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Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 2:38 pm
by poserboy71
AGAIN, I am compelled to ask why some of you are on a fan forum telling everyone how you've lost the thrill.

Think back to this day a mere three years ago.
Vinnie wasn't around. 
At least he is making efforts to get over what kept him away for so long.
Applaud the effort. Hope for the best or simply move on.

The TRUTH FORUM excuse doesn't apply to this. It's one thing to be disappointed at things(I have been bummed about certain things) but saying that you basically can't stand Vinnie anymore goes against posting in a FAN forum.
Help me understand. Does misery love company that much ?

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 4:25 pm
by Genebaby
I think Rick that not everybody cares the way you do. You can't really expect the whole world to behave the way you want them to can you?

Everyone is probably just as tired with your pleas on how to behave on a Vinnie Vincent Forum.

Everyone is free to express themselves as they wish, and perhaps misery does love company, as most people are in the misery boat, rather than the happy tree.

These are just facts of life. You are not always going to get what you want. Maybe you will see Vinnie play again, maybe you won't. But the words of people on a web page will not dictate that outcome.

That's up to one other person, as to wether they choose to perform for you, and how much they charge you, so you'll hopefully be able to afford it.

This site was set up to talk about Vinnie, good or bad, not as a "lets all only say nice and hopeful things so Vinnie will rise again like the true warrior we know he is". The purpose of the Vinnie Vincent Forum is to discuss ALL THINGS VINNIE VINCENT. Not only things you feel will encourage Vinnie to do what you want. That's what all the previous and possibly current Facebook groups are for. To shine Vinnie on in the hopes of getting something out of him.

The Vinnie we are probably wanting here is the one that owns his past issues, with realstic goals and appearances. So far that isn't happening, but there is always hope.

In the meantime, let people be people, that's what rocks about freedom.

Love ya buddy, and I hope you get what you want, but it isn't up to other people to get it for you. If Vinnie was a normal artist, it would not be this hard.

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 5:16 pm
by RipRokken
Two quick things...

1) Rick will see VV play live again, and

2) I just realized that I guess this whole time I’ve been incorrectly referring to VVF as the VVFF (thinking it was Fan Forum). So Vic, I do see your point on that — if it’s not technically a fan forum, but just a place to talk about all things VV, then people can’t be expected to keep the negativity down. But in that case, Rick’s query is still very valid — why are people interested in droning on and on with negative energy toward an artist they no longer care for personally? This is common to many (or maybe even most) message board sites actually. For example, the Dream Theater boards have a number of folks who do nothing but bitch about Dream Theater. The Arkansas Razorbacks boards are full of people who hate the Hogs, their coach, or whoever. Misery must truly love company. Just not my cup of tea.

I can say that for those of us who choose the supportive fan route, some are privy to info and insights that change the story completely. I think a lot of folks outside of that base their opinions on very limited sets of data — perhaps what’s been said before by others, or even their own experiences, but they reach conclusions without a well-rounded set of facts, especially in the “why” department. There really doesn’t seem to be much in the way or empathy or forgiveness on the parts of people who feel aggrieved. It is unfortunate.

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 8:42 pm
RIP, I posted the info about DOTD here to inform people that this is happening. How come you didn't post this info here ? I think you are going no ?

I am not going, but I am not selfish. I posted this info and I did not make any comment. The only comment I made was a reply to a member about the con.

The fact that some of you spend their time saying that they are in VV private circle does not calm people down. Vinnie chosed to behave this way, it is his right. Now don't ask members on this forum to be thrilled about the way he behaves. Making a secret about everything, only posting in secret groups, and sending his little soldiers to spread the news, is not in my opinion, the way an artist should behave. Insulting the fans who doubt him (Mich Lafon interview) is not the way a true artist should behave. Asking people to send money on an unknow account, is not the way a true artist should behave.

This is not hate against Vinnie. It is pure objectivity and common sense.

You are not here to judge who is a fan or who is not. We don't live in Dysneyland...... Nobody likes misery.

You come here and state facts but show no proofs. Your excuse is that you are not allowed. So, ask yourself, if your attitude is doing good to some members on this forum. What gives you the right to write that some members don't care anymore ?

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 9:30 pm
by Genebaby
This was the VVFF, named by a member when we just started, but it's just a name for a place that Vinnie can be discussed properly, without interference or agendas.

It's clear by the way you ask these questions that you really have not been around Vinnie and been a fan for a very long time. As an analogy I would say you are the newborn frog, asking his father why everyone is so afraid of the snake, cause he seems like a nice guy and he's nice and shiny. Let's be nice to him, but hey, where did my cousin go?

This is so hard for fans like Rick because Vinnie is not like other people or artists. It really should be much easier.

You might want to gloss over his rants and other behaviour, but not everyone else does.

The issues are many and they run deep.

You're free to say what you want and others are free to respond, with respect, and so forth.

Like VVnoshow, I think you're doing great promoting Vinnie, and you take responses well. Be mindful that others think differently, but we all appreciate your news and information.

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 9:55 pm
by RipRokken
Thank you for the thoughts, but I disagree and lol on a few points. I’ve been a fan of Vinnie’s since high school. I wasn’t a part of the snail mail fan clubs (never have been for any artist), but I’ve read this site (and possibly another before it, can’t remember) for years. I’ve also seen past variations of his personal website, etc. There really isn’t too much that’s been said about VV online that I’m not aware of. The only thing I’m fairly new at is interacting online with other VV fans, and I’m about a year deep there.

So to your points, I have been a fan for a very long time, and I’m not sure how much time anyone else has spent “around Vinnie” either, if you’re talking about in-person, or perhaps even interacting with directly online. I have about four hours under my belt with another couple of days coming, and know people who interact directly with him almost daily. I’m able to ask questions and get answers pretty quickly because of that, and I’ve never felt on eggshells or that if I said the wrong thing I’d be excommunicated. I’m just respectful in a very basic way in how I go about it. I think what myself and others have been saying is that the Vinnie we know today doesn’t match up with what others have said in the past, and time and experience does change people. I know at certain points in my life (and one in particular), I became a very different person depending on what I was going through at the time. As I’ve said before, it would just be nice to see some folks ease up a bit and not toss cold water on every bit of good news that comes out. They are looking at Vinnie through an incredibly negative filter, challenging anything that doesn’t fit their confirmation bias.

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 12:28 am
I am a very big fan of music produced by VV the musician.
VV the person is a different story, he has cheated fans out of a lot of money. In turn, he at times is very rude to the hand that feeds him, currently seen by things like his locked FB groups, essentially picking who can be a fan. I am on both Legion and Euphoria and chose not to interact there because of the way it is such an exclusive club and pushes so many away.

In 2017 right after he came out of seclusion he decided to appear and interact on FB and fandom went nuts. I remember thousands joining in days. Rather than ignore the haters and instigators he focused on a handful of people and disappointed the masses by closing himself off to all but the few Wilke seen as acceptable. He if you want to be exclusive to the minority that is your absolute right. But dont try to later open up and claim to be the worlds master guitarist when you are choosing the 25 people you want to share your art with... that is not Rock and Roll.

I still love VVI, that includes Mark, Robert, Dana and Bobby... they were an amazing band and cream of that era. I will always celebrate that music, but his ability to have a positive relationship with anyone in that band says they are not the problem, its Vinnie. Case in point, that even thou Robert has not been vocal it is clear he wants nothing to do with VV again and he made some big attempts.

VV music... was, still and always good
VV person... needs to find happiness and closure

So for me, yes I am a big VV Fan, but I can separate the music from the man and be content

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 12:46 am
VVnoSHOW wrote: Fri Sep 27, 2019 12:28 am I am a very big fan of music produced by VV the musician.
VV the person is a different story, he has cheated fans out of a lot of money. In turn, he at times is very rude to the hand that feeds him, currently seen by things like his locked FB groups, essentially picking who can be a fan. I am on both Legion and Euphoria and chose not to interact there because of the way it is such an exclusive club and pushes so many away.

In 2017 right after he came out of seclusion he decided to appear and interact on FB and fandom went nuts. I remember thousands joining in days. Rather than ignore the haters and instigators he focused on a handful of people and disappointed the masses by closing himself off to all but the few Wilke seen as acceptable. He if you want to be exclusive to the minority that is your absolute right. But dont try to later open up and claim to be the worlds master guitarist when you are choosing the 25 people you want to share your art with... that is not Rock and Roll.

I still love VVI, that includes Mark, Robert, Dana and Bobby... they were an amazing band and cream of that era. I will always celebrate that music, but his ability to have a positive relationship with anyone in that band says they are not the problem, its Vinnie. Case in point, that even thou Robert has not been vocal it is clear he wants nothing to do with VV again and he made some big attempts.

VV music... was, still and always good
VV person... needs to find happiness and closure

So for me, yes I am a big VV Fan, but I can separate the music from the man and be content
You described exactly what happened in a very simple and objective way. I agree, to choose 25 people to share his art with is not Rock and Roll. If he releases new music in the future, of course everyone will be allowed to pre-order it. The thing i just want to say is that he should share his info with everyone or no one because when it comes to make people buy his material strangely everyone is welcome...........

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 3:00 am
by RipRokken
Again, some mischaracterization going on here. This 25 fan limit number is fictional. The Birthday Bash was limited to how many could be accommodated in the time we had. The Christmas Bash is designed to accommodate many more, and all are welcome. Their choice if they choose to miss out. And neither FB group has anywhere as small as 25 members. But yes, the rules there are simple — basically, keep it positive. There are plenty of other places to go gripe. It’s nice to have a few places to go be a fan with other fans without having to deal with all that.

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 6:56 am
by Genebaby
Keeping it positive is a lovely sentiment, and even though no other artist enforces a rule like that, it would probably work, but with Vinnie it's a sentiment not grounded in reality.

This is the problem. So people are afraid to say something for fear of the consequences, should they stuff up by accident.

And positivity isn't the only rule, don't mention other, hated by Vinnie, VVI members, and that is really sad.

So we should stay positive for a guy that is a hater himself?

Some great music, some not so great personal traits. Many people can't ignore that. The people that can, more power to them but don't be surprised if Vinnie's next single has the line "Hare Krishna" in the chorus. It's like being in a cult.

Vinnie is very much a do as I say not as I do kind of guy. The rants and the hate that comes from him, the people he's fucked over, all while playing the victim card, it won't go away until he fixes it.

There was no New Beginnings last year, it was just a smokescreen for the same old Vinnie, trying to look human while giving us clues that he still wasn't.

We all wish him the best, but his recent past, mixed with the other stuff means a lot of people are not on the happy train and I can understand that.

By spending time around Vinnie I meant with other fans online, clearly nobody but his old lawyer has spent much time around him.

We had years and years of silence, even after shitty releases like Speedball Jam and the Zoom remasters, which were ruined by Love Kills being edited.

Speculation was rife as that's all we had. Now Vinnie is our but it's not really much better, our guy is even more the laughing stock of the rock world. This comeback will not look good after he's gone.

We are trying to be real, so maybe he wakes up to himself. I certainly don't want anything from him that he isn't going to do or provide anyway. I have no agenda other than for there to be a place that all sides of Vinnie can be discussed. The musical genius and the disfunctional. It's clear to me now that Rick has had an agenda since Atlanta. This board is not about agendas.

And I don't think we are piling on a mentally ill person, he's just very capable of being an asshole, like everyone else on the planet, and sometimes that comes through more than the smile.

Your attitude towards Vinnie is very like a free other "super fans"that have come through, alienating everyone else, but your a lot better than them. There was still the same feel of someone having just discovered Vinnie, forming an obsession and being able to dissociate from his past. Usually because of his "amazing smile". That's the kind of fans they were, crazy for his smile more than his music.

You keep on keeping on, you're doing great.

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 9:25 am
by RipRokken
Vic, lol... love ya, man. Again, I appreciate the kinder thoughts I can sift away from all the Venom in your last post. I gotta be honest after reading it, I’m feeling now that you allow such talk in the name of “freedom” because it represents or perhaps validates your own feelings of anger. C’mon man, you’re even slagging hard on Rickster now. Let’s be careful when we point fingers at others for having agendas, lol.

Yes, there are a few extra rules, along the same lines. This is Rule Numero Uno for one group:

1. No harassing or insulting other members here. We all love what we have here in this drama free group, and we'll keep it that way.

Makes for a nice environment and a closer group of friends, honestly. But I like the VVF too for a switch from time to time. I got to go head-to-head with the Cookie Monster here — epic times! :lol:

Now, back to the Mothership for a bit for me. I think I’ll beam Rick up, too. :D

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 12:03 pm
by Genebaby
I don't have anger towards Vinnie, just disappointment in how he handles himself, recently and in the past. He's a big boy and these are his decisions. I don't have a horse in this race as I was lucky enough not to order the box set because it was on tape and I wanted CD's, and being so far away I've not been stuffed around with the recent round of cancellations, though I was looking to be at the convention that was announced in Atlanta, for June/July last year as a reunion with Robert, but it fell apart before I could get my ticket and make further plans. That was the first sign in the comeback that I should be wary of events, and it has snowballed from there.

So I have no agenda, I don't care what people write or say either way. I want to hear the good stuff, and I'll take the bad stuff the same way, and add it to the disappointment that is already there. Of course I wish for more bad than good, but that is hard to come by these days.

If you've been reading for a while then you'll know you're not the first person that seems "Vinnie obsessed", but you're also not as painful as they were, so post away and hopefully others can understand that it's totally cool if you do. There is an ignore function that is probably underutilised.

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 2:56 pm
by poserboy71
Vic, You emote kind words and then basically say I am trying to hose some Kool-Aid down other fans' throats with the grand scheme being to get what I want.
Asking for basic human kindness, whether you feel you are getting it, is not an agenda.
It is no secret that I , as well as most here, want music and performances. I think everyone would do themselves a service by staying blissfully ignorant to the business side that we shouldn't be privy to.

I just asked a simple question as to why people come here to say that they have lost the thrill.
Aside from a cheap shot, I am all for how Uncle Kev (Slayer) has expressed his hurt yet is still open to better days ahead in Vinnieland.
A few others, while mad, still admit of being huge fans.
A lot of us have stuck it out together online over many restarted forums.
Why is it so hard to be respectful?

Vinnie gifted someone many things yet I have seen more fence-riding from said person... one day day disgusted... never a public showing of appreciation...

At this point, quite a few of us have lost time and money.
Tell your stories but don't be dicks.
A few bad apples does spoil the bunch.

Again, Applaud the effort . Vinnie is working through a lot of heavy shit in an attempt to come back. I am sure we don"t know as much as we think we do.
There will be bumps.
Encouragement goes a long way. It might not make the road smoother but at least we'll be able to enjoy what we can ...together.

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 9:34 pm
If Vinnie was respectful maybe fans would be. Is this respectful ?

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 10:27 pm
by RipRokken
That’s not fair at all. That is a very common gesture people make when getting their pics taken with rock stars, and Wade (the guy in the photo) mentioned he does this with everyone. It’s not a special message to “haters”, as much as some would like to think (or need to believe) it’s about them.

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 10:37 pm
RipRokken wrote: Fri Sep 27, 2019 10:27 pm That’s not fair at all. That is a very common gesture people make when getting their pics taken with rock stars, and Wade (the guy in the photo) mentioned he does this with everyone. It’s not a special message to “haters”, as much as some would like to think (or need to believe) it’s about them.
This is not the only pic of the birthday bash that was posted on social media. Several of them were posted with different people doing the same gesture. This is not a common gesture that people do when they get their pick taken with rock stars......... You can say what you want I don't buy that ! It reminds me of the interview Vinnie did with Mich Lafon.
I know who Stan Wade is, he has the reputation to insult fans on social media.....

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 7:25 am
I dont think the middle finger photos are offensive and I dont think they are meant to offend fans... but VV has a tendency to go overboard when he feels threatened.

Take his recent Mitch interview. He basically said fuck off t o any one that would even consider the show wouldn't happen. People had concerns because he has cancelled a lot of shows (yes rip I know you will say its Derek's fault maybe it was but its VVs name and he is the artist.)
2 weeks later its cancelled. People had concerns for a reason and it came true. I am glad the Bday Bash happened, but the BB was more the minority than the majority for shows firing off as scheduled.

VV never says , I am sorry. It's always someone's fault. Hate to inform you Vin, when the show fails people are disappointed they didnt see VV not Derek's fat ass.

And as for rules. Curious? Every time you post a VV image do the pictures come with scribbles on everyone's face? Or is that a rule? A very ridiculous rule. I know VV doesn't like them but frankly they were a part of his life. Find it funny you can post Gene but not Dana. Odd?

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 10:40 am
by Genebaby
What I'm trying to say Rickster is that this message board won't bend, or twist, itself to make you feel better.

No message board, fan forum or not, is there to make sure someone feels cosy and warm about the posts they see.

Well, no message board except one run by a certain guy we all know. There's the difference.

Maybe people could post nicer things, if they had something nice to say, but they don't have to. That's what I'm getting at. Because nothing we post here should have ANY relevance towards what Mr Vincent wants to do with his life. Perform, not perform, it's not up to us.

So let the people be. We don't exist to do anything with Vinnie except talk about him, as has been happnening for many years.

If Vinnie wants to rock out, let's go! If Vinnie wants to host get togethers with food and drink, more power to him.

Nobody has to love either decision.

What if there is someone who prefers the food giving Vinnie and doesn't want him to do any shows. They'd be just as annoyed at you for encouraging live performance. Everything swings both ways, so please understand that the VVF is neutral ground. If people have something to get off their chest, let them say it.

As for the pics, I do think it's aimed at "haters". Say what you want now but I can see at the time it was a "fuck you" to everyone that wasn't in the inner cirlce at the party. When people meet rock stars they do a very different kind of gesture. But never mind, I don't lose any sleep over it, just more disappointment.

Disappointment with Vinnie starts out small, then like the local garbage dump, it gets bigger and you have to keep making more room, but you can always expand and fit more in.

Yes, you can get more flies with honey, but Vinnie is not a fly, that doesn't work.

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 2:02 pm
by poserboy71
Again Vic... foot in mouth.

My question is always met with"Where Freedom Rocks" and not a true answer.
When I don't enjoy something, I don't put any energy towards it.

Some people get mad because some fans, whom we don't really know surprisingly, have a few songs that we may or may not have heard.
I watched Vinnie give many things to other fans and was initially feeling "WTF ?" but immediately just decided to feel happy for both parties...the giver and the taker.

When I was bummed about the BDB situation, I stayed away from this public forum and collected my thoughts. Not worth the grief of complaining.

If I am able, I will fulfill seeing the man play guitar...hopefully many times.
Until then, I will happily accept what comes our way and be happy for others.

I hope Vinnie's next announcement concerns the box set. Getting addresses up to date ...

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 10:20 pm
by RipRokken
I’m wondering then, why is allowing bashing VINNIE VINCENT “Letting Freedom Rock”, but I’m asked by the powers that be to be respectful to the Cookie Monster who clearly spared little opportunities to attack me here? I figure he was asked the same (not questioning that), but why the double standard on “freedom”? It’s kind of like, direct your attacks at VV, not each other. Not feeling the freedom in that.

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 1:28 pm
by shramiac
I’d wager the bashing of Gene & Paul on KISSFAQ would dwarf anything posted about Vinnie here?!

It’s part & parcel of any website, rightly or wrongly.

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 1:41 pm
by Genebaby

Let's all wonder how much love and kisses and warm feelings were sent Lars' way after the Napster debacle. I'm sure there was much restraint on any and all Metallica message boards, even the official one. Or perhaps people unloaded and got their feelings off their chest.

Find me a message board or even Facebook Group based on a famous person that every post is just about how rosey everyhing is. We are just like everywhere else on planet Earth, we're not here to re-colour the roses or re-write/ignore history.

Vinnie obviously inpsires deep passiones within people, by his talents, and even by his actions, which are not always good ones, so it is what it is.

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 3:33 pm
by poserboy71
Again, Missing the point as if the outer edge of the target is the bullseye.
We don't have to exist like other forums.
I have clearly stated how Slayer (Uncle Kev) has expressed himself and hoped for better.
He has a big gripe. Aside from ignorant name calling, he expresses himself eloquently about why he is upset
There are other fans just like him.

By the way, Lars was correct. The music business sucks even moreso now.
Only the Artists (few exceptions)who were grandfathered in before that mess are reaping mad cash nowadays.

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 1:51 pm
by Slayer


lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated.
"he was told constantly that he was ignorant and stupid"
(as) thick as two short planks
wet behind the ears
slow on the uptake
dead from the neck up
a brick short of a load
not the full shilling

lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about a particular thing.
"they were ignorant of astronomy"

without knowledge
unfamiliar with
unacquainted with
unconversant with
inexperienced in
uninitiated in
blind to
oblivious to
naive about
innocent about
green about
a stranger to
uninformed about
unenlightened about
unschooled in
in the dark about
clueless about
not having the faintest about
strange to

knowledgeable about

discourteous or rude.
"this ignorant, pin-brained receptionist"


Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 2:59 pm
by poserboy71
Don't turn it into something between us.
You ignorantly called Vinnie a "SHIM" as an insult.
You're otherwise well-worded post lost a lot of momentum after your choice.

You've called me out before when I got out of line yet when I do the same for you, you laugh like a jackass and neigh like a horsie. ;)

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 3:20 pm
by Slayer

Ignorant LOL

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 5:29 pm
by poserboy71

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 11:21 am
by richiehaha
shramiac wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 1:28 pm I’d wager the bashing of Gene & Paul on KISSFAQ would dwarf anything posted about Vinnie here?!

It’s part & parcel of any website, rightly or wrongly.
I'd wager that most of the VVFF faithful want to see Shramiac's beautiful profile pic again.
Please, that current profile pic!!! I can't unsee it, lol.

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 5:05 pm
by Genebaby
He's used that horrible profile pic before, I'm not sure why he's punishing us like this.....

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 8:20 pm
by shramiac
Grant loves you all, bitches!

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 8:31 am
by doublev2
Rick believes this forum should be one voice.. a group or a gang. . It's not. It's individuals. Some you will agree with and some you will not. But don't group everyone into one voice

Re: Y.O.Y.O.Y.

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 9:39 am
by Genebaby
Yes, we are not a collective, with a goal or agenda to accomplish. We can say what we need to, or say nothing at all but there is no style of posting that is wrong.