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bry and vinnie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 3:11 am
by doublev2
I hope its cool to post this
Shaft Junior Member

USA 87 Posts

Posted - 12/25/2011 : 11:47:30 AM

To Vinnie, Spyder and the rest of my uber-cool Double-V Family,

I raise my martini glass to each and every one of you this Christmas.May thisbetheyear thatallof our Prayers are answered and all of our dreams come true!

From me to you and all of yours, Cheers, Bry

Who's the private d*ck that's a sex machineto all the chicks?Who's the manwho'll risk his neck for his brother man?Who'sthecatwho won'tcopoutwhen there's danger all about?John Shaft, Damn Right!

doublev Forum Admin/Owner

4838 Posts

Posted - 12/25/2011 : 2:32:35 PM

Hi Bryan, I know you to be a good person. I also remember having a great time with you in Orlando. That is why I wish that the same goodcheer comes to you on this Christmasday andinthisnew year to come, for whatever dream you have, whatever desires and whatever goals you hope and want to achieve, may intervention be possible to grant you your wishes. From my heart to yours. Merry Christmasandbewell,VinnieVincent

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 3:20 am
by erg2
Are these from the $500 pay-to-play forum or just the old double-v?

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 3:25 am
by Brooklyn_Born
The old double v. Free membership

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 7:04 am
by Genebaby
Free for the chosen few. Which was almost nobody.

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 7:50 am
by vvjunkie
I wonder if he will open it back up. No one came back to it maybe they know he needs help

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 7:55 am
by Genebaby
I would hope that under all the fake niceness and worship the people were aware their fallen warrior was not "all there" and really should be seeing several doctors.

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 8:05 am
by doublev2
bry is an old friend of Rick if I am not mistaken, or used to be.

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 8:19 am
by erg2
So you're saying Bry is used to being friends with mentally ill people?

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 12:26 pm
by poserboy71
doublev2 wrote:bry is an old friend of Rick if I am not mistaken, or used to be.
He is merely a friendly acquaintance/friendly face. I don't think that we should put that picture up. Bryan hasn't done anything but be a loyal fan to Vinnie and doesn't deserve anything that resembles ridicule. Thanks. :D :D :D :D

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:00 pm
by Shaft
Bry here ... yep, I've crossed paths with Rick quite a few times back in the day and it's cool that this pic is up here (actually, I have seen it on here once before as well - there's no problem with this at all, it's all good). Rick, you've also posted a a very nice comment about me a while back when Vinnie finally closed the DoubleV board. I never had the chance to thank you then so call this making up for lost time...

The DoubleV board was a really nice place to visit and it was great to get back in touch with a guy you've been a fan of for a LONG time and the peaceful loving vibe the board had provided a nice island of tranquility in a sea of madness. I was sad to see it go...

For the record, I've always been a fan of Vinnie the songwriter/guitarist and I still am. Thru the DoubleV board I became a friend of Vinnie and I'd still like to think that I am. His personal and private life I have always treated as just that: personal and private. What he chose to share was appreciated and treated with respect and it was a delight that somebody so private allowed himself to reveal so much of himself and it was never taken for granted.

Oh well, I'm starting to ramble now and it's getting kinda late. With the demise of the DoubleV board Vinnie fans have to meet up somewhere and chat, right? Looking forward to seeing what lies ahead...


Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:02 pm
by Shaft
erg2 wrote:So you're saying Bry is used to being friends with mentally ill people?
Well, I have been in retail for 16 years now and concert security for 5, if THAT doesn't make you crazy then I don't know what will! LOL

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:17 pm
by Genebaby
Welcome Bryan. Its cool for you that you got to meet a happy, smiling Vinnie. Do you remember the year?

How did you get the Shaft nickname?

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:37 pm
by Shaft
Thank you for the kind welcome!

The photo of Vinnie and I was taken in Orlando back in 1996 at the Orlando Kiss Expo. The promoter, Peter Arquette, is an old friend of mine and he knew I was a big fan. When Vinnie was scheduled to appear as a guest he (Vinnie) requested a "bodyguard". I was the first one Peter thought of and asked me if I would be interested. Silly question! I had the opportunity to spend a day and a half with him and he was the nicest, kindest guy you could ask for. He graciously answered the million questions I had for him and kindly took the time to autograph the many items I brought with me as well. A kinder gentleman you'll never meet...

That weekend still stands as one of the best times I've ever had :-)

As far as Shaft goes, it's just a tribute to one of my all-time favourite movies. Years ago I used to use the screen name "VINNIEISGOD" on the old Kissonline & Kiss Asylum message boards but once I became a born again Christian that name was put to rest and it's been Shaft (or "John Shaft") ever since!

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:40 pm
by Genebaby
Welcome Mr John Shaft!!!

I stand corrected, you are EXTREMELY lucky to have spent time like that with Vinnie, when he was being so nice.

Any other pics from that time? Any stories you can share?

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 2:08 pm
by Shaft
I really don't have many pictures from the weekend. Actually, I think the only other photo I have is of Vinnie at the autograph-signing table as I'm sitting next to him (sadly, nobody wanted my autograph LOL) and somebody I met online years ago sent the photo to me... To be truthful, I have more video from the weekend than I do photos (I seriously have to dig this up as I haven't watched it in ages...)

Apart from a couple, there's quite a few stories I can share. The one I'll share for now (it's getting kinda late and I gotta get up early in the morning for work) had to do with the Madonna movie, "Truth or Dare". The guy that drove us around asked Vinnie if he had ever seen the movie (he hadn't). There's a scene in the movie where they interview Madonna's brother and he says something along the lines of (imagine this in a THICK New York Italian accent) "I don't go fah any of dat stah-bullsh*t. I know what time it is and I tell HER what time it is, too". So, we used this line whenever we met somebody over the weekend. If we took a liking to them we told them "you know what time it is" or if we didn't care for them we told them "you don't know what time it is".

So, "backstage" before Vinnie did his Q&A, he did a small "meet & greet" with a few of the promoters closer friends and Vinnie met up with a prominent collector from New York who eventually made his way into KISS' inner circle (let's call him "Mike") and the conversation went somewhat as follows:

"Mike" (as Vinnie was signing his "Lick It Up" album): Do you still have the belt that you wore on the LIU cover?
Vinnie: Believe it or not, I still do!
"Mike": I'll give you $500 for it RIGHT NOW
Vinnie: People have offered me THOUSANDS for it in the past! You know what, "Mike"? You seem OK and all (he then puts his hand on "Mike's" shoulder - and takes a dramatic pause) but you don't know what time it is.
"Mike": (Silence because he has no idea what Vinnie was talking about)

Two people (myself and the guy who drove us around) almost fell over laughing because we were the only ones who knew what he meant...

Yes, this is one of the nuggets that somebody filmed and passed along my way.

Hope you enjoyed this little story, there'll be more when I can post 'em. Time to call it a night for now but not forever. Good night everybody!

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 4:01 pm
by poserboy71
Thanks for coming Bryan and you're welcome :D :D :D :D . Always a pleasant experience when crossing paths.

Sharing your Vinnie experiences is really cool , especially for those that haven't met him. He was so cool to me when I met him and made me feel incredible during the show with how much attention he gave me.
Having that experience,It's hard to believe that Vinnie is behind a lot of questionable things. I just hope he comes here one day and sets things right with a bunch of hurt people.

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 5:49 pm
by PinkWiz
Cool story Shaft and welcome , but "Mike" just sounds like a die hard Vinnie fan to me? Sounds to me like Vinnie was being an ass by making fun of the guy "behind his back." The guy probably had no clue Vinnie had been offered thousands for that belt...

...but then again, maybe "Mike" would've turned around and sold the belt for $1000? :)

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 6:29 pm
by doublev2
Wow Bryan . Great you are here. Very nice stories.

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 9:22 pm
by Brooklyn_Born
Great story Bryan! Another lucky fan that had a Vinnie Experience :D Thanks for sharing...Can you dig it?!

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 10:10 pm
by shramiac
I reckon "Mike" was Rick!!! :P :P :P

Nice to see you here! Hope your presence can be a building block for the bridge needed on the Vinnie Vincent - Fan river!!!!

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 5:26 am
by vvjunkie
Hey shaft welcome to the forum

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 5:41 am
by Streetbeat
welcome shaft , cool story !!!!!!!!!!!

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 8:03 am
by Vdog
Great story. Nice to hear a fun story, It's a real shame there aren't more.

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 2:30 pm
by Slayer
Great story Bryan and welcome to the VVFF!


Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 5:01 am
by Shaft
Thanks for the warm welcome and the kind words everybody! :-)

Pink Wiz: "Mike" was/is a die-hard Kiss/VV fan. But, you really had to know him to really get a kick out of the story. I really don't wish to give away his name but, everybody that was backstage with us knows what this guy was about and it was fitting that Vinnie told him "he didn't know what time it was".

When I have time I will try to post some more stories about the weekend in Orlando. One short one I can tell right now is after we picked him up from the airport we all went out to lunch at "Kenny Rogers' Chicken" (or something like that) and one of the things we asked was about working with Gene & Paul again for the writing of the "Revenge" album. Most of the stories you have heard are pretty much what he told us but it was interesting that the one song he wasn't crazy about was "Heart of Chrome". The reason behind this was because Paul didn't like the original lyrics written as he felt they were too "wild & out there". Vinnie told us that he just wanted to tell Paul to "loosen up, go out to some clubs, live a little & walk on the edge". He really didn't remember, at the time, just what the original lyrics were and I had even asked him again about it, years ago, on the DoubleV board but never got a response.

I do know that Vinnie's original hand-written lyrics for "Unholy" are/were on display at the Hard Rock Cafe' in New Orleans as I read them myself and THOSE lyrics were wild! I can only imagine what the original "Heart of Chrome" lyrics were!

Like I said, more stories when I can and Thank You again for making me feel welcome here! :-)

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 5:23 am
by Vdog
Oh we know Vinnie likes to get "wild" LOL

These kind of stories make me wonder why Vinnie isn't telling them himself, they really are endearing and sometimes funny. Having that close bond with your fans is how smaller acts survive & prosper these days. Vinnie should have attempted a much more friendly relationship with his fans. Can't even get an anecdote out of Cussy boy for free.

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 7:08 am
by doublev2
I think he also said as suzieq that the dv board before he took over was to straight and needed a little more wild.
I took it as a dig at me but was cool with it.

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 7:10 am
by doublev2
Did anyone see the photo that is supposed to be Suzie q?

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 8:49 am
by vvjunkie
doublev2 wrote:Did anyone see the photo that is supposed to be Suzie q?
Yes and I would like to see it again

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:29 am
by Genebaby
Lets's see if we can find it for everyone!!!!

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:32 pm
by Slayer
Rick, Dannii and I could probably rub one out to that picture of Susie Q on the car :-)

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 11:37 pm
by metatron
Slayer wrote:Rick, Dannii and I could probably rub one out to that picture of Susie Q on the car :-)
Yer, check the hub caps out these babies. Lamborghini, Ferrari..drooling
You make my turret rock hard baby all nite.

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 4:30 am
by Brooklyn_Born
Ferrari? Lamborghini? Where? :lol:

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 6:45 am
by PinkWiz
Haha is that just some random pic u found or did Vinnie actually post that pic saying it was SusieQ? :lol:

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 7:23 am
by Genebaby
That isn't the SuzieQ pic Vinnie claimed was her, just a random Dannii found.

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 7:29 am
by PinkWiz
oh ok, I was hoping he didn't believe we were THAT naïve... :?

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 9:02 am
by Brooklyn_Born
Nah, the suzie pic was some model from the early to mid 80's... It was blatantly obvious. It looked like it had been taken straight out of French Vogue!

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 9:05 am
by doublev2
yeah it was for sure a fake picture from a fake person.

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 9:22 am
by Brooklyn_Born
It was a glamor shot from a glamor mag, he must think people are stupid??

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 4:28 pm
by Slayer
metatron wrote:
Slayer wrote:Rick, Dannii and I could probably rub one out to that picture of Susie Q on the car :-)
Yer, check the hub caps out these babies. Lamborghini, Ferrari..drooling
You make my turret rock hard baby all nite.

Hhhhhhhmm, that will wooooooooork :-)

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 5:43 pm
by shramiac
I hope she had some protection (oo er) on those shoes!!!

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 8:30 pm
by PinkWiz
Shaft wrote: Most of the stories you have heard are pretty much what he told us but it was interesting that the one song he wasn't crazy about was "Heart of Chrome". The reason behind this was because Paul didn't like the original lyrics written as he felt they were too "wild & out there". Vinnie told us that he just wanted to tell Paul to "loosen up, go out to some clubs, live a little & walk on the edge". He really didn't remember, at the time, just what the original lyrics were and I had even asked him again about it, years ago, on the DoubleV board but never got a response. :-)

Odd that you should mention that because the one thing I never really dug about Heart Of Chrome were the lyrics. They seemed really forced... maybe that's because Paul forced Vinnie to rewrite them?

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 6:11 am
by poserboy71
This is what Vinnie was representing as Suzie Q:


Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 6:26 am
by vvjunkie
You are right my friend

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:33 am
by doublev2
Got the picture coming soon. Yeah suzie q who is vv put a picture of herself up and it was this model.

Re: bry and vinnie

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 5:57 pm
by poserboy71
doublev2 wrote:Got the picture coming soon. Yeah suzie q who is vv put a picture of herself up and it was this model.
It was a SIMILAR looking model. It may have been this chick... :? :? :? :?