My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1975

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My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1975

Post by strangeways »

Thought I'd share this tale with you guys here.

This is a long thread so prepare yourself (or just skip ahead to the various pics) :lol:
My first KISS concert was in Rockford, IL. NYE 1982.
My first album purchased was Dressed to Kill and I had been a fan ever since.

For many of my school years as I got older I was smack dab in the middle of Kiss’ roughest spot career-wise.
In fact, the cry repeatedly went up “KISS sucks” at this time, and could you blame my classmates?
After a decade of hard rock gems, the band had hit a dry spot and cranked out four solo LPs, one disco (Kissco) LP, a pop album, and a concept record ala Jethro Tull or something.
The latter being the straw that broke the camel’s back for most rock fans and so Kiss was sort of left for dead while many newer bands were smack dab at the beginning of their glory years. Bands like Def Leppard, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Motley Crue, and Van Halen were cruising right along releasing some of their best material ever while even younger bands were taking up the banner of heavy metal as well.

The band had also cut back on touring in America during this period (they only toured in Australia for Unmasked, and no touring for the Elder at all). So imagine my excitement when the band returned to form with the excellent Creatures of the Night album!

Everything about Creatures screamed Kiss is back! The cover was dark and heavy with the band member's eyes set off to pull the average record buyer in. The album itself was a stunner with some of the band’s best material since the Love Gun album. In fact, I was even able to change some minds at my local high school with a few spins of the new album. It went from “Kiss sucks,” to “Meh, they’re okay.”

Imagine my surprise when the band announced their tour and the closest date that I could make was in Rockford, IL.


I was stoked and bought tickets as soon as they went on sale. I seem to remember that the advertised warm-up acts were Uriah Heep and the Shoes (they figure into the story later) from Zion, IL.

As the date approached I could hardly contain my excitement – I was finally going to get to see my heavy metal heroes live and in person. As we all know the band had not taken off their makeup yet and it really was like seeing the fantasy of the Demon, the Fox, the Star Child, and the Space Ace live.

Also, keep in mind that I had been invited to other shows before but I was dead set on making my first big rock show a Kiss show and had turned all previous invites to other bands down.

The day of the show finally came and we left mighty early to get to Rockford, IL.
which was about a two-hour drive from where I lived at the time.

The arena was full of your average rock fans but also full of families.
I forgot in the past ten years or so Kiss had become somewhat of a kiddie circus to some of the public.

I remember that the arena seemed to be only half full and checking attendance records
(3, 500 paid attendance for an arena that held 9, 213 capacity)


Reported openers Uriah Heep ducked out and did not appear (I later heard they had a gig coming up in the area and didn’t want to impact that), and so it was up to the Shoes to hit the boards before Kiss.
For those who are not familiar the Shoes were/are a power pop band from Zion, IL.
Zion is only a couple of miles from the Illinois border and so I was somewhat familiar with the band. The Shoes were definitely darlings of the rock critic press and routinely received four and five-star reviews from them all the time. This was for good reason as they are an excellent band and Gene Simmons being a big Beatles and pop music fan was a fan of the Shoes hence the warm-up slot on the tour. They did a good job and the crowd was ready for Kiss. All during the Shoes set we could see the ‘tank’ stage underneath its tarp.

I have to pause here to relate a story involving the opening act, the Shoes. Many, many, many years later (the early 2000s) I would be working at Borders books and music and who would walk in? One of the members of the Shoes himself! I was positive it was him as I recognized him from the various album covers and his distinctive hair. He was with a lady friend and as she wandered around the store and away from him I politely asked her if the guy she was with was John Murphy from the Shoes. She said that it was and that she’d be happy to introduce me if I wanted her to. I said yes, and she brought John over. He was totally cool and asked when it was that I saw the band. I told him that it was warming up for Kiss and he laughed and said “Ah, one of our big gigs!” He told me how the band was really happy that Gene was a fan but really nervous that the Kiss crowd would hate them. He said the gig went off great and how cool it was to get to meet the band beforehand and see them without their makeup. He told me how Gene wanted to put them on a record label that he was thinking of putting together. The band was excited about this and Gene said that he’d let them know after he got off tour. After the tour, Gene spoke to them some more about it and then they never heard from him again. The band was writing new material and tried getting in touch with Gene many times but never heard back from him. They figured that he wasn’t interested and recorded a new record. Upon putting the record out they were shocked when Gene called them up and was upset that they had gone on without him. They told him of how they waited and waited and had gotten in touch with his people and left messages but never heard back from him. They alter haggled back and forth on some things but could not work anything out.

The great thing about the internet is that I was able to verify this story in an interview that the band did a while ago.
John also told me how the band early on was approached by an up-and-coming band that wanted to go out on tour with them in the Midwest. The catch was that the Shoes would have to warm up for them. John said that the feeling was that the Shoes had somewhat of a rep in the Midwest and that it would be unwise of them to let a new band be the headliner over them. The Shoes turned this offer down. The band in question? U2. John laughed it off and was totally cool about it all. What a great guy and it’s great to see that they are recording a new record!

At any rate, the Shoes warmed up and were great.
The lights went down and the intro sounds came up. I was about to see my metal heroes live for the first time! And so it began, the classic opening yell of Alright Rockford, you wanted the best you got the best the hottest band in the world….KISS!”
The drums thumped, the bombs went off, the smoke cranked out, and out the boys came onstage.
There was Gene the Demon menacing the stage, Paul the Star Child kicking it up, Eric pounding on the drums, and Ace…. Wait a minute… Ace changed his makeup…hey, Ace doesn’t usually play a flying V…hey, that’s not Ace!

I had not heard anything about Ace leaving Kiss and the band getting a new guitarist.

My excitement did not dip however and I thought that this new guy who the band introduced as Vinnie Vincent was doing a great job and I was fine with the show.

The tank stage was great and the band did all their signature moves and tunes. It was a great time. The one thing that cracked me up was that we must’ve moved up ten rows on the main floor from families rushing out of the arena as Paul spilled the f word every moment he could. Obviously, the band was more concerned with getting their core audience back more than placating the little kiddies. I vividly remember when the show started you could see outlines of kids on their parent's shoulders but by the third song parents were dragging their kids out with the little ones crying out “But what’s wrong with Kiss?”

Driving back home that snowy night I was thrilled with just having finally seen my favorite band live for the first time, but wondering who the Hell this ‘Vinnie Vincent ‘ was.
That Monday I walked the school halls with my Kiss Creatures of the Night Tour shirt as well as the Kiss belt buckle I bought at the show. Most of my fellow students that didn’t already know me snickered here and there but I could’ve cared less. Some had seen the video for “I Love It Loud” and were at least impressed that I saw a rock show.
This was the era after all when you really didn’t get a tour shirt unless you were at the show.
The next week I hit my local record stores and found copies of the magazine Kerrang with the band splayed out all over it. There was more than enough information on Vinnie there as well as news on the band. I was sad to see Ace leave but knew it was for the best.

Everyone’s interest was collectively peaked when Kiss announced that they would be taking their makeup off on MTV. The band had just finished recording their new album and was excited to unveil it and themselves live on MTV.

I and my friends sat and watched as the guy's faces were finally unveiled live for everyone to see. Aside from a few “What a bunch of ugly bastards,” comments, it was great to not only see the guys sans makeup but this was a great way to introduce their new guitarist to an eager metal audience.

I remember going to the record store and seeing the Lick It Up album. I was amazed. There they were Gene, Paul, Eric and Vinnie sans make-up. A great photo graced the cover with the guys just standing against a plain white backdrop. Gene’s tongue was wagging for all to see. The guys looked proud of themselves, and why not?

As one reviewer put it you could feel the freshness blowing through the grooves. Here they were Kiss, stripped of all the accouterments they so many previously claimed to have held them back. Here they were Kiss with a new album and a new lease on life in the music world. It really was a beautiful thing to see. Dropping the needle on the record it was song after song of pure metal gold. The thing that really struck me the most was how utterly perfect Vinnie fit in Kiss. Not just in his guitar playing but in the way he filled the shoes of each member songwriting-wise. Vinnie was able to provide what each member needed in the co-writing department. When co-writing with Gene Vinnie was able to was able to provide the Paul Stanley element and when writing with Paul Vinnie was able to provide the Gene element.

The band having drifted apart in the co-writing department
Most tunes are penned strictly by one member or another dividing tunes into ‘Gene’ songs or Paul songs.

Vinnie filled the void that had been there since the Love Gun era. Suddenly Kiss felt like a band again. Vinnie filling the void that was left not just by Ace in terms of guitar playing but of each member in terms of songwriting.

No longer was it totally necessary for Gene and Paul to HAVE to write together if they didn’t want to.
Vinnie now able to fill the void of each songwriter as if they were and yet still have it be totally Vinnie, and totally Kiss.

As one reviewer put it - You could feel the freshness blowing through the grooves.

I was certainly sold.
This, to me, was the non-make-up Kiss line up and I was thrilled with it. The band suddenly felt right in line with many of the other bands of the time that were vaulting up the charts. Suddenly, Kiss music wasn’t as much of a blues-based affair as it had been for much of Ace Frehley’s tenure with the band. Kiss was now a twin guitar axe attack that many of the other bands of the time featured. They were more as quoted in many a magazine a “metal and roll” outfit. They were now heavier than before and able to run with the pack with their new twin axe attack fronted by Vincent.
The band sounded and felt reborn.

The tour was announced and I grabbed tickets for the Milwaukee, WI date.

The warm-up acts were Heaven and Vandenberg. Once again I soldiered on to the venue and was rewarded with an amazing show! The tank stage was back and the band truly shinned and moved about with an energy that was spectacular. I loved it and had a great time.

Imagine my shock when at the end of the tour Vinnie was out and the band went looking for a new guitar player.
Two tours, one full album and it was over. I couldn’t believe it and wondered what could’ve happened.
I was disappointed and while still, a Kiss fan wondered what would happen with Vinnie. I mean, it wasn’t like any of the previous ex members of Kiss were tearing up the charts or anything. Peter had put out a couple of records, and while decent enough releases, weren’t as good as his solo effort when he was in Kiss. Ace at that time hadn’t really put anything out yet so there was nothing on that front.

When Ace finally did get it going solo wise I was there for the Chicago show w/Y &T and Faster Pussycat.


The next year Kiss releases Animalize and while I was happy with it the album lacked the strong songs that Lick It Up contained. The tour came around and while I was up for going the Chicago date got canceled.

The next year comes and goes with yet another new Kiss guitarist and a better album in Asylum.

Caught that show with WASP warming up and had a great time.


Finally, after articles in various rock mags, the debut album from Vinnie hits the racks and it floored me. I thought Fleishman was great and was looking forward to seeing the band live. I wasn’t able to catch this tour. I was shocked when I saw the video for Boys Are Gonna Rock and instead of Fleishman there was some guy named Mark Slaughter fronting the band. I liked Fleischman’s more toned-down look and wondered what happened between the recording of the album and the tour. I did not buy the story that Vinnie was peddling at the time that Mark was the vocalist he wanted from the get-go. I did think it was great that Vinnie was giving Kiss a real run for their money with the album and warming up for the likes of Maiden, and Alice Cooper. Obviously, the Invasion was on the rise.

All Systems Go comes out and while happy with the album and a more toned-down look of the band I did miss Fleishman’s vocals. The band came round to my neck of the woods and I snapped up tickets.


Seeing as that it was a general admission show I went early and waited in line. I and the others in line were rewarded when low and behold a tour bus pulled up and Vinnie came out. He was nice and gracious and shook our hands telling us how grateful he was that we came out to see him. Moments later another tour bus pulled up and Mark, Danna and Bobby got out of it. They too were also nice and thanked everyone for coming out. Everyone was pumped for the show and we all stood around talking Kiss/Vinnie stuff. L.A. Guns were warming up and someone told me that they saw them earlier come tumbling out of a black limo laughing as they went into the venue.
Pretty soon the doors opened and in we all went. After a while, the show started and L.A. Guns hit the stage. They were great and performed well. After a short intermission, Vinnie and the boys hit the stage. I remember they opened with Burn and were great throughout the night. I wish I had brought a camera. The one thing I remember (unsure if my memory is accurate here but…) is that the crowd was begging for them to play Love Kills during the encore, but we got Let Freedom Rock instead.

I was looking forward to the next Vinnie LP but as we all know it was not to be. Slaughter rose from those ashes and while I liked them it certainly seemed to be Vinnie ‘lite’ if you asked me.
Kiss kept on trucking and pretty soon the Hot In The Shade album was upon us all. As with the Asylum and Crazy Nights tour I grabbed up tickets scoring second row at the newly built outdoor venue in Tinley Park. If memory serves me correctly, Kiss was the second band to play there with Gene’s ex Cher playing the first night it was open (someone look that up for me). Low and behold Slaughter grabbed the opening slot with Faster Pussycat playing after.

The show date came and myself and the gfriend went happily anticipating a great show. Upon getting there we were shocked to find out that since the venue was new the rows had been mislabeled. To make it up to the people in the front row they got backstage passes and skybox seats. Wow! We in the second row moved up to the first row, which was great but oh to have had front row tickets! All the bands rocked and this time I did bring a camera. What follows are some pics from that night. Keep in mind - Peter Parker I'm not!




Faster Pussycat



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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by shramiac »

Very cool indeed!

Didn't know Nancy Wilson was security for KISS??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by metatron »

Awesome pics.
I got Jesus in my fax machine. I saw Ho Chi Minh down @ Burger King. I dated Vinnie Vincent as a Drag Queen. I still don't understand a f**kin' thing.
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by metatron »

shramiac wrote:Very cool indeed!

Didn't know Nancy Wilson was security for KISS??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Nancy Wilson...Only got one thing to say ;
I got Jesus in my fax machine. I saw Ho Chi Minh down @ Burger King. I dated Vinnie Vincent as a Drag Queen. I still don't understand a f**kin' thing.
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My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1975

Post by Genebaby »

Excellent write up!!! Thank you for sharing, loved it.
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by doublev2 »

Now that post represents good value for money. Thanks for that.
I didn't know shoes opened up. I knew Crue snd uriah were on.
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by poserboy71 »

Yes, Wonderful post.

I had to check if the New Years Eve show was the first show of the tour. It wasn't.

I cannot wait for Kiss to show the pictures of them wearing pieces of their Love Gun outfits.
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by reneroxx »

wow :mrgreen: this post really blow me up cool pics love thanks
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by erg2 »

I was at that KISS/Faster Pussycat/Slaughter show at the World!. I drove up from Bloomington (where I went to college), spent the weekend at my brother's place and we went to see the show. I remember there WERE lots of seating problems even though our seats were nowhere near as good as yours.
I remember thinking the show was really great. I was a big fan of Slaughter going into it...coming from being a Vinnie fan and all.
I also remember thinking Faster Pussycat sounded awful, even though I wasn't a big fan of their's, I liked their singles. They were just mixed terribly and the singer wasn't singing "very professionally".
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by doublev2 »

strangeways, did you notice any tension as LA Guns and VV fell out and the shit hit the fan in Detroit. I remember Traci Guns saying in national magazines that VV was not a nice guy at all and pulled the plug on LA Guns because they were selling more shirts than VVI and the audience was clearing out after LA Guns played.. even Mark said the audiences were clearing out but he also asked Tracii to join his band during that tour. Funny that VV was travelling seperate to the band, must have been a hell tour. I asked Bobby a few years ago and he had a different take on the LA Guns thing even though he admitted LA Guns were selling more shirts or at least thats what he heard (he also confirmed Dana and Mark wanted Traci and Bobby Rock to form Slaughterhouse during the ASG tour) but Bobby said that LA Guns wanted VVI to set up their drum set after they had finished each show which Bobby said was impossible. LA Guns were pissed having two drums sets on the stage and supposedly their was a chase and fight outstide Harpos club.
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by wolfgang161272 »

Best posting ever! Wow thanks for sharing these moments
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by doublev2 »

i wonder how many guitars paul has played live, got to be over 500??
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by strangeways »

doublev2 wrote:strangeways, did you notice any tension as LA Guns and VV fell out and the shit hit the fan in Detroit. I remember Traci Guns saying in national magazines that VV was not a nice guy at all and pulled the plug on LA Guns because they were selling more shirts than VVI and the audience was clearing out after LA Guns played.. even Mark said the audiences were clearing out but he also asked Tracii to join his band during that tour. Funny that VV was travelling seperate to the band, must have been a hell tour. I asked Bobby a few years ago and he had a different take on the LA Guns thing even though he admitted LA Guns were selling more shirts or at least thats what he heard (he also confirmed Dana and Mark wanted Traci and Bobby Rock to form Slaughterhouse during the ASG tour) but Bobby said that LA Guns wanted VVI to set up their drum set after they had finished each show which Bobby said was impossible. LA Guns were pissed having two drums sets on the stage and supposedly their was a chase and fight outstide Harpos club.
I didn't sense any tension but I was pretty oblivious to all that stuff back then and so I was just a happy rock fan at the time.
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by erg2 »

I also remember the night of the KISS show at the world that it was unusually cold. I had driven up to Chicago and did not bring a jacket. So I bought 2 tshirts (one KISS, one Slaughter) and put them both on!!
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My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1975i

Post by strangeways »

erg2 wrote:I also remember the night of the KISS show at the world that it was unusually cold. I had driven up to Chicago and did not bring a jacket. So I bought 2 t-shirts (one KISS, one Slaughter) and put them both on!!
Awesome. Yeah - it can get a little chilly up in these parts. :lol: I'm sure Gene thanked the weather man - more sales to keep warm.

Here's a couple of things I forgot to include in the original post....

At the same time Ace Frehley finally made a new record. Obviously, everyone in the KISS Army was stoked. The album was good and Ace came to Chicago w/ Y & T and Faster Pussycat. I snagged a ticket and was super excited to see Ace seeing as that I missed him with KISS. At the time I assumed that Ace was the headliner. Upon getting to the venue I found out I was wrong.
Y & T had the top spot on the bill. Faster Pussycat were first and were great! I was really impressed. Then came time for Ace. Ace was also great and little did I know that this show was being recorded for an eventual live record. The only thing I wished for at the time was that Ace was in make up, but knew this wasn't going to happen. I had never seen Y & T but was very impressed with their set and realized that they were the headliner for a reason.



I forgot this pic from the HITS tour of the same night - this one's for all the ladies out there.....or the security dude in the pic....

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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by doublev2 »

Funny, most promoters called the band ace frehley's comet.
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by erg2 »

My guess is that all of us on here have heard LIVE +1. Any chance you could do a write up of that show and compare it to the live album that came out?
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My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1975

Post by Genebaby »

I dig Live +1, I like Words Are Not Enough too.
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by strangeways »

erg2 wrote: My guess is that all of us on here have heard LIVE +1. Any chance you could do a write up of that show and compare it to the live album that came out?
Sadly I really don't remember the exact details except for Ace was great and I was really happy that it ended up being a live album!
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by doublev2 »

Rare live show with Anton.
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by poserboy71 »

I went to the Frehley's Comet show in Columbus, Ohio in 1987. The same venue that I saw VVI in a year later.

White Lion opened the show and were AWESOME. I remember patting Vito on the back outside after the show .

During Ace's show, I remember contemplating jumping from the balcony to the P.A. system on stage. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Minors were forced to be on the balcony for that show (The VVI show was ALL AGES so I went nuts and was right in front of Vinnie for that).
My brother got an Ace pick for me.

During the day, I hung outside waiting for the band. When Ace showed up, he got out of the vehicle and walked straight into the venue ,not even acknowledging the 5 people that were waiting for him. That was my first taste of Rock star attitude. Todd Howarth and touring drummer Billy West were cool and talkative. John Regan liked the Cheap Trick shirt I was wearing. I guess he was friends with Bun E. Carlos.

I remember being bummed out that Ace didn't play his cool new Washburn guitar.
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by ankh »

Billy Ward has become a world class drummer, with much praiseform his peeers and critics alike.John Della Chiesa(John Regan) has played with Cheap Trick and he was the one suggesting Howarth to Ace.John was the force behind the Comet, helping the band stay alive and afloat until he couldn't put up with Ace nonsense anymore.He went again to be a studio/tour session musician, he even ghost played on the Stones "Dirty work".
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by doublev2 »

Yeah vinnie was more hospitable back then. So how come Anton drummed in chicago?
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by ankh »

Anton had a two week break/vacation from the Letterman and spent those with the Comet on tour.Billy ward was fired not because of musical differences.John did tell him that they were going to take Oldaker.Wrong move.
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by erg2 »

Jamie Oldaker is a fine drummer, just not the right kind of drummer for the kind of music a solo Ace Frehley was/is making.
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by doublev2 »

He had Brian bosworth wraparounds which must have got him.the gig. Heho
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by poserboy71 »

Speaking of John Regan, I have seen him play with Peter Frampton a few times this past decade and he has always been incredible to talk with.
I asked him how much truth was in G.G. Gebert's books. He said that they were true but that G.G. shouldn't have gone about things the way that he did.
That right there showed me the restraint and class that I will never be able to show. John was probably the person that Ace screwed the most, yet John took the high road.

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: Let's remember that John was also BANKING on a Kiss reunion and looking for a small piece. :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by erg2 »

The books by GG are pretty interesting, but Ace (to me) didn't come across as a "bad person" but a person that was out of control. I wish there was a little bit more of that in Ace's book. Ace glossed over the fact that, in his darker days, he screwed over quite a few people. I wish he would've addressed that more.
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by strangeways »

poserboy71 wrote: I went to the Frehley's Comet show in Columbus, Ohio in 1987. The same venue that I saw VVI in a year later.

White Lion opened the show and were AWESOME. I remember patting Vito on the back outside after the show.
I'm still pissed that I got ripped out of seeing White Lion back in the day.
They were the announced warm up band on the date I was to see KISS on their Crazy Nights tour.
By the time the actual date rolled around it was Ted Nugent had replaced them on the bill for some reason.
Ted was great, but I would've preferred to have seen White Lion.
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by doublev2 »

white lion opening for Kiss? Didn't know that. I saw Anthrax open for Kiss in '87 and they were all getting on real well. Eric Carr I heard became really good friends with Anthrax and I also believe Peter Criss was good friends with them.
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by syncophile42 »

strangeways wrote:
erg2 wrote: My guess is that all of us on here have heard LIVE +1. Any chance you could do a write up of that show and compare it to the live album that came out?
Sadly I really don't remember the exact details except for Ace was great and I was really happy that it ended up being a live album!
I was at the Frehleys Comet show at Hammersmith Odeon in London in March 1988 which was the show filmed for the Live + 4 video . I remember thinking it was amazing at the time as I also didn't see him with Kiss, but don't remenber much about it now other than the flashing Les Paul in New York Groove. I think this was the only UK show he did since Kiss until 2008, John Norum from Europe opened. I still have the ticket (barely readable now) and bought the video, which I just watched again now for the first time in years. The video shows its age, OK for a drop of nostalgia.
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by strangeways »

erg2 wrote:Jamie Oldaker is a fine drummer, just not the right kind of drummer for the kind of music a solo Ace Frehley was/is making.
I would agree with that.
Hey, if he was good enough for Clapton...... 8)
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by PinkWiz »

Great post Strangeways, but what's with the one random pic of Gene in his '77 Love Gun/Alive II costume?
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by strangeways »

No idea.
These were the 70s pics as passed on to me by my pal.
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by strangeways »

metatron wrote:
shramiac wrote:Very cool indeed!

Didn't know Nancy Wilson was security for KISS??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Nancy Wilson...Only got one thing to say ;
I love HEART but do I hate this song!
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by erg2 »

Even Heart hates this song.
(Not that I hate it, melodically it's quite nice. Thematically it's a little silly and, for a band with the legacy of Heart it's something of a let-down.)
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by strangeways »

30 Years ago tonight!
My first KISS concert and first time seeing Vinnie!
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by poserboy71 »

strangeways wrote:30 Years ago tonight!
My first KISS concert and first time seeing Vinnie!
Power. My 30th is coming in a few months. :wink:
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by Genebaby »

Wow, time flies huh? You lucky guys.

Who would have thought 30 years ago we'd be here, on the interwebs.
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Re: My 1st Vinnie / Kiss show 1982 + Kiss pics from 1990 & 1

Post by FREDDYB3 »

Great pics Thanks for sharing strangeways
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