General Vinnie Vincent Discussion
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Post by poserboy71 »

Here's a story , of a boy named Poser, who attempted to set things right and just be a fan :

Let's start at May 6, 2011. A sorrow-filled Poserboy sends this message to Vinnie/ Spyder :

To whom it may concern (since I don't know for sure if this is Vinnie),

I am sorry for reacting as I have towards our issues. To put it simply, I'm just a fan that had my feelings hurt and expressed myself in a shameful manner. I will not join in or provoke any banter that may be mistaken for hatred towards Vinnie anymore. I have a shit-stirring personality and a warped sense of humor and I realize that I am wrong. It was never intended to be hurtful. It was more of a brotherly tease. Sorry if you , Vinnie, or anyone else, has taken the poor humor to heart. My part in the podcast consists of positive fan testimonials from the forum. In fact, most of the podcast will be positive. The questionable things are being brought up to complete the story and hopefully end that misunderstanding about Vinnie once and for all. I realize the damage is done for which I apologize. I will only direct my energy towards positive things from now on.

Blessings, Rick PB71

No response from Vinnie or Spyder.

A few weeks later , my phone starts ringing off the hook on the morning of May 22nd. It's Vinnie-related. All of us know what went down. I sent this to the vvirtual e-mail address:

Prayers to you and Diane to get past this . I hope you have strength in this time... Sad about this, Rick

No response again yet it is understood why.

Within days, Vinnie posts on Youtube expressing gratitude to those that had his back and said that he was opening the DoubleV Forum and "ALL WOULD BE WELCOME EXCEPT Dino ". I sent these to him when it opened:
June 16, 2011---How about a sign that you are O.K. ??? Stay strong !!!
June 22, 2011---Howdy,
I am not sure if I am welcome on the DoubleV Forum or not. If I am, could you please reset my password .

Rick -Poserboy71-

I was allowed access to the DoubleV Forum then I was booted for some reason. I sent these to Spyder/ Vinnie:

June24, 2011---Spyder,

Was I banned from the DoubleV Forum ??? If so , then what for ??? I have tried to be a peacemaker between Vinnie and the people at the VVFF. Is that the reason??? I am very confused and hurt right now and would appreciate your reply. I have once again stuck up for and defended Vinnie and it seems like I have been shown the door.

What's up,


June 26, 2011--- Spyder,

I was informed by Angel that you sent an e-mail to me . I didn't receive it.
Was I banned for my association with the VVFF ??? Guilty by proxy ???
I have since told the VVFF that I will no longer participate in that forum.
In recent weeks I have been trying to rally them in a peaceful manner and act like gentlemen.
Dick jokes are one thing but they have crossed the line with some of the hurtful humor that is allowed to exist there.

Anyways, I am done posting there and would appreciate and enjoy a chance to show you and Vinnie that I am trustworthy .
OF COURSE there are things that I am curious about but I will not press for those answers.

Here I am, almost 40 years old, and I was giddy when Vinnie answered a question of mine.
Is there anything I can do for re-entry ???

Rick PB71

O.K. - I found your e-mail after I left the VVFF . That should show you my intent. I accidentally deleted it with my junk mail and had to retrieve it from the trash bin.

As far as my participation over the years at the VVFF, I hope you remember this e-mail that I sent you on May 6 of this year:

To whom it may concern (since I don't know for sure if this is Vinnie),

I am sorry for reacting as I have towards our issues. To put it simply, I'm just a fan that had my feelings hurt and expressed myself in a shameful manner. I will not join in or provoke any banter that may be mistaken for hatred towards Vinnie anymore. I have a shit-stirring personality and a warped sense of humor and I realize that I am wrong. It was never intended to be hurtful. It was more of a brotherly tease. Sorry if you , Vinnie, or anyone else, has taken the poor humor to heart. My part in the podcast consists of positive fan testimonials from the forum. In fact, most of the podcast will be positive. The questionable things are being brought up to complete the story and hopefully end that misunderstanding about Vinnie once and for all. I realize the damage is done for which I apologize. I will only direct my energy towards positive things from now on.

Blessings, Rick PB71


I am no longer involved in the podcast . I joined a "fan forum" years ago that turned ugly. People usually do stupid things in groups. Herd mentality. I have been guilty of that.
I understand who is who and what the rules are. I would appreciate being a part of something positive in spirit and intention.

Thanks, Rick

I finally get a response from Spyder/ Vinnie!!! :

I looked over your emails. Before any decisions are made there are things I
find disturbing and I want you to explain them to me.

1. Explain this:

Re: Isn't this a start ???
by poserboy71 » Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:59 am

If that is the case then let Vinnie have that. I don't care who I talk to
because I never hide anything . I speak the same to people whether they are
Vinnie , Dannii, Dino, or my folks.

If Vinnie needs these alleged alias' to feel comfortable, then let him have
them. We have been so paranoid that we have run some good people good people off
this forum thinking they are Vinnie. We couldn't keep our suspicions PRIVATE.

We have to stop this , live and let live, and get to where we need to go.

The air is bitter and stagnant here and I care too much about you guys and this
place to see this forum go to shit .
Real name: Rick
Facebook: Shecky Poon

You and I both know what thread this came from and what you were referring to.
It is clear you believe and are perpetuating this same stupid lie, and that you
intend to just “humor” Vinnie and “keep your suspicions private.” Fucked up,
Schobel. Either you believe the truth or not. Explain your persistent failure
to accept the truth. You fucking people don’t think, you follow, and the one
you all have chosen to follow and hold in such high esteem is an obsessed,
vengeful and spiteful jerkoff who loves to hold court over the rest. Why do you
all believe this idiot about anything, but especially about who Vinnie is or
isn’t, instead of believing Vinnie himself? Fucked up, Schobel. Explain it to

2. A post was made on the HateForum yesterday which is now conveniently
deleted. I believe you posted it but since its gone I’m relying on memory. It
said something like “we should fake the demise of the forum so we can get
answers out of Vinnie.” Explain that and why its now gone. If you’re willing
to fake the demise of the HateGroup it shows you will lie to get what you want,
and right now you want back into this forum. How can I possibly find you
“trustworthy” knowing that?

3. You in fact opened many accounts under many usernames, happily posting away
under the doublev forum last year before it shut down due to too many
cockroaches I could not stamp out fast enough. Do you really think I forgot
about that? You even made some stupid childish game out of it, challenging me
to find your aliases. Trustworthy?

4. How do you expect to be forgiven and absolved of all of your damaging words
and actions that were clearly meant to reach and hurt Vinnie just toget a
reaction? How do you expect to be forgiven and absolved for relentlessly prying
into Vinnie’s personal life and discussing his personal family matters in a
public forum that are clearly none of your business or anyone else’s? As I
said, he has never gone onto your HateForum, so I have and I spared him from a
lot of the hateful comments, but some things he had to know. You and your
little friends have hurt Vinnie and his family deeply. That is not “brotherly
teasing.” Tell me Schobel, how the fuck is all of this supposed to be swept
under the carpet as if it never happened?

5. Do you truly in your heart of hearts believe that Vinnie owes an apology
public or otherwise to anyone for anything? Explain your answer.

I saw your May 6 email but disregarded it as just another example of you sliding
over whichever side of the fence suits you at the time.

I don’t know what to do with you Schobel. What set you apart from those other
assholes in your little HateGroup is that you seemed to get it, but because of
the issues above, some old but some new, perhaps we were wrong and you’re just
another fake, a “poserboy” so to speak. Interesting choice of user name. I
have some serious misgivings here as does Vinnie. Perhaps the key to unlocking
your account lies with you and how you address these issues. Know one thing,
Schobel, I will protect Vinnier including the forum and I will not allow any
more negative elements into the site. If I find ‘em, I boot ‘em out. Just ask
your little HateGroup friends.


My response to him on June 27, 2011 :

Howdy Spyder,

#1. This is meant to show that I wear my heart on my sleeve and I am NOT fake. I give EVERYONE the same courtesy and respect and I also would like that given to me in return.
Some people have accused Vinnie of having MANY alias' and being paranoid, ETC... I was basically asking "So what if he does?"
I am not perpetuating a lie but merely trying to diffuse it because I don't care about the rumors . They say the have proof yet NEVER show it. Enough is enough.
It is not about humoring anyone. It is about thinking before accusing. Yes, I have bought into Dino's stories in the past and after seeing him constantly and falsely accuse good people I have grown disgusted.
Dick jokes are one thing . The level of so-called "HUMOR" that has been allowed on the forum is uncalled for. The rants are equally sick. PEOPLE OFFER HELP AND WHEN IT ISN'T ACCEPTED THEY LASH OUT. It doesn't sound like the offer was genuine. When I was recently banned , I didn't vent at all.

I have grown tired of the suspicions and just said directly that I am tired of people getting run off the forum because of them.
The place we need to go is a place of peace because I am sick of the bullshit .

Yes, I do care about people, I have met some good people over there and I dislike seeing them make decisions that are making them look ugly. I realize I can't save anyone but myself.
I'm O.K. in my skin.

#2. I was quoting someone that suggested that and realized that it looked like "I " was saying it so it was removed. I was trying to make a point and while I was revising it, I just gave up on the post because I couldn't clearly make my point. I know that you can see in recent history that my main goal with the VVFF was for them to stop playing games. If they were going to try and access the DoubleV , they should do so as themselves and genuinely be there as fans. They wanted personal apologies and invitations. I told them that would never happen.

#3. Yes, I did that. I have apologized and admitted wrong doing.I have always said that " Hurt people HURT PEOPLE." That is not an excuse . I have learned from it. Herd mentality at it's worst.
As for that time, I didn't even know for a fact that Vinnie was involved. All that we had was Dino's word and that is all that we have had up until lately. Vinnie has only recently come out of seclusion. I didn't know whether to believe Dino so I taunted you because you were the "bad guy" that took Dino's forum. I had no clue who you were . I don't know what transpired in the DoubleV acquisition and it is none of my business. I was sucked into Dino's story. That was unfair to you and Vinnie.

#4. Again, you are correct. I hope some mercy can be shown. I can point out that although I let things get the best of me , I am one of the only constants on the forum that tried to make things better for everyone. AGAIN, I realize that I can only save myself.

I crossed the line in many ways yet I had good intentions. Good intentions pave the way to Hell. There are so many rumors that surround Vinnie that I wanted to end them. a.) He's really homeless, etc... b.) I explained why I used a certain avatar- I didn't believe what they were telling me about the woman in the Ace book and thought they were spreading a rumor SO ...
I bought into the other rumors that Vinnie was a recluse so I stupidly did interviews and stated that my purpose was to try to get his friends back in his life.

Stupid moves on my part.

#5. I honestly don't know the answer to that simply because all that I have heard are rumors . I hope the rumors aren't true. I bought into them.
Vinnie could shut them up for good with a statement yet I believe the people at the VVFF STILL wouldn't be satisfied with his answer .
Vinnie would just be wasting his energy.
I don't know what went wrong with the box set because I didn't order one. I was waiting for a CD version.
As far as the DoubleV Forum, no one knows the truth since we wrongly only based our opinion on one side's story.

I was hoping for Vinnie to end the gossip with a statement but AGAIN , he would be wasting his breath with SOME of them.

#6. I sent that e-mail long before the recent unfortunate situation. That should PROVE that I am genuine. I offered my love and prayers for HIS ENTIRE FAMILY during that time. I was sick for them.
I teared up when he said that his girls came back into his life. I know how it would affect me to not have my children in my life.
When people used his mug shot picture as an avatar, I stopped it.
When Vic wouldn't take down a song dedication to Vinnie (Who Let The Dogs Out ?) -I had enough and said so.

I realize that I have done wrong and am tired . I have tried hard for answers because I don't want to accept the rumors. I don't want to believe that Vinnie is capable of the things that these rumors.

I realize that Vinnie owes me nothing. I would enjoy a mutual respect and an artist /fan relationship. That's all.
Also, I would enjoy respect to develop between you and me. When / If you develop that, please start calling me Rick or Poser.
My friends gave me that nickname because my hair has always been HUGE and curly (still is) NOT because I am a fake.

I asked Vic to take my name off the VVFF. I will check again and ask again if it is not down.

I will NO LONGER CONTRIBUTE to the hatred.

You have said that you have followed my posts. I'm sure that you can see that the BIG CONSTANT within them is that I just want happiness for everyone. My anger and frustration got the best of me a few times but my good will hopefully out-shined that.

I don't want my memories ruined . It starts with ME. I extend my regrets and hope for better days ahead.

I will await Vinnie's decision and accept it.

Thanks for your time- You have been MORE THAN gracious to me,

Rick PB71



I also have to admit that I have recently said that if people are playing games with me , then I can play them as well. My nerves are shot .

I hope you understand that this truly is a leap of Faith for me( and you as well ) in my leaving the VVFF and asking to be a part of the DoubleV Forum . This is purely Blind Faith (good band :-D) .

I hope that proof is presented that shows that Vinnie is actually there. This is a humble request and not a demand . I know you understand because a lot of fake Vinnie's have appeared all over the internet. There is one on Facebook that still insists that they are THE REAL Vinnie Vincent.

I can only hope that there are plans for new pictures or video for the DoubleV Forum.

I have seen the words but also know that anyone can write them. After all these years it is still hard to believe that Vinnie has come back.

I hope you take into account that I have given all the information that has been requested and I hope that , if accepted, that honesty is a two way street.

No matter what decision is made , I will no longer post at the VVFF.


Rick PB71

On June 28, 2011, Spyder sent this to me :

You'll have a decision today.

The good news for you Schobel is that Vinnie has decided to let you back into
the forum. The bad news is that I’m not entirely sold. I still have a lot of
problems with you. I saw you when you didn’t know I was watching and that’s the
time when a person’s character is truly revealed. I didn’t like what I saw then
and it still doesn’t sit well with me today. At any rate, despite my misgivings
I will defer to Vinnie.

While I have been watching you and others, more importantly is that I’ve been
watching the entire “Vinnie Vincent Fan Forum” rear its ugly head and morph into
this HateGroup. Because of your sketchy history on these forums Schobel, and
the fact that I’m trying to keep a positive vibe here, you would do well to keep
a few things in mind that would certainly work in your favor. If I were you I

1. Go back to the other Forum and post a final exit message which speaks the
truth as to why you left and who is at the heart of the hate movement. You know
who the players are and what they have done.
2. Loose the juvenile toilet humor that you cover up with smiley faces. This
is not a love-fest, but say what the fuck you mean and mean what the fuck you
3. Never breach the trust that has or may be placed in any way.

This would speak volumes in terms of any future relationship with both Vinnie
and me. Bottom line is that your account will be unblocked by no later than
noon 6/29. I’ll be watching. Do the right thing, Schobel. If I find that you
have disclosed any of this in any way the door is forever shut.


I put my rant up on this forum and chewed all of my friends out. Some of it was real. I didn't dig how newbies were coming here and making dog jokes, wife-beating jokes, etc... I had really had enough of the bullshit so I asked people to go off on me after I posted my VVFF bashfest manifesto. I retained goodwill to the friends that I had made here and they understood that I was being true to why I came here in the first place. I actually enjoyed watching the newbies and Quentin try to bash me though !!!
I was allowed into the DoubleV Forum . Vinnie even welcomed me personally and answered a few of my questions regarding Chet Atkins and gear. I believe they were the BEST , most real interactions that he has made with anyone on that forum.

This is where the shit hits the fan that is known as the Poserboy. An article was released in Nashville about how Vinnie squandered his talents. It was written by Adam Gold and had quotes from our very own WIZKID within the article. ALSO , Wizkid releases his podcast (Decibel Geek) that doesn't show Vinnie's best side. I was thrown off of the DoubleV Forum because of my former association with Wizkid . This is my termination letter from Spyder/ Vinnie :

July 1, 2011
It aint’t working Schobel. We honestly tried to make a go of it but you simply
cannot escape your past and the disgusting company you keep. Things were going
forward, but some things just can’t be overlooked or overcome. Go see the
despicable act of hate your brothers on the “fan forum” just visited on their
“idol”. Vinnie doesn’t deserve this and the fact you contributed to this hate
for so long makes you a part of the shit that just went down.

You’ve only been back two days but your very presence has caused a valued member
of this community to leave, and that speaks volumes. You can’t wash off the
stench that connects you to the HateForum and the pathetic ringmaster who is
responsible for this recent despicable and slanderous act of hate. Your
honesty, while guardedly appreciated, was simply not enough to save you this
time from the shadow of your past that has reared its ugly head yet again. You
could have and should have cut the tie to this evil fuck and his followers long
ago, but you didn’t. As one of the core members of the HateGroup, you were a
major enabler and contributor to what your jerkoff brother just did, as well as
to the direction the HateForum went in. For that you have no one to blame but
yourself and the disturbingly obsessed self-appointed expert who
single-handedly, through this latest despicable act, has caused your unfortunate
final demise on this forum.

You were in. Now you’re out. We tried to overlook it all in good faith
Schobel, but it just ain’t working. Your undeniable connection to the HateForum
brings into question your knowledge of this malicious act, and puts you right
back outside the circle you just got back into. Your awakening was just too
late. This comes from both Vinnie and I. Go back to your brothers and we wish
you well.


My response to Spyder/ Vinnie :

So I am responsible for OTHER people's actions ??? Like I said , I can only save myself.
I reached out to those that may have been offended by the VVFF (Sharon ? ) . As for what Chris, Dino ,or anyone on that forum does, I cannot control that. The proof is in all my posts through the years trying to convince them to be understanding and offer their help ,love,and support, to Vinnie. THE PROOF IS THAT I HAVE LEFT THAT FORUM. I did what you asked of me.
I have admitted my wrong doings . Like I have said, through all of the rumors that surround Vinnie , I conducted interviews with people with intentions of good.
Some people choose to paint Vinnie in a different light and I can't control them. I hope that Vinnie makes a few statements and proves them wrong.

It is quite unfortunate that Vinnie and you feel this way. It was only recently that Vinnie came back and I felt the need to make peace with someone that I knew would actually read my regret and possibly forgive. I have stood by my word and not posted at the VVFF.
I have remained positive and kept my blue humor away from DoubleV.
I am done . No more forums. I told you I would not be going back there.

I only want good things for Vinnie and I regret my part in any hurt I have caused.
GOD Bless you and Vinnie and thanks for giving me a chance.
I am shamed and I have a sinking feeling that won't escape me any time soon.

Fan of 28 years ,
Rick PB71

July 2 , 2011


One more thing, I kindly request that you keep an eye on my actions (for as long as you need) and one day consider letting me have access to the DoubleV Forum again. I know you will see that I am a good person worthy of trust. I just lost my way for a while. Haven't you ???
To reiterate, I was NOT a part of that article or podcast. I didn't give Chris permission to use any of the interviews I have done for the podcast. I am done with the haters.

Take care,
"Schobel" lol

Spyder sent his response two days later on July 4, 2011 :

Let me put it to you this way Schobel. I don’t give a fuck if you gave that
jerkoff permission or not. Fact is, you should have kept your big mouth shut
but you didn’t and you can’t ever change that.

Fact is, you cheered on that other fucking asshole and supported his every
demented theory and obsessive character assassination of Vinnie, and you had a
lot of fun doing it. You’re direct involvement with that piece of shit and that
HateForm enabled alot of this shit to happen, but then you want Vinnie and me to
pretend it never happened and allow you back into the doublev forum without
accountability? You tear someone down day after day after day and then expect
to be welcomed back into their world because you’ve suddenly changed? No
fucking way Schobel. Ain’t that simple.

Your undeniable contributions to the HateForum itself and the disrespectful
oozing out of it were integral to paving the way for articles and podcasts like
these. This shit is out there thanks to the self-proclaimed hard core, die hard
Vinnie fans at the HateForum, including you Schobel.

The intense hatred on that forum is unnatural and becoming extremely dangerous.
I don't need to remind you what happens when over-obsessed fans like you’re
fucking friends cross the line to the tune of Chapman (Lennon), Bardo
(Schaffer), Yolanda Salvidar (Selena)...... I intend to block or boot every
fucking asshole I find who is a member of that HateForum just for being a member
there. Reason enough in my book.

Alright, Schobel, you say you’re done with the haters and want to be worthy of
Vinnie's trust. You want to make good? Tell me how you’re gonna do that.
Maybe you should put that big mouth of yours to good use and speak out as a
former hard core member of the VVFF against both the unauthorized article and
podcast. Those fucks need to be exposed as the angry, dangerous and obsessively
hateful people they are. They are disgusting cyberbullies who are pissed off
because Vinnie won’t accept them but has rejected and spurned them and their
bullshit HateForum. I'll leave it there. As you said, I'll be keeping an eye
on your actions. Actions speak louder than words Schobel.

Many lose their way in life at times, but not to the detriment of others, and
the actions of you and the HateForum have been hurtful and harmful. Vinnie
didn't and doesn’t deserve the cruel and hateful comments and character
assassinations made by you and your buddies, or the constant prying into his
personal life to which none of you scumbags are entitled to do. He didn't
appreciate your reference or opinion as to "the Cusanos." Who the fuck do you
think you in using a familiar term and referring to “the Cusanos kitchen table”
as if you know them personally? This was the final downfall for you Schobel.
As close as I am to Vinnie, I would never ever express this type of familiarity
out of respect.

Honestly, Vinnie tried to overlook his disgust for your activities but your past
still clings to you like shit on a stick. Doesn't matter whether or not you
gave permission to use your interviews on the podcast. Out of respect and
loyalty, you never should have given any in the first place. Show your true
colors here Schobel. He may again relent and give you one more chance. Since
you’ve invited me to watch you redeem yourself, show me what you can do to
counteract this most recent damage and protect Vinnie’s name. I'm sure you can
figure it out. Spyder

My response on July 5, 2011:


Please allow me to set the tone of my reply before I post what I have to on the VVFF.
This response to you is meant with respect and in no way is an excuse.

I have owned up to everything I have said and have held MYSELF accountable for my actions.
I believed rumors and that is why those interviews were done. They were actually meant to help Vinnie. Each one was sent out with a note that said there are many rumors that surround Vinnie and I was seeking the truth to possibly put the good people from his past back into his life. I tried to show my loyalty and respect in this way. I had no clue that anyone could view it any differently. Good intentions pave the road to Hell.
Also, since you have admitted to reading the VVFF, you can also see that through all of the horrible and tasteless jokes, that I ALWAYS EXPRESSED MY TRUE FEELINGS FOR VINNIE'S HAPPINESS.
I believe that is why you are gra

I accept that I was a big part in the hurt yet it was never my intention. I can't apologize enough.

I do have to say that I strongly believe that no one wants to kill Vinnie. I have seen the most vicious people on that forum wish things were different.
Kevin Harrah even said that if Vinnie would send him four songs (brainsaw, cockteaser,etc...) that would be enough for the money he spent on a box set that he didn't receive.

Again, I am not defending anyone. NOT EVEN MYSELF.

We have gone on for many years and have dealt with many Vinnie Vincent impersonators. For me, until Vinnie started to write things on Youtube recently, I suspected just another imposter SO I aggressively called that person out. It just so happened that THIS TIME it was actually Vinnie.
That Sandra Gonzales person is a lot more dangerous that anyone at the VVFF.

I respectfully disagree with what happens when people lose their way. It is at those times where more often than not, everyone BUT that person gets hurt.

As far as using the "Cusano's " name, I was referring the fact that this is a fan/artist relationship and we would never be invited over for dinner as friends. I believe that you misunderstood me.

Get your popcorn ready because I believe you will enjoy my next post at the VVFF.


It's up. Let's enjoy their hate together. I believe that I am now more of as target than Vinnie is.

Their reactions should be quite comical. I don't expect them to adhere to suggestion.


Spyder/ Vinnie's response to me on July 8, 2011 :

Lotta shit going down right now Schobel, so I cant' go into alot of detail, but
I'm wondering how it feels to have people you thought were your friends and
supporters turn on you in the blink of an eye. I've seen your efforts and how
your "friends" have turned on you. I think you are starting to get it, but
you're not quite there yet cuz you keep going back to some imaginary thing
Dirtbag is not "delivering" to the masses. Makes me think had Dirtbag coughed
up a hairball of "info" you would still be licking his boot, which all of you
HateForum members are guilty of.

While you are back on the path, you might consider the following:
1. confirming Dirtbag is behind
and who else is involved, etc. Any and everything.
2. Full names and addresses of the Main Players there. I know who they are
and so do you, so don't play any games.
3. Using your gift of gab to draft a nice lengthly expose as a true Insider and
former Member of the Vinnie Vincent HateForum that exposes the truth as to
Dirtbag's fall from grace, the resulting birth defect of the HateForum,
Dirtbag's continuing obsessive pursuit of Vinnie, and Dirtbag's fall from grace.
No reason not to call him out by his real name. I believe Vinnie would love to
see that.
4. Give Adam Gold the final expose if approved to run in the local area and it
will also run on YouTube

In other words Schobel, shit or get the fuck off the pot. Stop dancing around
and get the job done. Get aggressive on this and say what needs to be said.
Don't email back until you can answer to 1-4.


My response to Spyder on July 8, 2011 :


I will do my best even though it will be difficult. I already burnt the bridge so I'm sure they won't give me their home addresses now. Most of those guys are across the ocean.

As far as knowing the feeling about having someone close to my heart turn on me, REMEMBER, I was once married !!! LOL

I do not know who is making up the fake sites. It is most likely something they have concocted through PM's because I haven't seen anyone admit to it on the forum. The screen name "727" (airplane avatar) noticed the page.

The "imaginary" Dino- thing that I am alluding to is his promise of PROOF that Vinnie stole the forum from him. This is after he said that he gifted it to Vinnie.
I was putting Dino on the spot. Notice how he never responds to those???
He won't answer them now because, from reading the forum, it looks as if he has left for good. Most likely because he knows he is wrong.

I believe Dino's real name is Dino Debalognasi (or something close to that) .I do recall through his bitching on the forum that he said he gave Vinnie his address for a gift that Vinnie was giving him. Check with Vinnie

Vic Radacic is GeneBaby. He lives in Australia
Chris Czynszak is Wizkid. He has the podcast. He was going to initially write a book about Vinnie with Julian Gill from KissFAQ but decided to do the podcast instead. As far as I know , he lives right down the road from Vinnie.

Please let me know who you want me to get information on.
Hell, As far as I know Simmons and Stanley could be helping Vic run the forum.

I will write something for Vinnie to put up on Youtube . I ask you though, How will we get this Adam Gold to publish it ???

Busy writing,


Hey Spyder,

I did figure out why those other sites are calling themselves OFFICIAL.
It is because you never changed the front page of the DoubleV Forum. It still says that DoubleV is a Vinnie Vincent TRIBUTE forum.
I still can't tell who exactly is behind them.

Who has your back?
SCHOBEL, That's who???

Spyder / Vinnie's response :

You haven’t told me anything I don’t already know, Schobel. I specifically want
information on:

“TJ Monster”’s full name, address, telephone number.
Danii Paris’s address and telephone number.
Dinos NY address

As for Adam Gold, you should be writing an article of your own which exposes the
HateForum, its members, and its agenda. The word is already out that its Dino
who spoon fed Adam Gold all the information in his “article.” How do you
get Gold to publish is your article? You fucking contact him, Schobel. Jesus,

Unfortunately for you I spent a lot of time reviewing your bullshit posts on
that HateForum and it reminds me why I’ll probably never be convinced you should
be allowed back in. The decision rests with Vinnie though. Let’s see what
you’re made of Schobel. If you want to make good and move on you know what you
need to do.


My response :

I've had TJ Monster's phone number for a while.

I know he lives in a trailer in Mishwauka, Indiana. As far as a specific address , I couldn't find one. I thought that I had it written down.
I don't know his real name. I have just always called him TJ.

( 574) 298-1169 *** TJ never answers his phone but will return the phone call only if a message is left. He has been this way since I started talking with him early last year.

As far as Dino, I've only known him to live in Britain. I know he has family in Red Hook or Tivoli ,New York because when he stopped at my house last October, he said he was on his way there.
The times Dino has called me, his number has been restricted. I do have this number that you can try. I have never called it . (447) ***-******

As for Dannii, I will keep looking . I know that I have his info somewhere.

I am still looking so don't give up on me just yet. It is difficult to get any missing information now . I wish you would've asked for this before you had me call them out on their shit.


For someone that supposedly has combed this forum over, Spyder should've been able to see that "I" posted TJ Monster's address for everyone in the TJ MONSTER SECTION a while ago !!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

I would never give him Dannii's address for the simple fact that Dannii would eat him alive.

ANYWAY, That is my recent e-mail history with Spyder. If he is a separate person from Vinnie , the I feel that Vinnie has made a horrible mistake in letting this guy drive the ship.

To this day, Vinnie has not been real enough to make a true appearance in public or on video . I am sick of his bullshit and multiple personalities, I am sick of his paranoia ( No one wants to hurt him or kill him)- I went to NAMM in Nashville last weekend. YES- I did drive by his house and YES , I did get a picture taken outside of his fence on the street. I didn't break any laws or invade his privacy. I also drove through other neighborhoods in Nashville and saw quite a few famous musician's houses . No one died by my hands :shock: :shock: :shock: . In fact, EVERYONE that I met that week showed me incredible Southern hospitality.

Shit, I should be more careful , maybe all of those famous musicians will serve me with restraining orders that they will keep renewing each year without prompting. Maybe they will have my tires slashed ???

I still hope that Vinnie would wake up and just be a good guy but I'll choose to keep shitting in my hands because at least there is some honest SUBSTANCE that exists and it is more pure than anything Vinnie is capable of at the moment.
I honestly hope that his family issues find a pleasant and rewarding resolve.

Yes, People at the VVFF have made other fake sites in order to fuck with Vinnie. I didn't agree with them but they were harmless and only made fun of the LOVE-FEST that was occurring between Vinnie and his chicas that were left at his forum.

I am also divulging these e-mails because of the recent request made by Vinnie to the few at the DoubleV to attack the VVFF. Why the fuck would Vinnie telkl them to fake 3 or more accounts to come over here to bash us--- Not enough people at the DoubleV Forum ???

I honestly tried to do the right thing by Vinnie . I will still hold true to my word and will not join in on the negativity. I hope that Vinnie takes his anger management classes seriously and will one day present himself to the fans AS HIMSELF .

I encourage Spyder and all of the other fakes to kindly :D :D :D EAT A BOWLFUL OF COCK. :D :D :D

I am still a HUGE Vinnie Vincent fan even though I am crushed that my hero is acting like an asshole.
I really appreciated being called out by name by Vinnie , as one of the most horrible fans he has. THANKS FOR PUTTING A GIANT SHIT STAIN ON 28 YEARS .

Vinnie Vincent fans really do suck !!!

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Post by Euphoria »

Welcome back, Rick. What happened since the end of these emails, did it just dry up?
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Post by poserboy71 »

I never left. In fact, I never stopped posting under the Poserboy name. I just didn't contribute to the hatred that some brought to the public side of this forum. I was going to keep defending him and then people were sent in a hateful manner by DoubleV Forums to attack this place. There was nothing left to defend. His long-winded speech of this being a time for peace is not true.

My friend had his tires slashed. It could be a coincidence ... MAYBE NOT.
Another friend has to put up with some legal shit each year around this time from ...

I will meet him halfway but I will no longer metaphorically wrap my lips around his shaft to get treated horribly when other people do something questionable in the name of Vinnie Vincent.

28 YEARS is difficult to let go of. I will remain here because it is a great place other than a few people getting out of control.
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Post by mfoster »

Holy fucking drama.......Glad to see you stood up for yourself Poserboy. Vinnie really needs to find something to do in his twighlight years. I think trying to control what people say on the internet will kill the guy. Sad stuff......Really sad
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Post by Genebaby »

Man, SpyderVinnies words are harsh. You are right to say what's up with wanting TJ's details, they are on here.

The VVFF and any other forum like it is only an extension of the artist/band it is based on. If all Kiss ever did was act like assholes then all their forums, including official ones, would be filled with peoples reactions.

I especially like where he asks about Vinnie owing anybody an apology. Shit yeah dufus!!! How about for lying in the past and continually lying to this day.

He does sneaky lies, like saying the Euphoria EP cover was a recent stage shot when it is clearly a picture from 1988, all the way up to falsely announcing that all charges from the recent assault were dropped when they were not.

I sincerely hope that Vinnie is actually not behind Spyder, the DoubleV forum and the YouTube account. That's somebody else tricking us like in the past, but I am very sure unforutnately that it's 100% Vincent Cusano.

I can't believe someone so trusted as Eric/Chris/Spyder cannot talk about the Cusano kitchen table with Vinnie. What is up with that? Dinner with Vinnie is like the ultimate dream?

My God, there is so much good stuff there to show crazy it's not funny. A simple understanding of human behaviour would sort out this mess, if Spyder Vinnie is capable of that understanding.

Asking people to attack us with three user accounts? Really? Please, that is so juvenile. Vinnie is about to turn 59, or is it just 9?
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Post by Euphoria »

Well, I guess there is no going back for you now...

As soon as Spyder sees this he'll probably have a coronary. I guess you can expect a pissy email sometime soon about your 'true character'. :)
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Post by poserboy71 »

There was never any going back. He would have shit-canned me every time someone pulled another stunt. I knew that in my heart even though I honestly tried to patch up old wounds.

He has my phone number. He should stop hiding behind an e-mail and say what he has to say in a gentleman-like tone. I doubt that would happen.

Like I said- with my knowledge of their recent petty attack, there was nothing left to defend. I know that when we were over at the DoubleV, we never disrespected that place like Vinnie instructed them to do here.

Another sad day and realization about Vinnie. :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Post by Genebaby » seems that Vinnie has confirmed for us all that he is Spyder, which we already knew, same email address and all.

This part here...
The intense hatred on that forum is unnatural and becoming extremely dangerous.
I don't need to remind you what happens when over-obsessed fans like you’re
fucking friends cross the line to the tune of Chapman (Lennon), Bardo
(Schaffer), Yolanda Salvidar (Selena)...... I intend to block or boot every
fucking asshole I find who is a member of that HateForum just for being a member
there. Reason enough in my book. pure Vinnie crazy. His "oh no, an Ace Frehley fan might shoot me at a gas station" paranoia is his alone. Only he would write that in there cause he's the only one so out of touch with reality so as to believe it.

My god Vinnie, get over yourself, you are no John Lennon. John would have put out many albums in the past 30 years given the chance.
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Post by poserboy71 »

The thing is, to me , I enjoy Vinnie's work more than I enjoy John Lennon.

The guy that shot Lennon didn't kill him because of hate or love. He wasn't a fan . The guy was fucked in the head and chose a target of what represented what he didn't like about the world. That's my understanding of that situation.

I was surprised when Vinnie made the reference to the little known actress (Rebecca Schaeffer) from"My Sister Sam".
Last edited by poserboy71 on Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Genebaby »

I didn't even get those other references but clearly he's obssessing about this.

You can't control everyone so clearly there is a problem here. It can get to the point where you can't leave the house and can't live a normal life. Of course someone can get you in the house too so you just have to get over it, accept the world is like it is, and move one.

It's a vicous cycle. If I obssessed as to what could happen every time I got behind the wheel, the damage that could be done, I would never be able to drive anywhere!!

Is Vinnie doing the Anger Management he was court ordered to do? It could be a good thing for him.
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Post by Slayer »

Welcome home Ricky,
"The Road to Hell Truly is Paved With Good Intentions"! You tried so hard to only be put through all of that!

Vinnie, Rick is right. Make some jesture towards me and or the others here and the SLAGGING will stop. I would in fact settle after 14 years for the 4 songs that Rick mentioned and we would be square. You could just email me a zip file of what you have completed on these songs. If you made this jesture for the $125 that my wife gave you 14 1/2 years ago you would have done right by me. Hell, I would even settle for an apology that said back in 1996 or 1997 you and Metaluna got in over your head financially and that you just couldn't meet your commitments. That sort of thing happens to a lot of nice decent people but you need to just own it.

I would never SLAG you again if you made one of these jestures.

I'm no kid, I'm 46 years old and your 58. Make the time that you have left the best of your life and your career.

You could do it!

There isn't any geniune hate here!

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Post by shramiac »

Too true Kev.

Thanks for busting your ass Rick.

Promises made, crying in vain, all empty. Never accepting the blame and not letting go of the shame. A river of tears, as months turn to years, all wasted. On someone not willing to change.Now only a shadow remains! :(
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Post by PinkWiz »

Vinnie... those court-ordered anger management classes... go... NOW! Also, go join a VVFF ordered paranoia management class... oh wait, we're tellin' you now... no need to be so paranoid dude! Class dismissed...
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Post by TheGoodDr »

Welcome back Rick.....

When reading your original post in this thread, the more I read, the more I couldn't believe what I was reading. Requesting names and addresses of forum members and the likening of some of us to celebrity assassinators is mind boggling to say the least.
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Post by Brooklyn_Born »

Welcome home Rickster... I'm sorry that Vinnie crushed your dream... It was out of your hands though, he was never letting anyone from VVff back into Double V... Well not for an extended period anyway...
Hey man, I am cool, I am the Breeze...

VVFF Rocks Hard!!!
This is not a Hate Forum Vinnie...Capisce!!?
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Post by wolfgang161272 »

Hi Rick, THANK YOU for coming home! I've missed you very much!!!
What kind of story!!! My mouth is wide open....

The point is: all of us want to see Vinnie himself shredding his guitar - that's it and nothing more...
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Post by Vdog »

Hell I wasn't even a contributing member of this place & he turned on me. PB, you stood no chance.
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Post by birnie »

Welcome back PB.
That was an exhausting read.
Too much for me to even think about going through.
I'm glad you tried.....
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Post by metatron »

Wow...Just b4 I get into it. This goes out to Spyder, Vinnie, SpyderVinnie, To whom it may concern...& to the people on this Board. So here goes. Rick really did have all the best intentions for you Vinnie. He really was trying his best, bending over backwards for you to get both tribes to find a middle ground, a place where we both could coexist in harmony. But obviously you don't want peace & that's fine. I'm a firm believer that some people are just better left on a very very short leash. Just short enough to be aware of the conniving deeds they are up to & just short enough that you can control them when they turn around and try to bite you. You being a dog owner should be well aware of what I'm talking. That why, when I tried to show some kind of support on the doublev forum (notice how I don't say your forum) I didn't kiss your ass. I was polite & I offered help, but I wasn't going to kiss your ass. See the problem we have is that you aren't the only person in the world with self dignity. I too have this self dignity, respect for myself, just like many here & most people on this planet. We are not going to bend over backwards for you. So you understand, I will not unconditionally suck up to you or anyone. That meaning Celebrities, Rockstars...anyone! At the end of the day, the same blood that runs through my veins runs through these 'famous' people veins. Your a human being & so am I, & I demand the same respect that you do. Sorry if you don't feel the same way. Part of me wants to say sorry to you for slagging you. But it's just not going to happen. After the attack on the VVFF by those inbreed thugs morons (I have your e-mail address dick-weeds) from the doublev forum, I'd say that line in the sand has been truly drawn. It was on your request that those incoherent ill manner buff heads attacked this site. So that makes you totally accountable for their actions. You are not part of the the solution for peace you are the problem. So guess want. FUCK YOU. I have feeling & I too have the right to 'unleash' upon those who fuck with my friends, my family & myself. Vinnie Cusano, it's pretty much over for me as a fan of yours. I love you music. I loved your imagery. I loved the whole concept of what you 'were' projecting, but as a human being you have a long way to go. There was a time when you were my 'John Lennon'. You were the greatest. But unfortunately it's the end of the road for me as a fan. I'll just pretend that Vinnie Vincent was some make believe superhero, like Batman or Spyder-man & that a person Vinnie John Cusano is just another dead beat I want nothing to do with. I wish you no harm & hope that you live a very very health for-filling long life. I'll frequent this great forum, VVFF as it is filled with lots of love & respect & people I call friends. You referring to us a cockroaches...Funny thing about cockroaches, they can outlive a nuclear explosion. We'll always be here, letting Feedom Rock!

Oh yer Vinnie Cusano, You wanted my address. You would already have it. I purchased two copies of the Euphoria packages. The ones with all the bells & whistles, so maybe you should get your 'staff' to check your 'Warehouse' records for my details.
Dannii Paris
I got Jesus in my fax machine. I saw Ho Chi Minh down @ Burger King. I dated Vinnie Vincent as a Drag Queen. I still don't understand a f**kin' thing.
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Post by Vdog »

I particularly enjoyed the parts of his emails where he said sorry for being a scrawny thieving flower & how he understands why nobody in the BIZ will go near his cancerous ass. You guy's missed those parts ? Me too. I wouldn't give this vermin a dollar of my money or an ounce of compassion. Get offline & go back to hiding in shame ya fucking joke. Nobody increases the membership of this place live Vincent Cusano, the toxic wizard.

It's all accusation and no mention of his own behavior :lol:
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Post by MeteoraXV »

Holy fuck does Vinnie think he's the Pope or something?? Instead of acting all important and high n mighty and shit he should stop being worried about every single friggin detail and start getting some shit done (which is hard I know he's in a tough spot right now). He can take his little Doublefuck forum and his 9k guitars and @#$!@%$!@#$
I'm sorry damn I'm really friggin sorry but even 28 years of being a fan of this guy just doesn't seem worth the time and energy to put in...then again I'm only 20, but I just cannot comprehend!!
And when he DOES put out a boxset 5 months from now or whatever...I know I won't deserve it cause I'm being a d!ck right now but what the hell I'll buy it anyways :lol:
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Post by metatron »

There is an urban myth & a neat idea, and one that has caught the popular imagination. Here's how the story goes: Every seven years (or 10, depending on which story you hear) we become essentially new people, because in that time, every cell in your body has been replaced by a new cell. May the Vinnie we think of is another person. Maybe there was no transcendence of consciousness from the old Vinnie to the new Vinnie when it evolved/devolved. Maybe I'm just full of sh!t. :lol:
I got Jesus in my fax machine. I saw Ho Chi Minh down @ Burger King. I dated Vinnie Vincent as a Drag Queen. I still don't understand a f**kin' thing.
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Post by Vdog »

I'm just shocked at how many hoops people will jump through to gain the blessings of a common criminal. He played a mean guitar, wrote great tunes, but it was so long ago. He seems happy to try and make the primary source of his income from theft & nonsense legal claims. Thankfully he's failed at that judging from the garden shed he resides in. He's not worth humiliating yourself to stay in his company.

What's also staggering is just how many hoops HE thinks people SHOULD jump through to be around his geriatric ass. I've been a fan for nearly 30 years, but I would not pay for any product from him anymore.

The idea of keeping your mouth shut just in case he one day allows you to speak to him again is just such a humiliating idea imo. Don't do it to yourself.
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Post by Skwint »

spyder is a cock - Vinnie aint any better for letting this 'cock' run the forum.

My time as a vinnie fan is over.
Cruisin' downtown, Shakin' her love, Is that babe talkin' to me, Felt my heart drop, Women can't stop, Girl has got me on my knees, Baby baby babe don't make me wonder, Won't you let me in, She said - see you later, Shot down, I'll be back again
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Post by Cernex »

I think it says a lot when the the forced "anger management" therapy that he might (or not) be ordered to take are the VERY LAST GLIMPSE of hope this guy has.

If those don't work, then nothing will.

Except, perhaps, a reality show called "When dead-beat musicians go to the shrink"
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Post by Bendeko53 »

why the fuck is everyone taking poserboy's side in this? he fucking stabbed vic, dino, tj, etc in the back by giving out their personal information to some fucking random (spyder) who obviously has their worst intrests in mind. granted spyder is 99.9% vinnie but thats still a pretty dog move. if someone trusts you with their personal information you dont fucking give that information to anyone.

vinnie obviously has some SERIOUS issues but stabbing people in the back and bending over for him just so he will 'like' you is is pretty low in my book.
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Post by poserboy71 »

Benny, Benny, Benny- YOUR book must be Dr. Seuss. You can't read and comprehend well.
PLEASE RE-READ and then pass judgement. No one was compromised or back-stabbed. In fact , it was quite the contrary. No one bent-over for anal pleasures or jumped through hoops.

Even though I didn't post here at the time, I asked permission of everyone to give Spyder their information.
Everyone was well aware of the good will that I was trying to make happen. Spyder is representing Vinnie very badly. I released those e-mails to expose Spyder. Vinnie needs to see who is representing him.
Vinnie is worth the effort, Spyder isn't .

Is Spyder Vinnie ??? Please prove it.

I have been catching up on my VVFF reading. You newbies better shape up.
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Post by Bendeko53 »

so you told all these people that vinnie wanted their addresses and phone numbers so he could possibly sue them and they all said "yeah ok no worries"? i doubt it.

as far as catching up on your vvff reading u should probably do a bit more cachting up. i may be new to this forum but i was one of the top posters on the old pyro messiah board and have been a fan since i was 16. but if not being cyber-abused by vinnie makes me a newbie thats cool, lol.

i dont wanna fight, argue or be an asshole to you rick. u sound like a very nice dude. i just dont agree with giving out that sort of info. this is the forum where freedom rocks and i'm just giving my opinion. i'm sure u can appreciate that.
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Post by poserboy71 »

Benny, I do appreciate freedom. All you need to do is ask those involved if I had permission and they will gladly inform you.
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Post by Genebaby »

Yeah, we were cool. Spyder Vinnie can have my details. I am giddy because Vinnie Vincent knows who I am!!!

I have to believe that Spyder and Vinnie are the same person when they use the same email account. That's proof enough for me.
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Post by metatron »

Hi Bendeko53, what Rick is saying is all above board. He asked me if he could slam. Heck, I even gave him some ideas on what to say. The only thing I didn't agree with was that others would really know what was going on (like yourself) & that @ some point we too start emulating the deceitful behavior that is so rampant on the doublev forum. But sadly, this is part of the Art of War. Like I've said b4, I come here for the people of this forum, not for Vinnie Cusano. Man I couldn't give a rats what happens to him. It's the people, people like yourself, that make this forum special. The problem is that if we didn't do things like the stage VVFF slamming, we won't get any info out of these two faced bastards on the doublev forum. It's the sad reality. And just for the record I wasn't privy to other thing that where going on in this forum, as people were communicate ideas via one on one PM's. I just went with the flow for the greater good.Peace.
I got Jesus in my fax machine. I saw Ho Chi Minh down @ Burger King. I dated Vinnie Vincent as a Drag Queen. I still don't understand a f**kin' thing.
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Post by poserboy71 »

Y'see Benny,

These guys knew how much of a fan I am and LET ME try to go back to the DoubleV Forum and be just that. We even put on a show for Spyder because he wanted it . Spyder wanted my friends to turn on me and seemed to rejoice inthe fact that it looked like they did.The people of the VVFF said when I left that I would be welcome back. I did ask everyone's permission . Dannii did give me a message for them that was a bit too much to share !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Vinnie and Spyder told me to come back here and wished me well when I recieved my final boot. Again, When it comes to Vinnie, I will not join in any jokes or threads that might hurt his feelings. On the other hand,Spyder needed to be exposed. I feel that Vinnie might not know what he has done.
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Post by Bendeko53 »

ok guys no worries. i didnt realise everyone was in on it. my apologies rick
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Post by shramiac »

I actually enjoyed abusing Rick! It was theraputic! :P :P :P

And I know Rick would have enjoyed the abuse! The perv!!! He he he
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Post by poserboy71 »

The thing is, I wasn't trying to trick Vinnie. The guys here gave me a pass to try to just be a fan. I hoped and also everyone at the VVFF hoped that it would work for me.

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Post by erg2 »

I feel a little bit used and deceived.
Open your window and see the real world
To know what you've been missing
Come out of the shadows
Insecurity lies
In a heart afraid to listen
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Post by metatron »

erg2, Like i said, I was privy to all the stuff either. I don't think you can say that their was one single person aware of everything. Think, the only people that were aware of the mock up slamming were the ones that were going to get slammed as they were asked if it would be ok to get bitch slapped in public by PB. The reason no one person is aware of everything that is going on is cause Cusano is so paranoid of his news/info that it needs to be drilled out of the doublev forum. & this info can only be obtained by means of a clock & dagger type fashion. Unfortunately it's the only way we all end up hearing new songs, reading about new news & gossip of course. erg2, I don't personally didn't like it, but that's the way it is. It's the great good bullshit thing. That why if you notice I'll add youtube clips & graphics & fillers cause otherwise we are like dogs chasing our own tails, Waiting for Godot. Don't think Godot ever gonna get here.
Last edited by metatron on Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I got Jesus in my fax machine. I saw Ho Chi Minh down @ Burger King. I dated Vinnie Vincent as a Drag Queen. I still don't understand a f**kin' thing.
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Post by poserboy71 »

Don't take it personally. I appreciate that you stood up for what you believe. No harm ,No foul. I understand your passion.

I didn't try to trick anyone but I was forced by Spyder to bash my friends. All the guys know how much Vinnie means to me so they gave me the pass to leave and they said that I would be MORE THAN WELCOME back when the time comes.They knew it was my only way into the DoubleV Forum so they let me do it and I encouraged them to give it back. As you can see, I didn't report a damn thing from DoubleV. I disappeared !!!
I kept my word to Vinnie and was still booted by Spyder.

If Vinnie didn't know what Spyder was doing, he does now.
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Post by Genebaby »

Guys and gals, Rick went on a journey to prove to himself and to us the person sending emails from Vinnie's personal account is not a nice guy.

The only way to do this was to go deep undercover with those on Vinnie's list only knowing what was up. Without such rules in place the mission would have been compromised and he would not have another chance.

I feel the same way about Eddie from Chicago after his recent blasting of us and subsequent return to DoubleV. He has not said anything but it seems to be working out for him. I am pretty sure he made a deal with the devil...Vinnie......

I don't understand the feelings of being used, you're all valued members here one and all. I would have thought reactions would have been different.

We now know there is no reasoning with Vinnie and that DoubleV is a wasteland tha Vinnie is running into the ground. He does not want to hear your honest thoughts and opinions on anything, just gushing words of admiration which you would think would get tiring after a while.

It's sad to not have any hope but most of us knew there wasn't any, Rick just wanted to know for sure. He comes across badly sometime but hind intentions are pure, he is a good guy.
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Post by poserboy71 »

Genebaby wrote: (Rick) comes across badly sometime but his intentions are pure, he is a good guy...


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Cernex »

I'm new here, reason why I really don't mind what Poserboy did, but on an entirely different thing: I really fail to see the point of going trough all that only to discover something that we all knew: that Vinnie's forum are a total piece of crap. I mean, isn't that the reason why we're all here to being with?

I mean, I apologize if I'm coming up a bit out of the blue on this, but am I really who fails to see the point of this whole thing? And, watching people reactions, I'm really starting to get the vibe this whole exercise, in the long run, did more harm than good.

Nothing new to read or discover here, and if anything, the only new thing is that some people were used in something they didn't even know.

I don't know guys... my honest opinion? This whole thing just wasn't worth all the troubles.

EDIT: I thought my message was a bit vague so I'm going to be a bit more clear: I'm NOT against what Rick did, and if anything, I would've liked to be part of it (as long as I knew what was going on). HOWEVER, I still fail to see the point, and I REALLY don't think it was worth all the fuss. That's ALL.
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Post by poserboy71 »

One doesn't need to understand everything to be loved.
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Post by poserboy71 »

I revisit this thread at times and reread the correspondence with Spyder.

It blows my mind to think that THIS is what my interaction with a childhood hero boils down to. :cry:
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Post by PinkWiz »

No worries... Cusano is no different than there rest of us... a year and half in Kiss and a million dollar contract with Chrysalis 25 years ago doesn't mean he's worthy of being put on a pedastal. The "reality" we make him live in now is that of a starstruck 10 to 16 year old unfortunately. Sometimes realizing that makes it easier to except Cusano's bipolar ways. At one time as a kid I thought my dad was a superhero who could do no wrong... only later did I except that he was a manic depressive, abusive asshole who was only human.
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Post by poserboy71 »

You are correct.
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Post by crossroads »


I really feel that you are one excellant person to try & continue carrying the VV hope to a point that the people you are trying to reach are being hostile towards you. If VV is as paranoid as I think he is let me give you the criteria for paranoid personilty disorder from the DSM V diagnostic manual:

(1) suspects, without sufficient basis, that others are exploiting, harming, or deceiving him or her
(2) is preoccupied with unjustified doubts about the loyalty or trustworthiness of friends or associates
(3) is reluctant to confide in others because of unwarranted fear that the information will be used maliciously against him or her
(4) reads hidden demeaning or threatening meanings into benign remarks or events
(5) persistently bears grudges, i.e., is unforgiving of insults, injuries, or slights
(6) perceives attacks on his or her character or reputation that are not apparent to others and is quick to react angrily or to counterattack
(7) has recurrent suspicions, without justification, regarding fidelity of spouse or sexual partner

At least someone with scizophrenia paranoid type you can medicate & decrease paranoid thoughts & behaviors. This type of personality disorder is almost impossible to treat. They are very lonly & spitful people. I feel you have done more for VV ,spyder & whoever the hell else your trying to be kind too. If I were you, enjoy VV for his music & the gifta he did give us. You sadly enough will never get through to him nor will you ever be close to him. I say this because I do not want to see you get cynical towards others in the future which will happen if you contiune to try & please these people. I say this because I believe you are a kind soul, & hate seeing you have to justify everything & coniue to get hurt.
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Post by poserboy71 »

Wow CR,
Thank you for that. I do have my prickish moments but I would like to believe I am a good person. THANK YOU.
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Post by BigEd »

I beg to naughty boy !!! :mrgreen:
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Post by BearFan »

This whole thing has to be one of the most bizarre things I have ever read. Vinnie has some serious issues. It is really such a shame that he pissed all that talent away.
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