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Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 12:02 pm
by doublev2
Someone close to Vinnie has told me that he has a sleeping disorder similar to what Michael Jackson had. He has always had issues sleeping and being overly hyper. I am now thinking that a lot of his issues stem from this. He must be very tired all the time yet not be able to sleep. This explains his posting and email patterns where he only seems to sleep for about 3 hours and who knows if he is a sleep then.
I think it may go someway to explaining some things which is why I posted it.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 4:28 am
by erg2
All is forgiven, then.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 6:13 am
by Genebaby
No, no, not so quick. He knows he should see a Dr. to help get him behaving like a normal, rational person, so he can reside in the real world again.

A world where anything associated with him is not worth twenty times the price it should cost and where he understands we are not haters, just normal people who know bullcrap when we see it.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 6:53 am
by erg2
Sorry. Was being sarcastic and forgot my emoticon.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 9:28 am
by Genebaby
Ha ha, gotcha, I should have known.

I stand by my statement. Lol.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 9:38 pm
by KissMyAss
No, bitch slapping women is a deeper psychological issue.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 12:31 am
by doublev2

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 1:25 am
by KissMyAss
Excuse me...I communicated that too bluntly.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 6:28 am
by poserboy71
ONE MORE TIME, Please keep your personal lives away from making comments about an argument that you know nothing about.
It isn't fair to anyone.

Unless you have unmitigated proof about that night, please refrain from your comments.

If you have proof, share it.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 3:39 pm
by KissMyAss
It's called "watching the news"


Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 4:34 pm
by poserboy71
Here we go again.

AGAIN, You weren't there. You don't know what happened. Have some fucking respect.
Don't apply your supposed situation to someone else.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 4:41 pm
by 1031
I second, while I don,t condone family violence of any kind, I you or no one but the two parties know what happened. And it has nothing to do with the OP.

The sleeping disorder thing can be from cycling bi polar I have this issue my med's control it. its pretty common with bipolar disorder. I have had suspicion that Vinnie is bipolar for a while, it fits a lot of the behavior and past and present. The thing with it is a lot of the side things like not sleeping for long periods cascade with cycling Bipolar and create paranoia, panic attacks and can trifecta with a odd tunnel vision thing where you feel like your in a maze. I cant remember what the doc said it was called. It' like when you walk in to a room then go to leave through a hall and cant remember what door you came in, but toss in the inability to engage your internal compass. this can lead to isolation, refusal to leave the home. It all can lead to a inability separate, reality , paranoid fantasy and dreams. A whole lot of Bipolar's end up with a stay in the happy hotel for at least a day or two some time in their life to get them med corrected.

I have also seen people say they are bipolar to explain why they are just a ass hole too, Its has become the go to thing to say when some one is just not getting there way and acts douchey.

Most of this is controllable with medication, except being a douchey asshat .The medication is a lot netter now, you don't feel like a zombie and can function very well, with therapy to teach you how to control some of the panic trigger issues and how to basically reboot if things get off the path. Most people have no idea I am bipolar. But I treat it as my issue and not there's.

I have no doubt some where in the last 25 years he was asked, told or was suggested that there was a issue there and to get checked out and refused. Or he could just be a douchey asshat, cant fix that one

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 4:43 pm
by Genebaby
Rick, what we have to go on is what has been reported by the news and local law enforcement.

Vinnie yelled at Diane, and according the the lady herself dragged her through broken glass. He's a fucker so fuck him until he's man enough to come here and explain himself. I wish he'd gotten time as was his due for that night.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 8:45 pm
by KissMyAss
Exactly. Thank you.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:26 pm
by Genebaby
Sorry 1031, didn't see your response until now, somehow I missed it.

I am willing to believe that Vinnie has to have "some" kind of issue that is treatable, rather than just being an asshat, which would be harder to fix.

We may never know, but an extreme lack of sleep may have helped fuel what happened that night. I know I get pretty cranky when I've not had enough, and my little son shows us what it's like for a baby who needs a nap, it's not pretty!!

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:21 am
by erg2
When you read the police report his wife filed detailing HER side of the story, it does kind of paint the picture of him being a piece of shit.

However, I have personally witnessed a female berate her husband (both intoxicated) non-stop for over an hour culminating with her punching him in the face unprovoked. The husband...and I'm not condoning or supporting this...instinctually punched her right back instantly. She called the cops and pressed charges for domestic battery. Even though there were multiple witnesses that saw the female strike him first, he was arrested and spent the night in jail. Even after court, HE was the one who was given probation.

My point is, yes Vinnie may have done some despicable things to his wife but we do not know what she did up to the point that happened to provoke him or what substances or mental states both were in.

I learned an important lesson from the incident I witnessed. When my wife and I get into an argument and it gets heated...I just walk away. I leave the room or even leave the house. It's not worth losing my freedom or self respect. Nobody is.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 7:17 am
by Genebaby
We're not of aware of Vinnie having any marks on him and he's not mentioned being hit himself, thought that I pretty poor of the "justice" system in your post man.

What I'm trying to say is, if you stick to the facts as they are known to us, we can discuss the night as required. That's what this site is about, there is no censorship on Vinnie, just don't make up lies. Speculate, wonder bit don't say something is fact unless it can be proven to be true.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 8:01 am
by erg2
The person I discuss is a family member. I know for a fact had never raised his hand nor had he since...only that one time when she punched him first when he was really drunk and not expecting it. Once upon a time I would've said, "If a woman wants to throw the first punch then she better be ready to be hit back." That was when I was MUCH younger and immature. Now...if that were to happen...the first thing I would do is call 911 and have the woman arrested. Like I said, it's not worth your freedom or self respect to be arrested for hitting a woman even is she does throw the first fist.

As far as Vinnie is concerned, if you believe the reports, he certainly sounds like he took the argument too far and comes across looking like a total piece of shit. Less than a man.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:03 am
by poserboy71
DIRECTLY TO VIC and KMA, The news and police reports AREN'T "FACTS".

I could honestly give a fuck about who hit who. That is THEIR business.
KMA has a vested interest simply because she claims to have been beaten by an ex and she is also pissed off at Vinnie.

Vic, Vinnie didn't have any marks? Do you know this as fact ? I've been hit by other people and they didn't leave a mark yet my hand prints on their arms (stopping them from hitting me) were very prominent.
I'm sure you've wrestled with your munchkins and been hurt. It probably didn't leave a mark. :wink:

We have a one-sided police report to go on. Anything is possible. Vinnie could have even been protecting his wife by not filing a report. He might have done the honorable thing .

Until both of you can present the facts, I suggest to drop the bullshit in an effort to keep some integrity here.

If you guys really wanna play "WHAT IF" then :
A drunken Diane finds Vinnie on the phone (possibly with another woman), she gets jealous and starts motherfucking him and starts throwing shit at him (maybe a few dinner plates :wink: ),she runs at him swinging wildly, Vinnie gets pissed and retaliates, while escorting her from the house, she gets dragged through the glass that wouldn't be there if she hadn't broken it in the first place.
The neighbor, Paul S, is on record that he heard a male voice yelling , "Get the fuck out of my house."

My little story could be SPOT ON but I admit to not knowing THE FACTS. Maybe the both of you should exercise doing the same.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:25 am
by PinkWiz
If alcohol was involved then all bets are off. ALL of the idiotic things I've done in my life have involved alcohol... pretty much 100%.

As has been stated here before, too much alcohol = bad.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 3:47 pm
by Slayer
"If you guys really wanna play "WHAT IF" then :
A drunken Diane finds Vinnie on the phone (possibly with another woman), she gets jealous and starts motherfucking him and starts throwing shit at him (maybe a few dinner plates ),she runs at him swinging wildly, Vinnie gets pissed and retaliates, while escorting her from the house, she gets dragged through the glass that wouldn't be there if she hadn't broken it in the first place.
The neighbor, Paul S, is on record that he heard a male voice yelling , "Get the fuck out of my house."

My little story could be SPOT ON but I admit to not knowing THE FACTS".

This is pretty much what I believe happened too but who knows for sure

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:44 pm
by Genebaby
Rick, what I'm trying to say is I don't care how we speculate about this, it's a public story, it's out there and I'm not interested in censoring people about discussing it.

Public doman = fair game.

Your version sounds very plausible and it's fine to post it, talk about it, call it bullshit or whatever.

At the end of the day its just a domestic between a virtual shut-in (he does go out once in a while I hear) and his working wife.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 12:28 am
by erg2
I'm betting this isn't the life Diane expected when she married a "rock star".

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 1:03 am
by doublev2
Its all been said at the time. Its clear diane was hit. If it wasnt vinnie then it was herself. They dont call in swat teams for nothing. But its all been said in the past by everyone and its over.
Yes the case was settled out of court so no one can be accused of what they were accused of anymore.


Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 1:07 am
by doublev2
The facts are according to vv on dv board that he was put in jail overnight for a crime he did not do and his wife lied to police. Thats whar he said. What diane said we only have the police report.
Vv says his wife is a liar. His wife said she hit him and dragged him through glass. Thats the facts we have.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 2:23 am
by MatthewF
It's not like the courts are fair to men at all. I mean the law against DV in the US is called "The Violence Against Women Act" for christsakes. I've heard stories of men going to the police after being assaulted only to get laughed at.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 2:43 am
by KissMyAss
Why would I be pissed at Vinnie? Distrustful of Vinnie, yes. Angry at Vinnie, no. I'm not getting anything out of this. You should look up the word "empathy".

Self-defense balances on level of potential harm vs. level of force. This is the reason men are usually prosecuted for hitting women back. Men are stronger than women, so the retaliation is greater than the threat.Read the lawyer Q&A. ... f-defense3

I am not justifying a woman initiating a fight. It's not very wise to hit someone bigger and stronger. I'm saying two wrongs never make a right.

There are alternatives when a fight is initiated

If someone starts hitting, shield your face behind the ouside of your arms, and move away. Or you can duck, and roll on the floor away from the aggressor. Get to your feet, and run. If you've never taken martial arts classes, then move away from the path of the flying objects, and the person. Anyone can run to the door.
If you get out of the immediate situation, you can call the police!

Here is a flaw in your speculation. If he pushed her, it could've been a forgivable impulsive offset of an attack, although unnecessary, if you can walk out of the house. As you pointed out, he told her to leave, and he forced her out the door. You forget sound. The glass was moving around beneath her. He must have heard it. He was too angry (and indifferent) to check if she had gotten cut. It's common sense. We've all stepped on glass at some point in our lives. Think about the screams of terror, crying, and pleading. He knew she wasn't angry any longer. He knew she was scared. Anybody would've have been scared to death. He may or may not have seen the blood, but he isn't deaf, he heard her moving through shards of glass. If you imagine sound with the picture, it's cruel and excessive past any reasonable claim of protecting oneself. He wasn't reacting impetuously. Once the "attack" has ended in even a reasonable claim of self-defense, so must the countermeasure.

For force to qualify as "self-defense", it has to be a reasonable amount, absolutely necessary, equivalent to the threat, and imminent (in other words protecting oneself from immediate harm). When the initiator of a fight ceases to fight, and the other person continues to use aggression, legally, the aggressor becomes the the person continuing the violence. The language "necessary" means "no alternative". There were other options besides dragging her out the door.

Even if you're right, Diane was legally the victim.

"In all cases where the defendant uses self defense as a defense to a charge of assault or battery, the following five elements must be proven.

First, the defendant must prove that he reasonably believed that his act was necessary to defend himself. This defense is available even if it turns out that the defendant did not actually need to defend himself. As long as he reasonably believed that he needed to defend himself, he will be able to use this defense.

Second, the defendant must show that he reasonably believed that he was being threatened with physical harm.

Third, the defendant must show that the threatened harm was imminent.

Fourth, the defendant must show that he reasonably believed that the threatened harm was unlawful.

Fifth, the defendant must show that the threatened harm was of such a nature that it actually required the level of force that the defendant used." ... efense.asp

No disrespect to Diane. This is just speculation and in the eyes of the law, she was the victim. No matter how you slice it.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 2:56 am
by erg2
I didn't know KMA was also a lawyer. I, for one, am not. I do not know the local laws where the Cusanos live especially.

The above, appears to in IMO...and it's just MY into Rick's assertion of speculating what happened. And not only speculating what happened, but then applying jargon gleaned from the internet to infer some legal judgement. I assume since Vinnie is not in jail right now that what you posted above probably does not apply to this case.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:05 am
by KissMyAss
Oh brother. I am not delusional. I don't think I'm ready to hit the courts because I read public documents. :roll: :roll: :roll: The jurisdiction exceptions are announced in fairly plain English. I don't need a law degree to read.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:34 am
by erg2
I'm just saying that there are people on here that seem to make interpretations and assessments in a presentation style that comes across as expert or fact...when in truth they are making an amateur guess just like the rest of us.

"Eric Carr died of a blood clot because of stress"

"You can't hit someone back if they hit you first"

When I am not an expert in something or a professional in that field, I always like to preface my statements with an "IMO" or "I am not expert, but this is how it was explained to me". Others like to read one article on the internet and assume they are now fully educated in that matter. People study for years to understand law or medicine...and then they specialize...and then with law, it is different from state to state. It's ignorance to assume one understands what one doesn't understand.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:30 am
by 1031
To all, theres no sense in arguing about it, no matter the situation or who did what I think we can all agree domestic violence is a bad thing, 80% of the time alcohol is involved and 99% of the time no matter who did what they always justify it. And no one will do the smart thing and just leave before things get out of hand, and 80% of the time the person abused will not file charges or leave the abuser. This is why most states or citys have gone to a policy that says if we get called for a domestic abuse some one goes to jail for the night, they dont care who but someone is going just to defuse the situation for that day.

We all have no doubt that there relationship is dysfunctional at best.

So blaming one party for the action always leaves blame for the other not just leaving. life is to short to get worked up over someone elses bull shit and the best thing you can do is say a prayer they figure their life out.

All opinions are my own and not covered under any warranty and no refunds policy apply

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:37 am
by erg2
60% of the time it works EVERY time!

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:28 am
by poserboy71
Genebaby wrote:Rick, what I'm trying to say is I don't care how we speculate about this, it's a public story, it's out there and I'm not interested in censoring people about discussing it.

Public doman = fair game.

Your version sounds very plausible and it's fine to post it, talk about it, call it bullshit or whatever.

At the end of the day its just a domestic between a virtual shut-in (he does go out once in a while I hear) and his working wife.
The difference being that SOME PEOPLE are presenting their STORY as FACT.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:41 am
by erg2
That's the only problem I have with any of these discussions. People come on here and post like they are legal or medical or marketing or recording industry experts when it's clear that most of us are none of these things. They post statements of fact and declare your statements of CONJECTURE as false...when in fact they are ALL statements of CONJECTURE. I'm only expert in a few chosen profession (graphic arts, offset printing and digital printing and have worked extensively in the field of marketing) and myself. Anything else I try to lead with THIS IS MY OPINION or THIS IS WHAT I HEARD or THIS IS WHAT AN EXPERT TOLD ME BUT I COULD BE WRONG.

It drives me crazy when somebody that is clearly not a professional in a field spouts off like they are an expert. Sure, most of us can read, absorb and comprehend. To be honest with you, I'd bet you'd all be shocked to find that I have been tested many times in my life and have always come out with an above average IQ. But just because I have the cognitive ability does NOT also mean that I am also not ignorant of many things. I am not a medical professional. I am not a lawyer.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 12:34 pm
by Genebaby
Guys, we're going around in circles. Everyday, here and everywhere people spout things as fact, or they don't mention it's only their opinion or something they heard.

This wasn't an issue until recently with a certain "member" arrived recently. A lot of arguments broke out about "facts" Vs "opinion".

Lets get over how people post things, that's never been in contention before, it's just a sore subject due to recent events.

What's in play here, and is ok by me, is discussing the last time Vinnie was in the spotlight. No disrespect to Vinnie, we really don't owe him any after his treatment of us at DoubleV and since, and I know he's no fan of mine, but it happened, it's public and we'll discuss it, even though we weren't there.

If people couldn't discuss anything unless they were there and knew the absolute facts then message boards across the globe would be pretty damn boring.

So please anybody, don't shoot someone down for remarking on anything because they were not there, and we are not in the business of holding anything back out of respect for Vinnie. This is the board that tells it like it is.

Please continue as before.


Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 2:53 pm
by erg2
And that's where I'm with you, V. I want to discuss it and potentially squeeze out more truth if possible or even some understanding. But as I said above, I have a hard time dealing with people spouting legal or medical "facts" when they do not have the degree to back it up.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 2:50 am
by poserboy71
Genebaby wrote:
This wasn't an issue until recently with a certain "member" arrived recently. A lot of arguments broke out about "facts" Vs "opinion".

With respect to those that deserve it, I have always been very vocal about this topic being shut down unless there is proof. Some people here are throwing their supposed personal experiences onto the fire that they are throwing Vinnie into.
I have always been very vocal about people not using the mug shot .
I have always searched for fact in reasonable places and not searched for it within a conglomeration of other people's opinions. I have more than proven this to the forum elders.
I expect more from people who claim to have high level IQs.

I don't care who comes here. it could be Vinnie, his wife, family, Angels, people with multiple screen names,etc... I HAVE ALWAYS STOOD FIRM ( AND STIFF) THAT EVERYONE SHOULD ALWAYS HAVE PROOF AS THE MAIN INGREDIENT IN THEIR PUDDING.

As for if Vinnie deserves it or not, AGAIN, I expect more of fellow human beings. We don't have to turn the other cheek ,but we could BE THE LIGHT. We shouldn't hold ourselves comparable to other people or message boards. I believe we are better than most of this bullshit.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 8:48 am
by erg2
I don't know. I'm a pretty shitty person.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 11:57 am
by Genebaby
Sorry Rick, I know you've mentioned this before and I only wish I'd stopped you the first time. You are pushing YOUR beliefs and desires on other people. I should not have let it go on so long.

Whenever I hear about someone being outraged/annoyed at something, and trying to stop freedoms I am against it.

If it's on TV, change the channel and let the rest of us watch what we want. If it's on here, ignore it and move on. If it becomes a real problem, set someone to a FOE so you cannot see what bothers you.

We all know what you BELIEVE, but your beliefs are not a good fit for everyone else, and vice versa. I've mentioned your bawdy "innuendo" (some would call it 'inyourendo') before. I don't think everyone is in agreement in believing that is appropriate banter, but it slides, it slides. Please do the same for others or you'll get lots of responses to a lot of your posts about people not believing your post is appropriate.

This place was built on an open slather approach to Vinnie, not kid gloves.

The mugshot is public domain, its sad and I always think to myself when you see these of stars who look like shit, I'm glad I don't do the shit that gets me a mug shot.

So here's the mugshot, no disrespect intended. It will live forever on the internet.


Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 12:41 pm
by Portillo
Michael Jackson also said that "They're trying to kill me". Is the illuminati after Vinnie aswell?

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 1:14 pm
by poserboy71
The collage of mugshots ?That was pretty fucking dickish for someone who is supposed to uphold some truth on this forum.
We know some things about Vinnie as fact and I have never stopped anyone from talking about those things.
Your glad you've never done anything to have a mugshot? Who has shown any evidence other than HEARSAY that Vinnie did anything to deserve his mugshot ? Who made you the judge and jury on Vinnie's situation? I have simply said that it is unfair to speak about it AS FACT when all of us know that there could've been many twists and turns to the events of that night.

As for most of the cock jokes lately, I have RESPONDED to other people's jokes for the most part. YOU cannot deny that !!!! Let's face the facts here, there are about a dozen of us who call this place our online home.More than half of us have instigated Dick jokes. Should I spell out the names for you or are you delusional to think I'm the only one ?
Like it or not , it IS a boy's club with the exception of one cool female (ReneRoxx).
The females (?) that have come here , sometimes under multiple screen names, have been Hellbent on causing trouble.

I know that there are other people that share MY beliefs. At one point YOU shared those beliefs as well.

My beliefs are in TRUTH and not what some attention whore that claims she was beaten and wouldn't mind a visit from the Grim Reaper ( great mother).

YOU claim to want everyone here to have freedom to speak their mind YET you should've STOPPED ME ?
Fuck you very much. :D :D :D :D

For your information, as always, I am sitting here very calmly. I'm smiling right now because I know in my heart of hearts that I am correct.

You are my buddy, but you are WAY off base here. :D :D :D :D

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 1:40 pm
by Genebaby
Rick, I can't believe this is taking so long.

The mugshot is truth. Sad, but true. It's Vinnie. It's really him, it's a valid image that he now has to own and get on with his life.

All this boils down to is enforcing your beliefs on others, that's all. LET people talk about that night. There was a report on Vinnie, let people talk about it, it's their right. That's what I'm trying to say.

There are young girls on here, as members, and most likely as lurkers from the rest of the world, so bare that in mind when you call it a boys club. It's an equal opportunity board.
poserboy71 wrote: YOU claim to want everyone here to have freedom to speak their mind YET you should've STOPPED ME ?
Fuck you very much. :D :D :D :D
I know, I know, but it that's the way it works. The rub is you get stopped AFTER you try to stop someone else. They have the right to say what they want about Vinnie, you have the right to ignore it, not to stop them cause you feel it shouldn't be talked about it, 's all I'm saying. :wink:

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 3:15 pm
by erg2
A) I have been the instigator of many of the dick and gay banter...but that's because Rick won't let me post about heterosexual stuff because it can't be proven I am straight.

2) I personally don't care what anyone posts or what they post...except when they post it as a fact they are expert in. I think we should be able to talk or post about just about anything, but...and I know I'm repeating myself here...the couple of posters on this forum making legal and medical statements and other statements of fact which are not really fact while simultaneously telling everyone else they are wrong drives me bonkers. You are either an expert in the field with education and professional experience or you are just spouting opinion. And when it comes to opinion, my asshole is every bit as valid as your asshole.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 5:06 pm
by Slayer
In regards to the mug shot I remember soliticing TMZ to acquire and post it because I was starved to see what the real modern Vincent Cusano looked like. Guilty as charged - Fact!

Is it sad = yes

Is it a demon of his own design - Sadly yes.

Vinnie should respond with a series of pictures of himself with those badass DoubleV Guitars and some beautiful women with him. Why not comeback to the real world with a shaved head and a goatie? I can tell you from 1st hand experience that it is bettter to be shaved than bald LOL :-)

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:00 am
by Genebaby
erg2 wrote:A) I have been the instigator of many of the dick and gay banter...but that's because Rick won't let me post about heterosexual stuff because it can't be proven I am straight.

2) I personally don't care what anyone posts or what they post...except when they post it as a fact they are expert in. I think we should be able to talk or post about just about anything, but...and I know I'm repeating myself here...the couple of posters on this forum making legal and medical statements and other statements of fact which are not really fact while simultaneously telling everyone else they are wrong drives me bonkers. You are either an expert in the field with education and professional experience or you are just spouting opinion. And when it comes to opinion, my asshole is every bit as valid as your asshole.
Yourself and Rick certainly seem to have a "thang" going on, LOL. Don't worry about it, Rick was Rick before you joined up. :D :D :D

As for those who post things as fact as if they were experts, there's not much we can do, people are always posing opinion as fact. Nobody was worse than Brainsaw, who has gone quiet. Best I can say is, chill, don't ill when something like that is bothering you. Point out the issue but please don't antagonise anybody over it. If you feel the need to go that far then ignoring them from them on is the better way to go.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:04 am
by Genebaby
KissMyAss wrote:No, bitch slapping women is a deeper psychological issue.
Most of us here are probably of the opinion that Vinnie has some issues that could use treating. If he did not, then his behavior, not just on that night, but to his small but devoted fan base, is truly wicked and evil, rather than the work of a person who needs help but has never received it.

Why he hasn't had treatment is another matter? Surely he thinks he's fine so is it a matter of "yes men/women" agreeing with him on everything and enabling the crazy? Did he get treated but go off his meds? That could explain the times he's been reported to be quite nice and personable, and the other times when he was not so nice.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 3:23 am
by poserboy71
Slayer wrote:In regards to the mug shot I remember soliticing TMZ to acquire and post it because I was starved to see what the real modern Vincent Cusano looked like. Guilty as charged - Fact!

Is it sad = yes

Is it a demon of his own design - Sadly yes.

Vinnie should respond with a series of pictures of himself with those badass DoubleV Guitars and some beautiful women with him. Why not comeback to the real world with a shaved head and a goatie? I can tell you from 1st hand experience that it is bettter to be shaved than bald LOL :-)
With the mugshot, I believe all of us felt the same way. I know I wanted to see it too. It doesn't mean we should keep posting it. It HURTS more people than Vinnie. It just plain sucks.

As for "Prove it or shut up", I believe that is the healthiest disclaimer we can adopt for THIS forum.
In fact, Let's take a poll. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 3:34 am
by poserboy71
Also , I forgot to mention our very own JUNKIE in an earlier post. She has always been nice as far as I can tell. :D

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 3:50 am
by 5minLuvKills
I find that ejaculating is a great cure for whatever ails you. Sleeplessness included. Seriously I have had this "disorder" myself ever since I was 30 or so (not being able to sleep through the night/sleeping in 3-4 hour spurts...spurts ahh back to ejaculating)...don't know why but I haven't asked a doctor about it...

I guess I should weigh in on what's been said, I realize my opinion probably doesn't have too much significance since I haven't been here that long...but here's my take

The dynamics that exist in a relationship where deep emotions such as love whether that love is a present state or not are so complex and personal that anyone outside of that relationship can only go on what they think is happening because we don't know the whole story no matter how inconsequential we might think a particular action is we don't know how that action exists in the structure of the relationship of two other people besides ourselves. Not getting the car washed may mean nothing to you or I but it may mean a hell of a lot to Vinnie or Diane if you see what I'm getting does that mean all bets are off and since we weren't there that it's completely acceptable for violent acts to occur of course not...I'm just saying I don't feel I am in a position to psychoanalize a relationship I am not in. However, I also don't take offense at those who do. I just think the two parties in question are those that it matters most to and correct me if I'm wrong aren't they still together? I mean I know people stay in abusive relationships but calling them out or talking about it really has very little actual significance because if the realtionship is indeed abusive then the abusee is the only one who can change it by getting away from the abuser or letting the authorities know they want the abuser out or their life. This is also not a one way street I as a man have been in emotionally abusive relationships and got the fuck out because I was tired of being treated like shit for a woman the threat may be more dangerous to their life but they have the choice, the ability to leave as well or at least attempt to leave and let the cops know about the situation. To my knowledge this does not apply in this situation because this happened what a year and half ago and no one left or put any restraining orders on anyone...until that happens I don't see any reason to speculate. They had a fight I'll leave it at that. But like I said I'm not gonna feign indignation at those who want to.

Re: Vinnie Sleeping disorder

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 3:53 am
by 1031
I only consider myself well knowledgeable in the following area's : Guitars and instruments repair, string instrument playing and wankery, Drug and Alcohol abuse, Bipolar and typical loony behavior, The honda VTX 1300 motorcycle, how to piss off a woman with two syllables or less, the many use's of blue cheeses, how to bake the worlds most bad ass deep dish pecan pie, and bouts of chronic masturbation. All other areas are purely speculation on my part are my opinion only have no warranty and a no refund policy apply's.

Rick, I think G is right on this, its not my opinion or out look only because I dont know for sure and it has to many scenarios to be absolute on. But the ability to voice opinion on this forum is more important than an individual one .