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Shoot you full of love Robert and Mark

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 3:00 am
by doublev2
Side by side comparison

Re: Shoot you full of love Robert and Mark

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 4:11 am
by doublev2
Vinnie Vincent and Robert both sold next to nothing after vvi and Mark sold more than creatures , lick it up and both vvi albums combined. Goes to show commercially who was the best . However i do agree robert easily the better singer technically

Re: Shoot you full of love Robert and Mark

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 8:37 am
by Genebaby
The first album, it's Robert all the way. The second album, it's Mark all the way. Slaughter was successful, probably because the band was more of a band and they didnt have Vinnie's weirdness holding them back. The songs were definitely not as good as ASG but they did the job!

Re: Shoot you full of love Robert and Mark

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 2:24 pm
by metatron
It's very hard to compare as the two albums are very different.
First VVI is very 'programmed' as in it is almost at times robotic, like when you listen to Hi.N.R.G Dance music. It's not that it is bad, it is what it is. It's lacks organic space. It's like you feel that the whole album ihas been quantize to the nth degree of it's life. So making a comparison is hard cause it's not Roberts fault, that the first album comes across more harsh. I mean look at the cover, the photos, the mix, the '2 B played maximum volume' slogan. It's is meant to make a certain statement. Maybe even a big fuck you frov VV, 'I can do want I want thing' to Gene and Paul. Second album, ASG is way more organic. Better structure, Better production. Flows more. And in my opinion, Mark Slaughter, (yes I said his name lol) does a stellar job. Dana's production and playing is outstanding and what can you say about Bobby Rock. Power house laser guided drumming. (Just on that aspect VV should have counted himself luck...if you like or don't like the Slaughter albums, just listen to the production. Even if it is too slick for you liking, you can hear the pop sensibility that was behind it. & again, if you like it or the not, it was all about moving stock 'selling albums' and a lot of that had to do with the female consumer (no, no, not 'they' 'them' know - females with born & breed 'vaginas' buying records, plastering their bedrooms with posters of Mark Slaughter in his lip tights 'wearing no underwear', Boby rock in Playgirl, etc. etc ) Sadly ASG did not make VVI a household name but it paved a way for the even more commercial bands like the Nelsons and Slaughter. And just to put things in context, like people think Nirvana killed metal, - is it that one band like Nirvana is so so powerful that it can kill off a whole music scene or was it the evolution that occurs just cause trends change, audiences get older. kids are born everyday second of the day and they grow up to birth their own scenes. If like most of you, I miss thta early 80's to early 90's hard rock scene, but life goes on.

Re: Shoot you full of love Robert and Mark

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 7:55 pm
by metatron
many a teen had this up in her/his? room in the 80's lol

Re: Shoot you full of love Robert and Mark

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 9:33 am
by doublev2
Mark would have been the only person who actually could have saved vinnie as painful as that would be to vinnies ego.
Let bygones be bygones Is the way someone as old as vinnie should be . It's so sad