Is Vinnie relevant today?

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Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by Genebaby »

Have a look at what Nuno has acheived this year, along with being active on tours with Extreme and others for many years prior.
Now look at what Vinnie has acheived. Forget the years in the wilderness, the bad times as he said back in 2018. Just look at since the 2018 "comeback".

Sweet FA.

Only further embarrassment and damage to his already tarnished career.

What has been the point?

All that hope we had back in 2018. The still hope after the first failed concert event, then the others, culminating in the embarrassment that was Creatures Fest and the latest issues singer wise. Vinnie's "amazing" playing at CF didn't get no magazine covers. I wonder why?......

Other 80's guitarists are killing it out there, ours is killing his career, with help from those around him. Well done guys, you would have really been a help to Elvis too. "More deep fried Mars Bars? They're on the way"
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by Luxor »

Probably more relevant now than in a long while. Especially since KISS had to release the deluxe Vinnie album that helped save them.

Can you imagine how much pride Gene and Paul swallowed to release the deluxe COTN box set with pictures of Vinnie and his live playing all over it? It is a shame they didn't include far more Vinnie material because he submitted alot of stuff I was told.

If they were smart, the next deluxe edition would be "Lick It Up".

Vinnie doesn't have a publicist and isn't out there doing interviews. If he would, he would get plenty more attention.

Extreme also released a new album so guess why Nuno is getting some attention. Although, the stuff I have heard from it, they should have never released it. Its really pretty bad.

Don't forget KISS is still using Vinnie songs in concert on the farewell tour. Heck, even Bruce at his NYE party played numerous Vinnie songs for the guests. I don't think he played anything that he co-wrote while in the band.

Creautres 0001 - Copy.png
Creautres 0001 - Copy.png (569.42 KiB) Viewed 8905 times

But even without Vinnie having a new album to hawk or a publicist lining him up press, what did Guitar World recently write about Vinnie?!
This story came out this month!

I guess it depends on if one is happy and a fan or if one seems to be unhappy and tries to find things to bash constantly. I'm a positive person and I don't dwell on the negative. Life is too short for that. ... sive-solos
Vinnie Vincent's 10 most explosive solos
Andrew Daly
9–12 minutes

Vinnie Vincent performs with Kiss at the Wembley Arena in London on October 23, 1983
(Image credit: Solomon N’Jie/Getty Images)

For shredheads, or those predisposed to bouts of gratuitous guitar-related madness, the buck stops at Vinnie Vincent.

And why shouldn't it? Sure, the man's solos can be thought of as excessive. But then again – he was a product of the times… or his own madness. Regardless, it doesn't matter if you're a fan of his work. That is to say – you don't need to dig his licks to take in the splendor.

Still, though Vincent remains misunderstood, it's not hard to see why, given that he's all but disappeared from the public eye over the past 35 years, only coming up for air for few-and-far-between fan events and personal meet-and-greets.

Making matters worse, Vincent's time in Kiss, while fruitful, has dogged him since he exited the band in 1984. In the years since, Kiss holdovers Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley have not exactly sung Vincent's praises, despite his seemingly essential contributions to their now sturdy, but once-faltering, legacy.

While it's up for general debate if Vincent 'saved Kiss', the man could shred in ways few could. What's more, with a Jackson V in hand, Vincent ventured to places most of his contemporaries wouldn't dare. Sadly, though, the guitarist's intrepid nature had a price, and in the years since, he's paid it.

Word on the street, however, is that Vincent has picked himself up off the deck and is fixing to rebuild his long-tortured persona. He's not rebranding, mind you – bouts of lunacy via six-string can be still heard on his onstage appearance at 2022's Creatures Fest and, reportedly, the 'reminiscent of his debut' form of his long-in-the-works incoming record, Judgement Day.

Though Vincent seems to be using a Carvin V these days, the image of the enigmatic rocker preening and prancing across stages worldwide with a technicolor Jackson V in hand will forever be burned in our brains. Love him or hate him, few names in the hard-rock guitar canon carry the retrospective weight and wonder of Vinnie Vincent. What's more, few crafted as many memorable solos in such a short period of time.

To that end, Guitar World has returned to the '80s to recollect 10 of Vincent's wildest, and most explosive, solos.
10. Kiss – Killer (1982)

Vincent showed his worthiness as an incoming lord of shred – albeit in a slightly restrained fashion – throughout Kiss's 1982 LP, Creatures of the Night.

Though many of the solos from that slow-burning LP are memorable, none possess as much of Vincent's trademark grandeur and flash as the lead break that highlights the album's penultimate track, Killer. Featuring Vincent's guttural tone, fast fretwork, and a few monster swells for good measure, Vincent's Killer solo was a harbinger of what was to come.
9. Kiss – Young and Wasted (1983)

As a newcomer during the Creatures of the Night sessions, Vincent perhaps held back, if only a little. But once the sessions for 1983's Lick it Up were underway, it was clear that Vincent felt nice and cozy within Kiss's ranks. Or, perhaps, his confidence overrode his bandmates' chagrin.

Regardless, there is simply no denying that Lick it Up – which found the hard-rock titans publicly without makeup for the first time – has Vincent's imprint all over it. The second to last track from the LP's first side, Young and Wasted, features a particularly tasty bit of early hair metal lead guitar goodness from him.
8. Vinnie Vincent Invasion – Back on the Streets (1986)

Lord Vinnie might have gotten his start with a down-on-their-luck Kiss, but it wasn't long before he broke ranks, taking his talents on the road to self-exploration. The first of his admittedly short catalog of solo exploits was his 1986 affair, Vinnie Vincent Invasion. And if you thought Vincent's licks with Kiss were wild, oh boy, you're in for a treat – or a shock.

Vincent's first foray into solo shreddery was a success, to be sure. What's most memorable, though, is the over-the-top nature of the album. There's no better example of this grandiosity than the steeped-in-the-'80s cut Back on the Streets, which harbors one of Vincent's most hair-brained yet breathtaking displays of six-string madness.
7. Vinnie Vincent Invasion – Breakout (1988)

One of the best parts of Vinnie Vincent's guitar style was its unique quality. Sure, you could say that Vincent was 'just another shredder'. To be fair, you wouldn't be wrong, per se. Then again, though, there's no denying that to this day – when you hear the man play – for better or worse, you sure as hell know it's him.

That said, when you take a step back to casually observe the devil-may-care soundscapes that Vincent created on songs like Breakout – from the 1988 Vinnie Vincent Invasion album All Systems Go – perhaps you should take in the splendor with renewed focus and a slightly different mindset. Or you can take it at face value: a sublime yet utterly ballistic product of its time.
6. Kiss – A Million to One (1983)

The word 'tasteful' is rarely used when we reflect on Vinnie Vincent and his playing. Nevertheless, here we are, calling the Ankh Warrior's solo from A Million to One – from Kiss's 1983 Lick it Up album – just that.

Don't get us wrong, there are plenty of Vincent's signature touches here – weighty riffs and a solo that spits its fair share of noxious venom. Still, though, there's what one might call a gentler (yet still erratic) approach here than can be found on any of Vincent's other Kiss solos.
5. Vinnie Vincent Invasion – Boyz Are Gonna Rock (1986)

Fans of Vincent's '80s exploits will recall the utterly ridiculous yet endearingly fun music video for 1986's Boyz Are Gonna Rock. The song's most ear-catching element, however, is the shred-tastic solo Vincent unfurrows smack dab in the middle of the festivities.

Few conjured demons from hell with a frost-white Jackson V in hand as Vincent did, and make no mistake, he's in fine form here. The display of outright bombast, coupled with second-to-none precision, make the Boyz Are Gonna Rock solo one of Vincent's most memorable.
4. Vinnie Vincent Invasion – Animal (1986)

In general, Vincent showed blatant disregard for restraint, subtlety, or any form of respect for the wellbeing of his listener's hearing. Instead, Vincent dimed his Marshalls within an inch of their capacity, pushing gobs of air forth as he provided sweeping swells of turbulence through his six-string theatrics.

Sounds pretty cool, right? Well, it was… as evidenced by the sinful bit of brutality that serves as Vincent's solo on the 1986 Vinnie Vincent Invasion track, Animal. Listener beware: this one is not for the faint of heart. Nor is it for those who treasure quiet moments spent in careful reflection.
3. Vinnie Vincent Invasion – Ashes to Ashes (1988)

Yet another example of Vincent's pursuit of greatness through the use of a neon pink V, 1988's Ashes to Ashes is easily one of Vincent's most high-flying solos. Though Vincent's musings often led to seemingly aimless meanderings, if you're able to set aside a wee bit of on-brand '80s narcissism, there are still bits of melody and musicality to be harvested… if you're willing to throw your hardhat on and go mining for it, that is.

Musical turgidity aside, Vincent's Ashes to Ashes solo is a true snapshot of '80s virtuosity. All Systems Go, indeed.
2. Kiss – Fits Like a Glove (1983)

When one looks back on Kiss, the word 'demonic' is usually associated with the band's mouthy bassist, Gene Simmons, rather than in association with their guitar-related exploits. However, Vincent's tone on what has become known as one of Kiss's finest '80s cuts, Fits Like a Glove, can really only be described as 'demonic'.

Vincent's rage-filled riffage is all killer, no filler, and the solo he lays down is inspiring, with spiffy technique. It's a prime example of what the guitarist was capable of when he took his gift for songwriting and applied it directly to his soloing. Without a doubt, Fits Like a Glove features the best solo Vincent recorded while with Kiss. But it's not his best solo in general…
1. Vinnie Vincent Invasion – Heavy Pettin' (1988)

We can think about what might have been had Vincent chosen the safe route. We can also hypothesize the reasons as to why he didn't. But ultimately, would you want hear Vinnie Vincent's playing take on any other form than general hysteria? We think not.

With that in mind, we point you to the blinding solo Vincent lays down on Heavy Pettin'. Plucked from the 1988 Vinnie Vincent Invasion record, All Systems Go, it's off the rails, in the best way possible.

Vincent wields his Jackson V like a weapon of unholy destruction, bludgeoning listeners over their heads with far-out distends of feedback-laden noise. There's no denying that Vincent's style had ballooned to wild heights by this point, with nowhere to go but down. Perhaps that's why the snakebitten anti-hero has hardly been heard from in the 35 years since.
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by Safari4ad »

Thanks for the great article!! I think that if Vinnie finally puts out Judgement Day, he would get a shitload of attention. I mean, imagine the headlines: "Elusive Guitar Master Emerges after 35 Years of Silence", "Blistering New Album From the Guitar Player That Saved KISS", "Vinnie Vincent Let's the Guitar Do the Talking". Come on, Vinnie!! Release the album already! It has the potential to be huge!*

*Huge in a realistic, Nuno Bettencourt sort of way, not necessarily going toe to toe with Miley or Taylor in the charts. Gotta keep those expectations in check, lol. But in the circles of "people who love Guitar Rock", I truly think he could get a lot of attention. (Please Vinnie, put the damn album out!! You still have a lot of fans around the world who still believe you can deliver the goods!!)
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by birnie »

Nuno is everywhere at the moment, and I'm certainly not complaining
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by Genebaby »

Actually, that article helps prove my point. That's all about Vinnie's PAST. That's all he has, that's all we have as fans.

If he ever did release Judgement Day then that will be more of the same.

"Judgement Day, Vinnie's 1991 album released over 30 years later, shows he still had talent and chops back in the day. Today those chops seem long gone, much like his career"......

Extreme II is an amazing album all over. Worth the price of admission just for Decadance Dance. Extreme relased more albums (Love Extreme III as well), broke up, played a lot of gigs and have released another album that has garnered attention.

These are the opposite behaviours to what our Vincent Cusano has done. This makes Nuno, and he's just one example, there is a shit load of 80's players out there playing, wether or not they have released anything new.

Vinnie could be playing to appreciative audiences with his back catalog, album and non-album songs included.

Instead it's sad little private parties and teasing that he is going to release something, it's ready to listen to but not yet finished, soon....

He's about as relevant as itching powder in your wetsuit.
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by shramiac »

I'm not a huge Extreme fan but have all their albums. Nuno slays the solos on this album. Tone is sweet as too!
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by ankh »

Funny how, in both Nuno and Vinnie' s case, nobody mentioned their excellent rythm playng...
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by Genebaby »

I think in Nuno's case it has been mentioned, Decadance Dance is so good there are solos in the rythm parts.
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by drmoorejr »

Luxor wrote: Sun Jun 25, 2023 1:19 am Probably more relevant now than in a long while. Especially since KISS had to release the deluxe Vinnie album that helped save them.

Can you imagine how much pride Gene and Paul swallowed to release the deluxe COTN box set with pictures of Vinnie and his live playing all over it? It is a shame they didn't include far more Vinnie material because he submitted alot of stuff I was told.

If they were smart, the next deluxe edition would be "Lick It Up".

Vinnie doesn't have a publicist and isn't out there doing interviews. If he would, he would get plenty more attention.

Extreme also released a new album so guess why Nuno is getting some attention. Although, the stuff I have heard from it, they should have never released it. Its really pretty bad.

Don't forget KISS is still using Vinnie songs in concert on the farewell tour. Heck, even Bruce at his NYE party played numerous Vinnie songs for the guests. I don't think he played anything that he co-wrote while in the band.

Creautres 0001 - Copy.png

But even without Vinnie having a new album to hawk or a publicist lining him up press, what did Guitar World recently write about Vinnie?!
This story came out this month!

I guess it depends on if one is happy and a fan or if one seems to be unhappy and tries to find things to bash constantly. I'm a positive person and I don't dwell on the negative. Life is too short for that. ... sive-solos
Vinnie Vincent's 10 most explosive solos
Andrew Daly
9–12 minutes

Vinnie Vincent performs with Kiss at the Wembley Arena in London on October 23, 1983
(Image credit: Solomon N’Jie/Getty Images)

For shredheads, or those predisposed to bouts of gratuitous guitar-related madness, the buck stops at Vinnie Vincent.

And why shouldn't it? Sure, the man's solos can be thought of as excessive. But then again – he was a product of the times… or his own madness. Regardless, it doesn't matter if you're a fan of his work. That is to say – you don't need to dig his licks to take in the splendor.

Still, though Vincent remains misunderstood, it's not hard to see why, given that he's all but disappeared from the public eye over the past 35 years, only coming up for air for few-and-far-between fan events and personal meet-and-greets.

Making matters worse, Vincent's time in Kiss, while fruitful, has dogged him since he exited the band in 1984. In the years since, Kiss holdovers Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley have not exactly sung Vincent's praises, despite his seemingly essential contributions to their now sturdy, but once-faltering, legacy.

While it's up for general debate if Vincent 'saved Kiss', the man could shred in ways few could. What's more, with a Jackson V in hand, Vincent ventured to places most of his contemporaries wouldn't dare. Sadly, though, the guitarist's intrepid nature had a price, and in the years since, he's paid it.

Word on the street, however, is that Vincent has picked himself up off the deck and is fixing to rebuild his long-tortured persona. He's not rebranding, mind you – bouts of lunacy via six-string can be still heard on his onstage appearance at 2022's Creatures Fest and, reportedly, the 'reminiscent of his debut' form of his long-in-the-works incoming record, Judgement Day.

Though Vincent seems to be using a Carvin V these days, the image of the enigmatic rocker preening and prancing across stages worldwide with a technicolor Jackson V in hand will forever be burned in our brains. Love him or hate him, few names in the hard-rock guitar canon carry the retrospective weight and wonder of Vinnie Vincent. What's more, few crafted as many memorable solos in such a short period of time.

To that end, Guitar World has returned to the '80s to recollect 10 of Vincent's wildest, and most explosive, solos.
10. Kiss – Killer (1982)

Vincent showed his worthiness as an incoming lord of shred – albeit in a slightly restrained fashion – throughout Kiss's 1982 LP, Creatures of the Night.

Though many of the solos from that slow-burning LP are memorable, none possess as much of Vincent's trademark grandeur and flash as the lead break that highlights the album's penultimate track, Killer. Featuring Vincent's guttural tone, fast fretwork, and a few monster swells for good measure, Vincent's Killer solo was a harbinger of what was to come.
9. Kiss – Young and Wasted (1983)

As a newcomer during the Creatures of the Night sessions, Vincent perhaps held back, if only a little. But once the sessions for 1983's Lick it Up were underway, it was clear that Vincent felt nice and cozy within Kiss's ranks. Or, perhaps, his confidence overrode his bandmates' chagrin.

Regardless, there is simply no denying that Lick it Up – which found the hard-rock titans publicly without makeup for the first time – has Vincent's imprint all over it. The second to last track from the LP's first side, Young and Wasted, features a particularly tasty bit of early hair metal lead guitar goodness from him.
8. Vinnie Vincent Invasion – Back on the Streets (1986)

Lord Vinnie might have gotten his start with a down-on-their-luck Kiss, but it wasn't long before he broke ranks, taking his talents on the road to self-exploration. The first of his admittedly short catalog of solo exploits was his 1986 affair, Vinnie Vincent Invasion. And if you thought Vincent's licks with Kiss were wild, oh boy, you're in for a treat – or a shock.

Vincent's first foray into solo shreddery was a success, to be sure. What's most memorable, though, is the over-the-top nature of the album. There's no better example of this grandiosity than the steeped-in-the-'80s cut Back on the Streets, which harbors one of Vincent's most hair-brained yet breathtaking displays of six-string madness.
7. Vinnie Vincent Invasion – Breakout (1988)

One of the best parts of Vinnie Vincent's guitar style was its unique quality. Sure, you could say that Vincent was 'just another shredder'. To be fair, you wouldn't be wrong, per se. Then again, though, there's no denying that to this day – when you hear the man play – for better or worse, you sure as hell know it's him.

That said, when you take a step back to casually observe the devil-may-care soundscapes that Vincent created on songs like Breakout – from the 1988 Vinnie Vincent Invasion album All Systems Go – perhaps you should take in the splendor with renewed focus and a slightly different mindset. Or you can take it at face value: a sublime yet utterly ballistic product of its time.
6. Kiss – A Million to One (1983)

The word 'tasteful' is rarely used when we reflect on Vinnie Vincent and his playing. Nevertheless, here we are, calling the Ankh Warrior's solo from A Million to One – from Kiss's 1983 Lick it Up album – just that.

Don't get us wrong, there are plenty of Vincent's signature touches here – weighty riffs and a solo that spits its fair share of noxious venom. Still, though, there's what one might call a gentler (yet still erratic) approach here than can be found on any of Vincent's other Kiss solos.
5. Vinnie Vincent Invasion – Boyz Are Gonna Rock (1986)

Fans of Vincent's '80s exploits will recall the utterly ridiculous yet endearingly fun music video for 1986's Boyz Are Gonna Rock. The song's most ear-catching element, however, is the shred-tastic solo Vincent unfurrows smack dab in the middle of the festivities.

Few conjured demons from hell with a frost-white Jackson V in hand as Vincent did, and make no mistake, he's in fine form here. The display of outright bombast, coupled with second-to-none precision, make the Boyz Are Gonna Rock solo one of Vincent's most memorable.
4. Vinnie Vincent Invasion – Animal (1986)

In general, Vincent showed blatant disregard for restraint, subtlety, or any form of respect for the wellbeing of his listener's hearing. Instead, Vincent dimed his Marshalls within an inch of their capacity, pushing gobs of air forth as he provided sweeping swells of turbulence through his six-string theatrics.

Sounds pretty cool, right? Well, it was… as evidenced by the sinful bit of brutality that serves as Vincent's solo on the 1986 Vinnie Vincent Invasion track, Animal. Listener beware: this one is not for the faint of heart. Nor is it for those who treasure quiet moments spent in careful reflection.
3. Vinnie Vincent Invasion – Ashes to Ashes (1988)

Yet another example of Vincent's pursuit of greatness through the use of a neon pink V, 1988's Ashes to Ashes is easily one of Vincent's most high-flying solos. Though Vincent's musings often led to seemingly aimless meanderings, if you're able to set aside a wee bit of on-brand '80s narcissism, there are still bits of melody and musicality to be harvested… if you're willing to throw your hardhat on and go mining for it, that is.

Musical turgidity aside, Vincent's Ashes to Ashes solo is a true snapshot of '80s virtuosity. All Systems Go, indeed.
2. Kiss – Fits Like a Glove (1983)

When one looks back on Kiss, the word 'demonic' is usually associated with the band's mouthy bassist, Gene Simmons, rather than in association with their guitar-related exploits. However, Vincent's tone on what has become known as one of Kiss's finest '80s cuts, Fits Like a Glove, can really only be described as 'demonic'.

Vincent's rage-filled riffage is all killer, no filler, and the solo he lays down is inspiring, with spiffy technique. It's a prime example of what the guitarist was capable of when he took his gift for songwriting and applied it directly to his soloing. Without a doubt, Fits Like a Glove features the best solo Vincent recorded while with Kiss. But it's not his best solo in general…
1. Vinnie Vincent Invasion – Heavy Pettin' (1988)

We can think about what might have been had Vincent chosen the safe route. We can also hypothesize the reasons as to why he didn't. But ultimately, would you want hear Vinnie Vincent's playing take on any other form than general hysteria? We think not.

With that in mind, we point you to the blinding solo Vincent lays down on Heavy Pettin'. Plucked from the 1988 Vinnie Vincent Invasion record, All Systems Go, it's off the rails, in the best way possible.

Vincent wields his Jackson V like a weapon of unholy destruction, bludgeoning listeners over their heads with far-out distends of feedback-laden noise. There's no denying that Vincent's style had ballooned to wild heights by this point, with nowhere to go but down. Perhaps that's why the snakebitten anti-hero has hardly been heard from in the 35 years since.

Those are good points, but they don't necessarily make Vinnie "more relevant". They certainly illustrate the impact Vinnie had on KISS and how he was really a guitar force in the 80's. But today it takes more than some articles and occasional radio plays or KISS' concert performances to make Vinnie relevant. ONLY VINNIE CAN MAKE VINNIE RELEVANT. But music changes and I think Vinnie should explore different musical options. Oh and RE-RECORD "OVER YOU" for god sake! I am no producer but I know how that song could be made into a huge hit... seriously. A Country duet, male and female vocalists singing it.
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by drmoorejr »

ankh wrote: Sat Jul 08, 2023 4:55 pm Funny how, in both Nuno and Vinnie' s case, nobody mentioned their excellent rythm playng...
It's annoying but most people only pay attention to solos, but rhythm is EVERYTHING!!!!! A song is ruined if the rhythm is not right... I watched my old videos of trying to play Vinnie songs, I was playing like shit. I had to slow them down and count out the measures, and practice until I got them right...

But all the guitar greats, Vinnie Vincent, Steve Morse (Dixie Dregs), Steve Lukather, Eddie Van Halen, Jimi Hendrix and others it was their rhythm that really stands out to me. So many others too.
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by shramiac »

Everyone dog piling on me because I said the solos were good...I HATE YOU ALL!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :P :P :P :P :P
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by Genebaby »

The solos are good, it's ok!!
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by aeroflott »

Nuno is amazing. Been a fan since the first album. He is mesmerising to watch live. I'd say he's my guitar hero.

As for Vinnie.

As a Brit, I never really appreciated the "rock metal" scene in the US today - especially when it comes to 80s rock acts - until I visited M3 festival this year and started to understand what I was experiencing. All these low/mid level acts - tens of them - Warrant, Winger, White Lion, LA Guns, Vixen, Britney Fox, Spread Eagle, Stephen Pearcy, Slaughter, Vince Neil, Great White, Adler, Quiet Riot, Mike Tramp, the list goes on - these guys are all making a living by playing shows across the country at regular intervals. Casinos, State Fairs, Festivals, Theatres. And its a thing - they all do the circuit. Granted, most of them are a shadow of their former line-ups, but the music is being kept alive and the market is huge. People are paying good money to experience the songs that were the background of their lives from 1980 to 1990, being performed live.

If Mike Tramp can get up there with a microphone and an unknown guitarist and tour the USA playing average covers of White Lion songs, I'm sure VV can pull something together in a similar vein, assuming the full-blown 4-piece reincarnation of VVI isn't on the cards.

So to answer the question, the fact that Vinnie isn't doing anything remotely approaching any of the above, says to me he's not relevant at all. We've still not seen new music, we've still not seen the promised boxset fix. And outside of the inner circle with more money than sense, we've still not seen him play live (unless you include the horror show that was Creatures Fest).

It so frustrating, but of course Vinnie has to do what he wants to do. We have zero entitlement to expect Vinnie to do these things, but its the constant disappointments since 2018 that are what have made me so jaded about VV. Creatures Fest was the icing on the cake. It was SO hyped up, right up to the night before in that video shot in the hotel lobby with VV and Wilkie. And then we were delivered a laughable performance - there is no other description. It was simply laughable. Remember when you went to high school wearing your Kiss shirt and had to defend the band? That's how I felt about VV after Creatures.

At this point I'm embarrassed for him. Not because he hasn't really done much, but because the constant promises and hype over the last 4-5 years have resulted in nothing of any note whatsoever from the man, whose playing 40 years ago was so impressive. I have no expectations of anything, which is probably the best way to be now. Anything from this point on will be a pleasant surprise.

Because its not too late you know. Can you imagine the reaction of the rock world if VV released something along the lines of Nuno's 'Rise' solo?

I'll hand the floor to Luxor who will no doubt provide some alternative words of wisdom.

But that's where I'm at with all this now.
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by Luxor »

aeroflott wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 5:53 am It so frustrating, but of course Vinnie has to do what he wants to do. We have zero entitlement to expect Vinnie to do these things, but its the constant disappointments since 2018 that are what have made me so jaded about VV. Creatures Fest was the icing on the cake. It was SO hyped up, right up to the night before in that video shot in the hotel lobby with VV and Wilkie. And then we were delivered a laughable performance - there is no other description. It was simply laughable. Remember when you went to high school wearing your Kiss shirt and had to defend the band? That's how I felt about VV after Creatures.

At this point I'm embarrassed for him. Not because he hasn't really done much, but because the constant promises and hype over the last 4-5 years have resulted in nothing of any note whatsoever from the man, whose playing 40 years ago was so impressive. I have no expectations of anything, which is probably the best way to be now. Anything from this point on will be a pleasant surprise.

Because its not too late you know. Can you imagine the reaction of the rock world if VV released something along the lines of Nuno's 'Rise' solo?

I'll hand the floor to Luxor who will no doubt provide some alternative words of wisdom.

But that's where I'm at with all this now.

Nope, It got old Neil over promising stuff and then under-delivering. Alot of what Neil did was clownish. The most absurd if the "press is going crazy for this" and Neil didn't even know if it was old material/new or a combination. Sadly, Vinnie has had too many "Fans" around him who aren't qualified to be doing this stuff.

I'm from the school you always Under-Promise and then Over-Deliver.

Vinnie needed to start out slow. Get comfortable with the larger crowds. There's so many things he could have done to get decent sized crowds, make some nice money and everyone leave happy.

Can you imagine how people would love hearing unreleased KISS demos, writing sessions and other things? And then Vinnie talking about it?

Same with unreleased Vinnie stuff. It would have been zero pressure on him.

How many would love hearing original demos with Vinnie's solos on "Unholy" and other things from the Revenge sessions? Unreleased Revenge songs?

He's left a ton of money on the table, that's for sure.
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by Genebaby »

No, no, no Lux baby, our dear sycophantic friend. Vinnie hyped up CF, big time. I still remember the video days beforehand where Vinnie himself promised us "the show of shows". What he delivered was an embarrassing shit show, among the many actual professional acts who performed.

It stands to reason that Neil was being fed this hype, as it has been Vinnie's way to Over-Promise and Under-Deliver since 2018 so many times. It's clear that Vinnie was behind it, as don't we always hear that Vinnie is in total control? He would get the glory if there ever was any, so he definitely gets the blame.

Vinnie would have told Neil he's got a band together, they are practicing, so we get the teaser pictures showing that behind this door the Vinnie Vincent band is rehearsing for CF.

Was none of this true, was the press not going crazy for this stuff, then surely our Vinnie, the man in control would have spoken out? He did not, as this is all what he wanted, and poor Neil got the short end of a shitty stick when it was all over.

Remember, Neil paid for an amazing but in the end pointless tank. It could do so much, but it did nothing and could have been a cardboard cutout for all the difference it would have made.

Vinnie did start out slow at the small but eager gathering in 2018 and if fell apart from there. He promised us a similar gathering to re-unite with Robert, and fool I was I believed him and was trying to buy a ticket and arrange travel for this promised amazing event.

So yes, as you and all of us here know and mention, there is so much Vinnie can do, but he doesn't do it. He just doesn't, but he has hyped up events that have not happened and afterwards it's clear they never could have happened, there was no planning, no rehearsals, no band, just an Over-Promise and no delivery.
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by Luxor »

Genebaby wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 8:34 am No, no, no Lux baby, our dear sycophantic friend. Vinnie hyped up CF, big time. I still remember the video days beforehand where Vinnie himself promised us "the show of shows". What he delivered was an embarrassing shit show, among the many actual professional acts who performed.

It stands to reason that Neil was being fed this hype, as it has been Vinnie's way to Over-Promise and Under-Deliver since 2018 so many times. It's clear that Vinnie was behind it, as don't we always hear that Vinnie is in total control? He would get the glory if there ever was any, so he definitely gets the blame.

Vinnie would have told Neil he's got a band together, they are practicing, so we get the teaser pictures showing that behind this door the Vinnie Vincent band is rehearsing for CF.

Was none of this true, was the press not going crazy for this stuff, then surely our Vinnie, the man in control would have spoken out? He did not, as this is all what he wanted, and poor Neil got the short end of a shitty stick when it was all over.

Remember, Neil paid for an amazing but in the end pointless tank. It could do so much, but it did nothing and could have been a cardboard cutout for all the difference it would have made.

Vinnie did start out slow at the small but eager gathering in 2018 and if fell apart from there. He promised us a similar gathering to re-unite with Robert, and fool I was I believed him and was trying to buy a ticket and arrange travel for this promised amazing event.

So yes, as you and all of us here know and mention, there is so much Vinnie can do, but he doesn't do it. He just doesn't, but he has hyped up events that have not happened and afterwards it's clear they never could have happened, there was no planning, no rehearsals, no band, just an Over-Promise and no delivery.

I don't remember a video of a "show of shows". What I remember is Neil promising alot of stuff and Vinnie standing there not saying anything.

You also are forgetting US tax laws. Neil paid for an expensive tank as a write off (to help lower the profit) on Creatures Fest. Then, he could turn around and use that tank for his own KISS cover band. It wasn't like it was some noble effort. And then he could also take off the "transportation" of the tank off his taxes.

Which event are you talking about with Robert? The one Derek F'd up and as Robert said, Graceland didn't even want to work with him? I can believe that because I don't think anyone should be working with Derek. Derek leaves off the 2nd most important person off the poster and pisses Robert off.

Like Neil wouldn't have gone in and watched practice and other things?

Yes, Vinnie has over promised some things as well. And usually he's listening to someone else. Who told him to promise 2 Archives for everyone who had ordered. Where did that come from - DK
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by Genebaby »

I would think that everyone at Atlanta, and those watching, were thinking that Vinnie's promise of two box sets came from the heart. His heart.

I undetand that Vinnie is in complete control, nobody can make him say these things, or anything he doesn't want to.

There was a video in the hotel lobby area I think, just before CF where Vinnie was smiling and he promised us the show of shows, and I stupidly beleived him because I thought, this HAS to be it. He can't fuck this one up, it's got to happen and it's got to be great as the event has so much attention. No, it was a let down.

We all have those tax laws, I'm not sure how much Neil could have written off. The whole point of the tank was to recreate the Creatures show, and other than the tank sitting there, there was nothing like that. There was no Creatures set list, no taking us back in time with Vinnie and band.
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by birnie »

It's still there. Vinnie most certainly said Show of Shows, maily Neil talking though, yes

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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by Genebaby »

YES! Thanks! This is the video I was talking about and it really had me excited and wishing I could have been there to see this over the top, glorious show. Let me tell you, had I travelled from Australia to see Vinnie making history at CF, I would have been ropeable in my madness in to how I had been scammed and how much money I had wasted. Oh my god, I'd be like the anger of all the box set people combined times a million. I did kind of know it, but kept hoping, but now I know I can never trust anything that comes out of Vinnie's mouth. If something great does actually happen one day I'll have to hear about it later, but so far I've missed nothing.

Of course, CF became much bigger than it was first announced and ultimiately there was nothing Creatures about it, just a static tank that didn't need to be there. We suspected prior and it was certain after that the show got padded into such a big event that Vinnie was such a insignificant part and the abject fail of a performance he gave was overshadowed by the quality of evertyhing else there.

Look at what else people were told. Bring all your stuff to get signed!! Little did we know that Vinnie will charge you more than once for the privelige!!! Want that special guitar signed, that's another $1000 on the spot please. Who does that? Only Vinnie. Only Vinne. Sadly.
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by Luxor »

I stick with what I said. Neil built the "Tank" stage for his KISS tribute band KISS America

and he wrote off the costs of it being built and transported as part of "Creatures Fest"

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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by Luxor »

Genebaby wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 10:57 am Want that special guitar signed, that's another $1000 on the spot please. Who does that? Only Vinnie. Only Vinne. Sadly.
Only Vinnie. Plenty of ones who do that, including Ace.

Want Ace to sign your guitar value at over $1000.... that's $1000! ... cst=custom

Want Ace to sign your cheap ass guitar? $500 ... cst=custom

Want Ace to play your guitar onstage for one song (limited to certain ones) $5000! ... cst=custom

Signed Ace guitar strap $500 ... cst=custom

Who does this ... only Ace?
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by Luxor »

Genebaby wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 10:57 am
Look at what else people were told. Bring all your stuff to get signed!! Little did we know that Vinnie will charge you more than once for the privelige!!! Want that special guitar signed, that's another $1000 on the spot please. Who does that? Only Vinnie. Only Vinne. Sadly.
Nobody said it was free to get it signed. And that's on Neil. And why put out a video like this the day before when it was already sold out?

Everyone should have known you would be paying extra for the autographs. It wasn't like the first Vinnie Nashville event where he signed 10 or more items (for no extra cost).

If you wanted stuff signed by Peter, Ace, Bruce -- you paid.

Hell, I thought about seeing Ted Nugent recently. I wasn't about to pay almost $900 for a front row seat and a picture with him.
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by Genebaby »

The difference, again, with Vinnie and others, like Ace as you have mentioned, is that they are upfront about it. Vinnie advertised a signing session, at cost, and yes, once you paid that you were free to get something signed. A poor fan being blindsided because Vinnie also wanted another $1000 to sign because it was a guitar was a low, low act.

It's not on Neil if Vinnie was right there and not advising differently. It also was too late as yes, it was sold out and under an already understood arrangement, which flies out the window if Vinnie feels like charging more on the spot. That is not cool no matter how you look at it.
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by birnie »

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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by Genebaby »

Oh yes, the days of much promise and excitement. So much promise that was never delivered.

Looks like Wilkie and a guy I don't know doing Vinnie's bidding to over promise what was going to happen at CF, a ruse that Vinnie kept up until the last minute.
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by teej »

Didn't VV record a song called "over you" (or was that someone else?) .. either way it sums it up for me pretty accurately.. he was a powerhouse untill '88 .. and then drowned in his own mental instability
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by drmoorejr »

Luxor wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 11:57 am It wasn't like the first Vinnie Nashville event where he signed 10 or more items (for no extra cost).
This is true actually. I wasn't charged for all the autographs I got. But soon after the prices went up... If Vinnie would sign one or two non-instrutment items for free and not over charge for instruments to be autographed, I think it would be reasonable.
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by Luxor »

drmoorejr wrote: Wed Jul 12, 2023 5:39 am
Luxor wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 11:57 am It wasn't like the first Vinnie Nashville event where he signed 10 or more items (for no extra cost).
This is true actually. I wasn't charged for all the autographs I got. But soon after the prices went up... If Vinnie would sign one or two non-instrutment items for free and not over charge for instruments to be autographed, I think it would be reasonable.

It's also a shame so many want to resell the stuff they get autographed. Especially instruments. They ruin it for everyone. I also don't know how anyone can trust something autographed they buy online since so much of it is faked.
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by Luxor »

Genebaby wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 2:56 pm The difference, again, with Vinnie and others, like Ace as you have mentioned, is that they are upfront about it. Vinnie advertised a signing session, at cost, and yes, once you paid that you were free to get something signed. A poor fan being blindsided because Vinnie also wanted another $1000 to sign because it was a guitar was a low, low act.

It's not on Neil if Vinnie was right there and not advising differently. It also was too late as yes, it was sold out and under an already understood arrangement, which flies out the window if Vinnie feels like charging more on the spot. That is not cool no matter how you look at it.
I don't think any fan should be blindsided, instruments are totally different.

Had you used the KISStory book as an example, I would have agreed with you.
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by Luxor »

teej wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 8:08 pm Didn't VV record a song called "over you" (or was that someone else?) .. either way it sums it up for me pretty accurately.. he was a powerhouse untill '88 .. and then drowned in his own mental instability
Back to pushing the stuff from the top 2 Vinnie haters and trolls?

We already covered the 1988 nonsense before. That's so false.

He was certainly a powerhouse after that. He was able to get a whole new record. Write a ton of new songs. Record his best work ever.

How would you feel after all that energy and work and then the label goes under?

And even then, he was able to write and steer KISS back in the right direction for Revenge. 10 brand new songs he did with Gene alone.

Had Eric not died and Vinnie left, how many more of those songs might have ended up on "Revenge"?

And pretty soon after, the hunger for that type of music is completely gone almost.

He created alot of great music after 1988. Alot of it may not be readily accessible. But he sure did it.
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by aeroflott »

Luxor wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 7:52 amNope, It got old Neil over promising stuff and then under-delivering. Alot of what Neil did was clownish. The most absurd if the "press is going crazy for this" and Neil didn't even know if it was old material/new or a combination. Sadly, Vinnie has had too many "Fans" around him who aren't qualified to be doing this stuff.
Yeah well I don't buy that. The buck stops with Vinnie, and as evidenced, he has been complicit in these announcements and promises made since Atlanta. Boxset? That wasn't Neil or anyone else. That was from the mouth of Vinnie. Nothing since. No update, no announcements. Its clearly not happening.

Vinnie must have been aware of what was being said about Creatures Fest (make up/band/costumes) on his behalf. If any of it was OTT or factually wrong, he should have spoken up and reigned things in.

The buck has to stop with the artist.
Luxor wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 7:52 amI'm from the school you always Under-Promise and then Over-Deliver.

Vinnie needed to start out slow. Get comfortable with the larger crowds. There's so many things he could have done to get decent sized crowds, make some nice money and everyone leave happy.

Can you imagine how people would love hearing unreleased KISS demos, writing sessions and other things? And then Vinnie talking about it?

Same with unreleased Vinnie stuff. It would have been zero pressure on him.

How many would love hearing original demos with Vinnie's solos on "Unholy" and other things from the Revenge sessions? Unreleased Revenge songs?

He's left a ton of money on the table, that's for sure.
Finally something we can agree on. I have nothing to add to the above, other than to say you're absolutely right. So many missed opportunities. Look at John Corabi's acoustic set that he does from time to time. Amazing - cool stories and tales, acoustic versions of the hits, sign some stuff, sell some merch - a slam dunk surely. Oh and logistically, the whole thing requires practically ZERO effort. A driver/handler and an acoustic guitar. And what better time to do it? End of the Road tour anyone? Heck if you were clever about it, you could follow Kiss around and do a set the night before or an afternoon set on the day of the show (that would be a pretty neat/clever strategy thinking about it). Practically guaranteed ticket sales from Kiss fanatics who will be in town.

I don't think VV realises just how much he could do for fans that would be genuinely meaningful to them, and financially lucrative for him, instead of this boom/bust cycle of overpriced tickets for secretive events and 200 buck t-shirts, that he seems to have been on for the last 5 years.

Is it bad advice, or an inability to see the wood for the trees? I have no idea. Maybe both.
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by shramiac »

Promises made, crying in vain, all empty. Never accepting the blame and not letting go of the shame. A river of tears, as months turn to years, all wasted. On someone not willing to change.Now only a shadow remains! :(
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by drmoorejr »

Luxor wrote: Wed Jul 12, 2023 6:38 am
drmoorejr wrote: Wed Jul 12, 2023 5:39 am
Luxor wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 11:57 am It wasn't like the first Vinnie Nashville event where he signed 10 or more items (for no extra cost).
This is true actually. I wasn't charged for all the autographs I got. But soon after the prices went up... If Vinnie would sign one or two non-instrutment items for free and not over charge for instruments to be autographed, I think it would be reasonable.

It's also a shame so many want to resell the stuff they get autographed. Especially instruments. They ruin it for everyone. I also don't know how anyone can trust something autographed they buy online since so much of it is faked.

I have not sold any of my autographed stuff. I am not big on getting a bunch of autographs, I have the KISStory book, and Vinnie stuff, some other stuff from others celebs.. My son got me an autograph from Lou Ferigno from Comic-Con. I have my photo with Chuck Norris back in the 80's when I went to one of his events...
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by Genebaby »

I think the people that sell autographes and things like concert tickets for more money are not fans, they are just opportunists hoping to make a buck. Real fans keep their stuff, they want their concert ticket.

KISS in NY in December is sold out but you can get tickets from many re-sellers. Clearly these are not fans who want to be at that last show, just greedy bastards looking to make a buck.

It's not fair though to tar everyone with that same brush. If your signing session doesn't speculate anything different, then let the people bring what they want and hope that guy with a guitar is a fan. Otherwise charge and say so in advance and you'll either get nobody, or real fans wanting their nice guitar autographed.

To me, if I was a rock star and somebody brought the cheapest version of a guitar I was associated with, or a cheap guitar I wasn't associated with, those are the types most likely to be sold. The guitar is a piece of junk and they are hoping the autograph will elevate it's worth, but I hate cheap, shitty guitars with autographs, it's still a cheap, shitty guitar.

Vinnie deals exclusively in cheap shitty guitars these days, it was only the four AZG's that were quality instruments. He then went to the cheapest Jackson Rhoads models, which I ignore as the low end items they are, and now to Chinese copies of his VVV, which are super sad, especially when he adds a mark-up like they were decent quality. Ah well.
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by pullitt »

drmoorejr wrote: Sun Jul 09, 2023 1:18 pm It's annoying but most people only pay attention to solos, but rhythm is EVERYTHING!!!!! A song is ruined if the rhythm is not right... I watched my old videos of trying to play Vinnie songs, I was playing like shit. I had to slow them down and count out the measures, and practice until I got them right...
Vinnie's rhythm was very good. Had he played the amount of notes that he did without properly placing those notes, only then it'd sound like what people say when trying to put down his playing - a note diarrhea. I slowed down a bunch of his songs with some software to learn the solos and there were hidden intricacies I wasn't even aware of. Those solos are very well structured, but only a musical nut would put in so much effort to effectively hide so much music in his music. It must throw people off because it's not very clear what they're hearing the first, second or even third time.
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by drmoorejr »

pullitt wrote: Fri Jul 14, 2023 6:14 pm
drmoorejr wrote: Sun Jul 09, 2023 1:18 pm It's annoying but most people only pay attention to solos, but rhythm is EVERYTHING!!!!! A song is ruined if the rhythm is not right... I watched my old videos of trying to play Vinnie songs, I was playing like shit. I had to slow them down and count out the measures, and practice until I got them right...
Vinnie's rhythm was very good. Had he played the amount of notes that he did without properly placing those notes, only then it'd sound like what people say when trying to put down his playing - a note diarrhea. I slowed down a bunch of his songs with some software to learn the solos and there were hidden intricacies I wasn't even aware of. Those solos are very well structured, but only a musical nut would put in so much effort to effectively hide so much music in his music. It must throw people off because it's not very clear what they're hearing the first, second or even third time.
yep! If you can analyze "Love Kills", check out the guitar track layering.. That was a masterfully produced piece... YouTube has a version where you can here some of those guitar parts better.
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by pullitt »

drmoorejr wrote: Sat Jul 15, 2023 2:43 am yep! If you can analyze "Love Kills", check out the guitar track layering.. That was a masterfully produced piece... YouTube has a version where you can here some of those guitar parts better.
I gotta say, harmony layering is my weak spot. Gotta work on it more. Telling the chords apart is relatively easy cos they're set on one instrument and I can imagine what they look like, but vocals or Queen-like guitar layers is much more difficult. Figuring out the intro/chorus gang vocals on Rocks On Fire took a lot out of me and that's a harmony that's not even that complex, while stuff like Do You Wanna Make Love is a piece of cake when you slow it down, just takes time. I prefer figuring out the stuff that's not layered in order to one day be able to play it live, at proper speed.
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Re: Is Vinnie relevant today?

Post by Genebaby »

So Ace has released a SECOND video from his upcoming album which is due out SOON. This is how shit gets done in the modern age.

All we get from Vinnie is ANNOUNCEMENTS and PROMISES but nothing comes out. He doesn't do any videos, the product is forever ALMOST FINISHED and ready TO GO TO PRESS. What does that even mean today? There are no delays, no other artists tells us they can't wait for us to get the new album but they can't release it due to pressing delays.

Vinnie is not even a dinosaur from another time as people were always able to release product and then video when that became a thing. These days it is even easier to do these things, yet we have seen zip in six years. Vinnie is not relevant, he's just a keyboard warrior. See what I did there, warrior?
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