would be…..
Then... silence…..
The next thing I know I received a message from a friend stating Vinnie had released a new statement that he had not named a new singer and that the prior message about me being his new vocalist was misconstrued.
I was never contacted by Vinnie or anyone in his camp advising that anything was wrong nor was I ever informed I was no longer the singer for Vinnie. This came totally out of the blue and I'm still scratching my head as to what exactly happened.
I didn't go into any of this blindly or without knowledge of the history surrounding this artist but I honestly didn't think this would have happened at this juncture of the journey.
I didn't expect that positive responses and congratulations from my fans and friends would trigger such a negative response from him but it's the only thing I could think of that would have changed so quickly after the announcement.
This, coupled with my unwillingness to drop everything I have going on in my music to "wait" and see what happens with him
I will continue to wish Vinnie all the best going forward and continue praying for him just as I have from the very beginning and thru-out this whole process. I hope my fans and his will do the same.🙏
I wish nothing but the best for him .🙏🤟
In the end, I look at it as a extraordinary opportunity that Im very grateful to have experienced..
That said...There's no time to sit still, Im looking forward to our newest album coming out from
No Love Lost, "Last Call" August, 2023
As well as more shows with Bad Romeo
I sincerely thank all of you that gave your well wishes for me on this, and I really do love and appreciate you guys!❤️❤️🤟🙏
We March On...🤟

Re: vinnie vincent clown and liars

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:07 am
by doublev2
I posted this elsewhere but here is vinnie and singer Scott Board in the 90s. Not sure if they were about to do something together back then or not


Re: vinnie vincent clown and liars

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 11:07 pm
by pullitt
And there I was hoping it's a rare song of his. Clown and liars.

Re: vinnie vincent clown and liars

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 7:31 am
by Genebaby
Sadly, no. It's his lifestyle choice instead.

Re: vinnie vincent clown and liars

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 1:43 am
by Luxor
amedeimarco wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 3:04 am do you know the last one? vinnie has already left the new singer I don't understand how we still manage to stay close to this clown
Vinnie singer - Copy.png
Tail of a hurricane"
I spoke to Scott's wife today, Mare. They are actually laughing about it, cause they kinda knew it was gonna happen. They were warned they were stepping into dangerous territory. She said he/she has no idea in business, but is suffering terrible mental illness which makes him/her do irrational decisions. You don't know how he/she will be any day of the week. It's Vinnie only when there's promotion events or public events. Off stage, he's living life as a woman away from the stage. It would have a huge impact on one's life I gotta admit.

I'm shocked that Vinnie would have gotten rid of the singer who is talking like that about him. I'd want a singer (and his wife) around that is saying all kinds of trash about me. Maybe others wouldn't mind him spreading that kind of stuff about them.

Re: vinnie vincent clown and liars

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 5:30 am
by aeroflott
Luxor wrote: Sun Jun 25, 2023 1:43 am I'm shocked that Vinnie would have gotten rid of the singer who is talking like that about him. I'd want a singer (and his wife) around that is saying all kinds of trash about me. Maybe others wouldn't mind him spreading that kind of stuff about them.
You're making that statement after shifting the timeline around.

Wouldn't you be somewhat aggrieved having a musician publicly announce you as his new singer, then moments later have that retracted?
I was never contacted by Vinnie or anyone in his camp advising that anything was wrong nor was I ever informed I was no longer the singer for Vinnie. This came totally out of the blue and I'm still scratching my head as to what exactly happened.
Instead of ignoring the elephant in the room (like you always do on this forum), how about you comment on what Vinnie actually did here?

This is another example of someone entering the VV inner circle, getting used, chewed up, and unceremoniously spat out again. There are endless examples of this.

Re: vinnie vincent clown and liars

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 6:52 am
by Luxor
aeroflott wrote: Mon Jun 26, 2023 5:30 am
Luxor wrote: Sun Jun 25, 2023 1:43 am I'm shocked that Vinnie would have gotten rid of the singer who is talking like that about him. I'd want a singer (and his wife) around that is saying all kinds of trash about me. Maybe others wouldn't mind him spreading that kind of stuff about them.
You're making that statement after shifting the timeline around.

Wouldn't you be somewhat aggrieved having a musician publicly announce you as his new singer, then moments later have that retracted?

Yes, I would be aggrieved, but I (and I hope my wife) wouldn't be saying a bunch of stuff like that. I might say it to close friends/ family members who wouldn't be sharing it with people. But I certainly wouldn't be so reckless as that.

When people are that reckless in what they say, they usually have been saying lots of stuff prior to that. Vinnie is big on NDA's isn't he? One has to wonder what this guy was saying to people around the event and other things. He may not have said the horrible things he did after he was canned. Or he may have. Or he or his wife could have shared other insider stuff.

Him doing that would certainly fit the timeline and make alot of sense about how things went down the way they did.

There was no reason at all for them to say Vinnie was living as a woman and Vinnie is crazy. They could have easily said it sucked how it went down. But he was glad for the opportunity.

That's just a guess but it would certainly make sense with their reckless talk after the fact.

Re: vinnie vincent clown and liars

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 7:52 am
by Genebaby
When things like this happen time and time and time again, guess what. It's not all the other people, it's Vinnie.

Re: vinnie vincent clown and liars

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 10:38 am
by shramiac
Luxor wrote: Mon Jun 26, 2023 6:52 am
He may not have said the horrible things he did after he was canned. Or he may have. Or he or his wife could have shared other insider stuff.


There was no reason at all for them to say Vinnie was living as a woman and Vinnie is crazy.

They did? When did that happen?

They could have easily said it sucked how it went down. But he was glad for the opportunity.

Ummm...that is EXACTLY what Scott did!

That's just a guess but it would certainly make sense with their reckless talk after the fact.

Scott's comment on his firing was 100% on point. Have other things been said that no one has seen? Can we see them?

Re: vinnie vincent clown and liars

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 3:33 pm
by birnie
Luxor wrote: Sun Jun 25, 2023 1:43 am
amedeimarco wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 3:04 am do you know the last one? vinnie has already left the new singer I don't understand how we still manage to stay close to this clown
Vinnie singer - Copy.png

Tail of a hurricane"
I spoke to Scott's wife today, Mare. They are actually laughing about it, cause they kinda knew it was gonna happen. They were warned they were stepping into dangerous territory. She said he/she has no idea in business, but is suffering terrible mental illness which makes him/her do irrational decisions. You don't know how he/she will be any day of the week. It's Vinnie only when there's promotion events or public events. Off stage, he's living life as a woman away from the stage. It would have a huge impact on one's life I gotta admit.

I'm shocked that Vinnie would have gotten rid of the singer who is talking like that about him. I'd want a singer (and his wife) around that is saying all kinds of trash about me. Maybe others wouldn't mind him spreading that kind of stuff about them.
Just an amazing response this one.
VV can do no wrong in your eyes....

Scott's over it and moved on....good for him. Probably doing good things with other musicians by now.
Old news for the rest of, i think we've all moved on..I'd pretty much forgotten about it (although it was pretty crazy at the time)

Re: vinnie vincent clown and liars

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 6:34 pm
by aeroflott
Luxor wrote: Mon Jun 26, 2023 6:52 am
They usually have been saying lots of stuff prior to that.

One has to wonder what this guy was saying to people around the event and other things.

He may not have said the horrible things he did after he was canned.

Or he may have.

Or he or his wife could have shared other insider stuff.

Him doing that would certainly fit the timeline and make alot of sense about how things went down the way they did.
"May have, could have, might have"

Re: vinnie vincent clown and liars

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 9:24 pm
by birnie
Down here we say "could have, should have, would have"...

Same same but different 😁