General Vinnie Vincent Discussion
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Post by poserboy71 »

What the Hell do you want to gain from this ???

Trying to dig up dirt on Vinnie, accusations with no proof, attempting to ruin someone's personal life...
... This has gotten overly personal to the point of obsession.

You expect Vinnie to cuddle up to you and tell you his life story when you always call him an asshole ???

The podcast is a joke that consists of interviews with "never-has-beens " that feel slighted by Vinnie as if he is the reason their careers flopped. Have you listened to Kelli Raven or Alex Michael music ??? They should join forces and call their band SHAMEFUL.
Rik Fox is a guy that was lucky enough to land (and lose ) a few cool gigs because he had great hair (Punky Meadows anyone ??? ), owned some bass gear , and lived in L.A.
It seems that everyone associated with the podcast is clinging onto hatred.
Kiss conventions are the equivalent to traveling flea markets with carnies running them
These people make accusations yet they provide no proof worth looking at. Hell- I have a picture of Vinnie standing next to me with his arm on my shoulder. It must be Vinnie's fault that MY music career never took off. :shock: :shock: :shock:
Chris is on his way to being the next Geraldo !!!

I have watched for years as Dino's moods have flip-flopped. He says he has recordings ,emails, and screen captures that incriminate Vinnie yet he never backs up his words with all of this proof. I have grown tired of how cryptic he is. It is time to call him on his bullshit. I doubt any of you have the balls though !!! I believe that he is just as bogus as the bozos in the podcast .
*Vic, Your tolerance of some of these posts shows how ridiculous this forum has gotten. Good on ya mate !!!
*Dannii, You offer Vinnie help yet the moment you don't get your way, you bash him again. You are as genuine as a three dollar bill.
*Shram, You claim to be innocent yet you are always knee-deep in the shit.
The only reason you Aussies talk so loud is because a lot of distance separates you from Vinnie. You would kiss his fucking boots if he stood before you.
*Wolfi, What happened ??? You used to be so nice.
Kevin, Whatever -You look like you have plenty of money - I'm tired of your constant crying about your box set -- boo hoo !!!
The rest of you are just sheep being lead to the Slaughter.

I was guilty of these things throughout the years yet have realized how wrong I've been.
Put yourself in Vinnie's position. Most of you couldn't handle it and wouldn't accept people that have your intentions as fans.
Vinnie's , yours, and my personal lives should remain private. Let Vinnie and Diane worry about what happened between them. I 'm sure that most of you here have been a part of or witnessed a drunken argument before.

You guys seriously need to check yourselves and end this forum. You are not accomplishing any good and you are making yourselves look like fools.
You say that you are here only for each other and not because of Vinnie anymore . PROVE IT- If you can't bare to leave each other ,at least change the name of the forum and keep your friendship and base it on the love of something and not your hatred of Vinnie.

Also , I have heard rumblings that a few of you that I have confided in will release a few things I have shared with you. I hope you do the right thing and steer clear of doing such a foolish thing. You know why those weren't made public in the first place. Please stop your intentional hurting and enjoy your lives with your families and friends . Find a new focus.

I believe that one of you has been messing with my screen name since I initially left. Vic ,Please remove my name. If you don't please have the decency to not let others use it. I know you have a strange policy of keeping members names up.

I hope I don't have to come back here again.

Do the right thing or experience the karma,
Poserboy71- OVER AND OUT !!!
THINK: Porter Wagoner

:wink: I am the Undisputed Sex Symbol of the VVFF
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Post by Genebaby »

Rick, Rick, Rick. It's time to call you on your Vinnie-ass-licking crap.

We won't be changing our focus, everyone else here likes it the way it is and we have the coolest banner of any Vinnie message board.

I beleive Vinnie is just jelous and would love to take over this place too.

I don't think any of us would lick his boots, we are too cool for that. He would also have to pay for dinner.

I'm not sure what's up with the use of your name here, but as always your account will be available should you feel the need to return and blast us some more. We're big boys, we can take it.
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Post by WizKid »

Wow, how's it going Vinnie? :lol:
Check out the Decibel Geek Podcast at
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Post by birnie »

More more crapola.
I can see from your avatar pic that that time was the closest you ever got to V's penis.
It's been a long haul, yes indeed, and you're so close to tasting that warm yogurt you can hardly contain yourself! :P

Real name: (p)Rick
Facebook: Suck Penis
The UNDISPUTED personal Sperm swallower of the V-man
If you have to ask, I probably did it !!!

Get a T J MONSTER Guitar OR GET FUCKED !!! (who's side are you on again?)
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Post by WizKid »

Fuck Geraldo! He wants to be me! Did you see the Al Capone Vault special??
Check out the Decibel Geek Podcast at
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Post by WizKid »

poserboy71 wrote:SERIOUSLY GUYS -
What the Hell do you want to gain from this ???

Trying to dig up dirt on Vinnie, accusations with no proof, attempting to ruin someone's personal life...
... This has gotten overly personal to the point of obsession.

You expect Vinnie to cuddle up to you and tell you his life story when you always call him an asshole ???
Check out the Decibel Geek Podcast at
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Post by Slayer »

I tire of this ranting SCHOBEL. The pain will never stop for Vinnie until he offers this forum an Olive Branch and and repents for the wrongs that he has inflicted over many years to many people.

I appeal to your intellect - So many people can't be wrong - Vinnie is wrong and we have the proof.

You have really shown yourself to be an effeminate ass licker turncoat.

Be happy in the life that you have chosen!

Does anybody smell Shit? I smell shit and it must be Rick's Breath!
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Post by shramiac »

Woah! I got no answer to that rant!
Promises made, crying in vain, all empty. Never accepting the blame and not letting go of the shame. A river of tears, as months turn to years, all wasted. On someone not willing to change.Now only a shadow remains! :(
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Post by TheGoodDr »

Rick, you're a stupid dumb ass cocking sucking douche bag. You got some fucking nerve to post a rant like that in this forum. Stop being Vinnie's voice and let the man speak for himself.
I've no doubts you'll blame us all for Vinnie not putting out any of the precious new music that you so dearly want to hear. The guy ain't got two sticks to rub together let alone has the capacity to generate new music for a world that doesn't give two shits for his so-called talent.
Last edited by TheGoodDr on Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ozone73 »

Don't forget to take your things with you ...
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Settle the f*ck down, monkey tits!
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Post by Brooklyn_Born »

Oh man, Birnies post cracked me up! Thanks mate :D As for us Aussies, there will never be any ass kissing from us..! I have never read such a load of shit in my life, this is unbelievable! What happened to you Rick?? You were one of my favorite forum members & since the last week I don't know what to think now???

Vinnie, if you are reading this... Are you aware that you are turning friends against eachother!?? Where's the Peace?
Hey man, I am cool, I am the Breeze...

VVFF Rocks Hard!!!
This is not a Hate Forum Vinnie...Capisce!!?
Brooklyn has almost left the Building
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Post by Genebaby »

Guys, we are all just feeding the troll. He feeds on our replies. :x
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Post by wolfgang161272 »

Hi Rick - I have no words for that what you are writing now about us. I'm still a Vinnie fan but I know that he is going wrong with you and all his fans. That's not the way I wanna go with him. I don't wanna kiss his ass because I haven't done anything wrong with him - but he don't want us especially me in his forum and that's ok for me.
I love his music and guitar playing but not the person he is now. His rules are not mine - but I have the balls to say this loud and clear to him!
Go the way you think its the best for you. I think personally that this is not the right way - your choice!
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Post by metatron »

*Rickter, I'm so disappointed in you right now. You are a joke as a human being & a joke as so called 'friend'. I should throw you that 3 bucks so you can go down to the drug store & get some Vagiclean. Maybe that will help with removing the sand out of your vagina. And whiles your at it pull your hand out of Vinnie ass...enough with prostate massaging. Search Rickter, search deep in your heart , cause you know it to be true that Vinnie Vincent, (that has-been/never was,,,if it wasn't for KISS...that right KISS) will never come though with any of his promises.

You talk about Kevin crying over the boxset. For one who the fuck are you to assume anything about peoples income. Two, the only cock sucker cry baby here is you.

You talk about Dino's flip flopping. What have you been doing for the last year? You take out the crown of flopper (your penis that is). If I don't know I say you were a women, cause you seem to have the woman's prerogative to change her mind faster than you change your soiled undies. Now you are 'coming clean' about you've been 'wrong in the past'. Look at the present ass wipe...Your wrong right NOW! You WILL be back here sucker, but not till (how did you put..something about licking boots) you crawl on all four over broken glass & knee before us asking for forgiveness. Only then will I let you like my boots & without a promise of my divine forgiveness.

You calling us some kind of weird HATE group. That we have hate for Vinnie Vincent. This is totally untrue. There is no hate amongst us. We just want the truth. Unlike the current doublev dictatorship forum, here you can say pretty much what you feel like. We have no hate...We have freedom. Yes, there a little skirmishes amongst members, but that's what you get with true freedom. Not everyone is going to agree about everything 100% of the time. This is the price of Freedom. Look at the current dictatorship of the doublev (which you seemed happy enough to impose onto others) where anything can get you banned. Even silence.
*Rickter, if you really want to feel the hate, bring it on sucker. Show me what you are made of. I've explained to you the computer graphics thing isn't really my forte. I've worked in I.T. for a very very very long time. I can do things, *Rickter, that will upset you & that ill mannered master your serve. You say the distance between Australia & the States is far. You'd be surprised what a couple to keystrokes over the internet can do. DON'T FUCK WITH ME. We are no longer in the 80's boys, so growth the fuck up or be forced to grow the fuck up. Don't push this forum or the people on it, otherwise you WILL feel the full WRATH of our will.
The other thing *Rick, ^Vinnie...How do I put it....I know stuff. I know delicate information that Senore `Cusano doesn't want anyone to know. (You've been a very very Naughty boy VV) I've been kind enough not to say anything of what I know, so lets play nice boys & I'll restrain myself from cutting to the chase.

So *Ricktor tuff guy, 'We Aussie talk so loud cause we are so far away'. Guess what, we aren't that far away. Listen champ, get your ass on a plane with your buddy Vinnie & come visit me. Then we'll see whats what. Just know this *Scrotum , that when you get off that plane, you will instantly wet your panties at an instance when you feel my overwhelming presence waiting for you two clowns in arrivals. Then when I drop you like the sack of shit that you are, by just staring at you, you will shit your already moist panties. So remember bring a change of underwear. The rest of that day we can go hunting for an 'Ace Frehley loving gas assistants' who have an urge to harm the great, world renowned Vinnie Vincent. I'm sure that it will be an easy to find one cause VV is such a HUGE star & house hold name. Even after not doing anything for the last 20 year, the masses will flock. How about I speck to the Mayor of Sydney City & get him to close off George street in honor of VV, so he can be presented with the keys to the city. (Just like they did for that little old unknown band name KISS in 1980...'Oh no there is that name again KISS') I think that isn't enough. How about we make it a national public holiday. Yes that might be fitting for his Lordship the great Vinnie Vincent.

*Scrotum, they say there is a Sucker born every minute...Guess that makes you the all day sucker. Listen *Scrotum, wake up to yourself. Can't you see that VV already had a human hand puppet by the name of Spyder. Don't eat the poo poo Ricktor.

Vinnie is just a JOKE & you have willing become the Punch line to this joke.

I got Jesus in my fax machine. I saw Ho Chi Minh down @ Burger King. I dated Vinnie Vincent as a Drag Queen. I still don't understand a f**kin' thing.
I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass and I'm all out of bubble gum.
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Post by 727 »

shit. ok man i hear you. what do i have to do rickster? does it involve a credit card ? Do I have to pay someone? which way should I look Ricky?
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Post by 727 »

i am crying and pissing at that photo. killing me here
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Post by shramiac »

Tell us what you really think Dannii!!!!!!
Promises made, crying in vain, all empty. Never accepting the blame and not letting go of the shame. A river of tears, as months turn to years, all wasted. On someone not willing to change.Now only a shadow remains! :(
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Post by ankh »

Dear Rick, if it is you by the way, you sound so much like somebody else :wink: , let me answer to your long letter....bear with me,willya? No harm done in this.
First: i don't expect anything from Vinnie.He has his life i have my own.If he has new music and can be bought from a third party, fine.Sorry, but his track record doesn't lead to trust him, money wise.

I've heard the great work of the podcast,it was well done, not because of what it has been said, but the way it has been organized.If those people talked about their rough times with V, it is their choice based-IT SEEMS- on facts. Still, what they've said it is their own opinion, it could be right, it could be wrong, my life will not change based on what i've heard.It would be nice if Vinnie- as he was invited to do- would clarify some of the things that have been discussed there.Success it is not a measure for the validity of somebody's beliefs or opinion,facts are.Even Vinnie struggled for years to get some recognition and you know how talented he is;).If we want to nitpick things, Gerard Whimmer's credit card can demonstrate if what's happened years ago was true or not.Orders on the box set can proof also what did NOT happen.Again, it would be nice-for HIM- to clarify those things once for all.

Also, many people have stated how much of a great musician Vinnie is.Some payed compliments to him as a person, for different and all valid reasons.If the podcast happened to have people who didn't have a nice experience, i'm sure it wasn't done in a malicious way.Nor a gauntlet was thrown in Vinnie's garden.

Funny you've mentioned Punky Meadows.He was asked by Kiss to join them before Vinnie, and he did turn the offer down.Hair it seems didn't make a difference in p&G choice,nor(bigger) success did make difference in P.M. life.

Let's go deep a bit.You- if it is YOU,btw- have left this forum claiming too much hatred.Well, what you call this name calling and venom you've tried to spit here?To the point of addressing some of the people here.
How classy.........and so much love like it has been claimed on V forum.
About this site being ridiculous,so what?If you don't like it anymore, why bother to come back here? Somewhere in the net there's a forum led by a 59 year old man who bans NEW people based on their membership here.People who didn't say anything good or bad about him.Do you mind if i find it puzzling?

About private life, i think we have the case of the pot calling the kettle black.I remember many, many times, i've expressed my disagreement on your actions who went overboard to the point of dissecting our *ahem* hero's private life to the point where you could have been sued as stalker.Since i'm a gentleman and a man of word, i'll not go into detail, you already know what i'm talking about.I'm sure you had good intention, i'm sure people here had good intention too,without reaching the point you've reached.
Sometimes talking, making jokes was funny too, since those were quite lighthearted and the buck stopped when things got too personal, like it did on the and, in some cases, here.In both places i've expressed my disagreement on invading V private sphere.I've said it then and i'm repeating it now.V private life it is his private life.

I'm also sure nobody has expectations about disclosing private things, like you've implied in your, sorry to say, rant.Nor there have been rumblings about what you may have said in private.

And, since it is about honesty , why don't you post on the official forum everything you've done and said in the past? Nobody, for sure will do it here because there's no hidden agenda.Nor conspiracies.

Also i find it funny that you complain about GeneBaby nick politics, sounds like SuzieQ :?:

About Dino, like i've said many times, and said on,it would be good for both parties to clarify the issues they have with each other, once for all.Like adult people do.

About the forum, people are free to do what they want to do.And if somebody doesn't like it, he could simply not come here. NOBODY HAS BEEN FORCED TO DO ANYTHING OR TO BE HERE.That's another forum, mate.
If i don't like a place , i don't go there.And for sure i will not go there to demand they all leave, change the name of the place or try to dictate how things are done.To use your words,"Please stop your intentional hurting and enjoy your lives with your families and friends . Find a new focus."

Again, if people make jokes here it is more because they've been hurt or showed absolute lack of respect.I'm sure if V was adult enough to address a few matters things will change, like it happens in real life.Sorry, PB, what you mistake for action was reaction.You should know it quite well.

For me, i don't hate or love V, i don't know him as a person.I'm not interested in that.I've been called a "misfit toy" ,a "hater", and now " a sheep led to Slaughter"(what a funny reference :roll: ,sounds like ol V.Sad.).It doesn't touch me in the slightest, i know who i am and where i stand, so i don't care.Btw, i wonder if G&P lose their sleep about something that has been posted on one of the hundreds forums dedicated to them.

Also, i should point out that i'm not tried to join his forum, NOT because i was afraid of being banned, but simply because, under those conditions, i'm not interested.

I've liked his music, and often i've expressed my opinion based on facts- true or untrue- that were presented here,knowing what well how fickle the music biz, the stardom and the net can be.
It is a coincidence that i come here more for the people here than for the man this forum is dedicated to?

Sadly enough, your post - that it is full of name calling, sounds more like bait, than a rant.(again if it is you.I wish it is not somebody else using-or he had given it to- your nick and password to spill his hate)
I don't agree with some of the reply here but i can understand(action-reaction, remember?)them.And i respect their opinion.

I find it strange that especially you, who had always had positive energy and wished best even for people who were treating you in a harsh way, posted a post that sound like it is coming from a bitter old man.Please note that it is is my impression about something you've done, NOT about you as a person, like you've done here with the other forumites.It is something that makes a whole lot of difference.Only angry people with issues do so, that's why i'm puzzled by your post ;)

I'm also sure that you'll be always welcome here, even if some people will not be happy to read what you've posted.And, btw,"I hope I don't have to come back here again." sounds more like a parent who wants to scold his children.Huh, wrong forum, again :wink:

Quite honestly, i've always had words of praise for you, even when i was disagreeing with your choices.You've chosen to go away from this forum,you've changed your mind with a 180° turn, i respect that decision.Please respect mine. Thank you.

“Men are apt to be much more influenced by words than by the actual facts of the surrounding reality.” I.Pavlov

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Post by mfoster »

Yawn....Are you going to come back once a week and scold us Dad.....It's great you are drinking Vinnie's Kool Aid. I prefer something more truthful. Long live VV Forums !!!! :D
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Post by 727 »

how many people in the doublev? Whats the bet he kicks a few more off that end up here.
Rick is being used as an animal but I heard he likes that kind of thing.
Rick why don't you kiss ass with that hooligan Dana Strum too? Have Dana come in and steel all your shit and then get down and give him a blow job and thank him for it. Image
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Post by erg2 »

For a guy who was leaving forever, he sure seems to know a lot about what has been posted and posts a lot himself...
Open your window and see the real world
To know what you've been missing
Come out of the shadows
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Post by ozone73 »

mfoster wrote:It's great you are drinking Vinnie's Kool Aid.
More like Vinnie's bath water. And as for him telling people here to "move on already" ... didn't he say before he wasn't coming back here but he continues to randomly show up like a genital warts outbreak.
Settle the f*ck down, monkey tits!
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Post by TheGoodDr »

LoL.....once again love your work Dannii! And 727, that Plane House is fricken sweeeet! My 3 year daugher is standing here next to me asking me what I'm laughing at! Hehehehehe

One thing's for sure, Vinnie might think of us as a hate group, but man, I've been laughing my ass off lately! :)
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Post by 727 »

no one hates vinnie , they just hate being locked out and cheated. its not exclusive to vinnie. Peace would have been great. but he just did the same thing over.
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Post by 727 »

soon rik will be on the throne at dv boards inc.
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Post by strangeways »

poserboy71 wrote: SERIOUSLY GUYS -
What the Hell do you want to gain from this ???
I don't think anyone is trying to gain anything.
Speak the truth and shame the devil I guess, right?
poserboy71 wrote: Trying to dig up dirt on Vinnie, accusations with no proof, attempting to ruin someone's personal life...
poserboy71 wrote: ...this has gotten overly personal to the point of obsession.
You would know all about that.

I don't think anyone is 'digging up' anything.
It would seem that many people over time have some well documented beefs with Mr. Vincent.
It is their right to air them out if they so wish.
poserboy71 wrote: You expect Vinnie to cuddle up to you and tell you his life story when you always call him an asshole ???
I, and many other people here I would imagine, don't expect Vinnie or anyone else to cuddle up to them.
I've never called Mr. Vincent an asshole.
I have not had any unpleasant dealings with him.
If I had some unpleasant dealings with him then I might air them out as well - so I understand a person's frustration - especially if they paid for a box set or a guitar or something and didn't get it.
poserboy71 wrote: The podcast is a joke that consists of interviews with "never-has-beens " that feel slighted by Vinnie as if he is the reason their careers flopped. Have you listened to Kelli Raven or Alex Michael music ??? They should join forces and call their band SHAMEFUL. Rik Fox is a guy that was lucky enough to land (and lose ) a few cool gigs because he had great hair (Punky Meadows anyone ??? ), owned some bass gear , and lived in L.A.
The quality of Mr. Fox's / Mr. Raven's / Mr. Michael's music is subjective and not the point.
They seem to have various problems with Mr. Vincent.
When you have your gear seized by a court order as happened to Mr. Vincent right before a gig that would indicate that these are not just false accusations.
poserboy71 wrote: It seems that everyone associated with the podcast is clinging onto hatred.
Untrue and irrelevant.
poserboy71 wrote: Kiss conventions are the equivalent to traveling flea markets with carnies running them.
Untrue and irrelevant.
poserboy71 wrote: These people make accusations yet they provide no proof worth looking at.
It would seem there is lots of proof out there especially concerning the box sets that were never delivered.
poserboy71 wrote: Chris is on his way to being the next Geraldo !!!
Actually, Geraldo did a great deal of good reporting early in his career.
poserboy71 wrote: The only reason you Aussies talk so loud is because a lot of distance separates you from Vinnie. You would kiss his fucking boots if he stood before you.
The great thing about this board originating from Australia (I think - don't know) is that Mr. Vincent would seem to be getting a taste of his own medicine (if we are to believe what these German promoters are saying). They are far away enough (Australia) so that any legal threats that he might throw out there wouldn't be worth the money it would take to generate them. Kind of like what the German promoters claim to have went through with Mr Vincent.
poserboy71 wrote: Kevin, Whatever -You look like you have plenty of money - I'm tired of your constant crying about your box set -- boo hoo !!!
It's irrelevant that Kevin has money or does not have money - he and others seem to have been taken and that is not right. Making a statement such as you have shows your basic lack of maturity.
poserboy71 wrote: The rest of you are just sheep being lead to the Slaughter.
Pretty funny comment (and the only thing you typed here that was worth reading)
weather it was intentional or not.
poserboy71 wrote:
I 'm sure that most of you here have been a part of or witnessed a drunken argument before.
I have indeed witnessed a drunken argument or two in my time.
What I have not been a part of or witness to is something that ended up with a person covered in blood and reeking of alcohol showing up at a police department.
That it ends up in the papers and in court opens up a whole can of worms that is on those participants.
poserboy71 wrote: You say that you are here only for each other and not because of Vinnie anymore...
There are many pro Vinnie fan type posts here where people talk about the music and whatnot.
poserboy71 wrote: I hope I don't have to come back here again.
I hope you don't come back either.

As for karma while I do not believe in such things (there are good, mediocre, and bad decisions that end up impacting a person over time) - the same goes for you.

Like most people I am a huge fan of Vinnie's music and will buy whatever he puts out.
I have no desire to have a personal relationship with him - the same goes for other rock stars and celebrities.
"Stairway to the stars, I think I'll write good health to you." - Albert Bouchard / Richard Meltzer / Donald Roeser
"Vinnie Vincent saved Kiss. It's just too bad he couldn't save himself." - Me
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Post by n3p »

poserboy71 wrote: Trying to dig up dirt on Vinnie, accusations with no proof, attempting to ruin someone's personal life...
... This has gotten overly personal to the point of obsession.
poserboy71 wrote: You are not accomplishing any good and you are making yourselves look like fools.
poserboy71 wrote:Do the right thing or the karma,
poserboy71 wrote:Poserboy71- OVER AND OUT
Right, bye then :roll:
strangeways wrote: I think you (poaserboy71) are a troubled person and in need of psychological help.
Concur! Holier than thou 8)
Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
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Post by ozone73 »

pbvv.jpg (127.74 KiB) Viewed 9053 times
Settle the f*ck down, monkey tits!
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Post by KhetenAnkh »

poserboy71 wrote: The rest of you are just sheep being lead to the Slaughter.
Excuse me??
I don't get it. Is this some kind of joke? Everything's all fun and games until someone's feelings get hurt? I know I'm a newbie here, but this sounds like a total 360.

It's true that there is a hell of a lot of VV bashing going on here. Not sure I approve, but it's not my Forum and it's only my opinion. Just like it's everyone's right to say what they want (within reason and legal limits). This, however, doesn't sound like the 30 or so posts I've read by P71. WTF? Has the Forum been hacked?

If this is genuine, then let me tell you something. You are the pot calling the kettle black. Don't go around bashing people who have never ever bashed you. That is just being a total jerk. How dare you call me a sheep? Who the hell do you think you are? If you don't like the place, then just get up and leave. There is no call for this kind of vicious rant, especially when you are aiming poison at innocent bystanders.

If you can't be civil, then go back to the wild.
:evil: :evil: :evil: :x :x :x :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Post by metatron »

ozone73 wrote:
That funny stuff...excellent ozone73. Now we are getting into the spirit of things. :D
I got Jesus in my fax machine. I saw Ho Chi Minh down @ Burger King. I dated Vinnie Vincent as a Drag Queen. I still don't understand a f**kin' thing.
I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass and I'm all out of bubble gum.
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Post by MeteoraXV »

ozone73 wrote:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :shock: :P
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Post by TheSage »

Whoa, Vinnie hacked poserboy's account?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :lol:
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Post by Genebaby »

I do believe that is Rick speaking to us, or preaching and chastising us as it were.
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Post by TheSage »

Hellfire and damnation, just like a good southern Baptist preacher! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by 727 »

I can not get off the floor with laughter. What a brilliant post from poserboy. Geraldo is a classic. Now that is a keeper Rick.
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Post by MeteoraXV »

727 wrote:I can not get off the floor with laughter. What a brilliant post from poserboy. Geraldo is a classic. Now that is a keeper Rick.
Your writing style reminds of doublev/dino
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Post by 727 »

Funny .
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Post by MeteoraXV »

Woah woah that was no insult or anything :shock:
I was just listening to Unmasked while cleaning my room out
just wondering :D
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Post by MeteoraXV »

Maybe I should stop writing jokes :( I always get that people take me too serious :( its bad form
Last edited by MeteoraXV on Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by 727 »

Unmaked was made for cleaning the house to or playing while boarding a 727.
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Post by ozone73 »

metatron wrote:
ozone73 wrote:
That funny stuff...excellent ozone73. Now we are getting into the spirit of things. :D
Vinnie looks like he's from the Planet Of The Apes.
Settle the f*ck down, monkey tits!
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Post by Skwint »

what a bag o shite Rick.

Never have i had hate for VV - up until that knobhead spyder banned me from the forum simply for coming here as it was the only place on the web for anything to do with Vinnie.

Vinnie/spyder made a fool out of me for believing things could be great and i could have info on my fave guitarist - i assume that is also why you came here after VV closed the previous board.

Dont come the flower and make a fool out of me also - i thought you were an alright bloke - ok maybe a bit mental but whats a bit of madness between friends - thanks for deleting me from your facebook also - wouldnt want you to have to see my name and avatar on your page when you obviously think we are tools.
Cruisin' downtown, Shakin' her love, Is that babe talkin' to me, Felt my heart drop, Women can't stop, Girl has got me on my knees, Baby baby babe don't make me wonder, Won't you let me in, She said - see you later, Shot down, I'll be back again
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Post by poserboy71 »

I'll lurk and post as often as I like.

To everyone here :You guys have become everything that you have accused Vinnie of.

Vinnie extended the olive branch to everyone but Dino. Dino's actions are driving the final nail into a comeback. Dino talks of Vinnie not delivering yet he himself is always cryptic and never shows his pudding that the proof is supposedly in.
Everyone here wants new Vinnie things yet you have the nerve to fuck with, threaten, and make hurtful jokes about the guy you want these things from??? I guarantee that all of you fortune tellers will be correct in that Vinnie will probably pack his shit up and be done with this soon. Thus leaving all of you with your dicks in your hands. Do me a favor,leave the cookie for Dino after all of you have basted it.

In good faith ,you could have ended this forum and joined the DoubleV Forum.
You could have built a relationship and some trust with the man . Yet everyone here chose to be too proud and stand their ground. Look where you are standing... ... in the same pile of shit you have been standing in for years. You must love to complain and whine.

You could have tried to make things better but your foolish pride has once again bit your asses .
This not only affects you guys BUT it also affects all Vinnie fans worldwide. THANKS A LOT !!!

I can see that Vinnie has at least tried to make things better and now he is left to respond to your actions and eventually disappear once again. THANKS AGAIN for ruining things.
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Post by WizKid »

I find it hilarious how butt-hurt Vinnie Vincent is over a fucking message board! Seriously, have you looked at posts about Gene Simmons online? The guy gets slagged about as much as Hitler yet he continues to push forward and deliver product/entertainment to the people that support him.

I don't see Gene threatening to take KISS off the road and not put out any more material simply because someone makes fun of him on a message board? Fuck no! He pretty much ignores any insults and focuses on making millions of dollars.

Vinnie as about 20x the amount of musical talent that Gene does yet he'd rather ignore doing anything with that talent in favor of trolling a message forum that's (sorry Vic) really not much more than a blip on the radar (like my podcast) of the world stage.

Rick, you eventually have to face facts and realize that there's only one person to blame if Vinnie Vincent decides to pack it in and not make a public comeback.......himself.
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Post by WizKid »

Check out the Decibel Geek Podcast at
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Post by metatron »

WizKid wrote:Image
WizKid, Youz is the Magic Man & I'll be il Diablo...I want like to take a minute to take to you folk about Snow blindness in cats.
I got Jesus in my fax machine. I saw Ho Chi Minh down @ Burger King. I dated Vinnie Vincent as a Drag Queen. I still don't understand a f**kin' thing.
I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass and I'm all out of bubble gum.
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Post by mfoster »


I'm actually really happy for you that you are getting what you want over at the Double V Forum. I think alot of us had signed up there and where then kicked off because we are members here. Not everyone here has been bashing Vinnie. Why do you continue to come back and try to convince everyone to leave here and go there ??

You have every right to post whatever you want on either board but please come down from your mountain top and try spreading some of that Double V positive energy here instead of playing Daddy all the time.

Some of us are simply here for a sense of community (With all of it's warts)

Much love to you and Vinnie

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Post by Genebaby »

Vinnie did not extend an olvie branch. He extended his old boot.

To say we all were welcome is as much a lie as him saying all charges were dropped and he was wrongly accused. All he seems to be able to do now is lie so it's very hard to take anything he "states" at face value.

Another lie is that Robert will be singing with him again on the re-recorded ASG project.

Need I go on?

I am starting to think he is the subject of the song "Unholy", he wrote it about himself, the father of lies, yeah.
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Post by quentin »

I dont have anything negative to say. But Rick you should ask Vinnie if he called your ex since your there, and you have such big balls. It was ok that I had to return online just to answer that bs. Which was very slandering, and hurtful. And you think I'd want to hang with you after that? Lets talk about how that started, I kicked you off fb cause I was tired of talking about Vinnie, not because of any other reason. It sure didnt have anything to do with thinking I was better than anyone else. I was tired of being "called out" I had way more important things that required more attention. All you seemed to care about in my opinion was your own need for Vinnie to come back, or whatever, and you didn't care about anyone else needs but your own. After I kicked you off fb you ran to the internet saying "fuck him." So you were the one from day one who had the problem not me. But where i feel like a dick is everytime something would happen I would forgive you. I may not have wanted to be around you but I forgave you. It makes me feel like a dick when people do shit to me, then I forgive them, then before I can turn around accuse me of more bs. Then people act like im not supposed to be pissed off about it. I'm suppose to say "awwww shucks thats ok i dont mind" I remember all the things you posted about me at that time. Things like " i think he should be banned." But i don't have that mentality. I'm happy you made it back. But its fucked that upon making it back, you come back here, and slam others for things you yourself have been guilty of.But its not fair people basically beat me up because of that ordeal, and it was such a big thing. And next time I would have hard without a doubt proof before pointing the finger.
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Post by Slayer »

poserboy71 wrote:I'll lurk and post as often as I like.

To everyone here :You guys have become everything that you have accused Vinnie of.

Vinnie extended the olive branch to everyone but Dino. Dino's actions are driving the final nail into a comeback. Dino talks of Vinnie not delivering yet he himself is always cryptic and never shows his pudding that the proof is supposedly in.
Everyone here wants new Vinnie things yet you have the nerve to fuck with, threaten, and make hurtful jokes about the guy you want these things from??? I guarantee that all of you fortune tellers will be correct in that Vinnie will probably pack his shit up and be done with this soon. Thus leaving all of you with your dicks in your hands. Do me a favor,leave the cookie for Dino after all of you have basted it.

In good faith ,you could have ended this forum and joined the DoubleV Forum.
You could have built a relationship and some trust with the man . Yet everyone here chose to be too proud and stand their ground. Look where you are standing... ... in the same pile of shit you have been standing in for years. You must love to complain and whine.

You could have tried to make things better but your foolish pride has once again bit your asses .
This not only affects you guys BUT it also affects all Vinnie fans worldwide. THANKS A LOT !!!

I can see that Vinnie has at least tried to make things better and now he is left to respond to your actions and eventually disappear once again. THANKS AGAIN for ruining things.

Bubbye Cusano!
Bubbye Ricky Schobel the personal stabbin cabin boy!
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