How depressing

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How depressing

Post by KissMeDeadly »


I found out about the DV charge and did a little Google searching and ended up here, as I said in another post.

I was ill prepared for what was I going to find.

I've read multiple threads clear back to 2011 on this forum, and the picture it paints is dismal and horribly depressing.

How did THE Guitar God from the 80s fall this far? How did he ever manage to burrow himself into a world of past successes to never move forward in any constructive way with his life? It's not just baffling, it's a goddamned waste.

Vinnie, if you read these boards, there's a distinct difference between "reliving the past" which we all do on occasion and "living in the past." You, our fallen guitar hero, are definitely trapped in a past in apparently some self-created hell from which you cannot resurface.

Reading these posts, and being a woman, I'm starting to suspect Diane probably was Vinnie's caretaker as well as his wife, and I don't mean that on a financial basis. How difficult it must have been for her to live with a man who never really climbed out of 1997 and into the present. Good lord, no wonder that poor woman reportedly had issues with alcoholism. Bless her heart for sticking with him all of those years until "the incident." And I don't blame her in the least for bouncing at that point. Her life of working and being in the community must have been the bright spots in her Neverland existence with Vinnie. You had a good woman there, Vinnie. Most of us would have bounced on your ass years before "the incident."

Which brings me to ask a question...Why is it, if everything was in Diane's father's name or Diane's name, that Vinnie remained on the property even though Diane had a restraining order on him and could have summarily booted him off? My guess is that she knew she could no longer co-habitate with him, but also loved him too much to render him, for all intents and purposes, homeless. I can't think of any other reason (if the property was in her name) that she didn't kick him to the curb except for love.

I agree with most everyone here that Vinnie will sadly probably never release any further music. That's such a waste of his phenomenal talents. Just...again, depressing.

I'll always have a soft spot for Vinnie and I'm glad to read his posts about his "fur babies" and how important they are to him. At least they give him a reason to keep going and provide him with companionship.

I have a feeling that when Vinnie's clock runs out, he'll be found alone with his animals in a dark, dank home overrun with memorabilia from his days as Guitar God, his computer, and very little else.

I find that heartbreaking.
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Re: How depressing

Post by Genebaby »

These are question most of us have. It has to be fairly clear after all this time that Vinnie has some sort of issue that he has not been seeking/receiving treatment for, there is no other explanation.

I do wonder why those near and dear to him, as Diane was, did not push him to get the help he so clearly needs to be a part of society again. Maybe she/they did and he vehemently refused?

It is a waste and it remains to be seen what his legacy will be once he's gone. If he doesn't take care of his health, he may be the next Kiss member we lose.
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How depressing

Post by KissMeDeadly »

Genebaby wrote:These are question most of us have. It has to be fairly clear after all this time that Vinnie has some sort of issue that he has not been seeking/receiving treatment for, there is no other explanation.

I do wonder why those near and dear to him, as Diane was, did not push him to get the help he so clearly needs to be a part of society again. Maybe she/they did and he vehemently refused?

It is a waste and it remains to be seen what his legacy will be once he's gone. If he doesn't take care of his health, he may be the next Kiss member we lose.
Probably because, again, she loved him. She probably tried over the years but eventually realized that Vinnie would always suffer from Peter Pan syndrome, along with probably other assorted and sundry maladies. She probably loved and accepted him for who he was until he apparently crossed the line.

His life has all the makings of a tragic movie, much like Sunset Boulevard with Vincent Cusano instead of the fictitious Norma Desmond.

If he gets a pet chimp, I might have to call Adult Protective Services on him for a welfare check.

Just kidding. Okay, no, not really. :cry:
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Re: How depressing

Post by Slayer »

It sounds like you have done a lot of reading through the archives here and have learned much in a short period of time.

Welcome here! Though we at times may seem harsh towards Vinnie most of us really do want the best for him and would help him come back if he would find a way to openly communicate as himself rather than an alias of his own design. He would also need to show some remorse for the state of things that he has created with his true fans here and we in turn would show remorse for the negative actions that we have taken and said but it takes two to develop mutual respect. We can only hope that he finds the courage needed to move forward before it's too late.

It is undeniable to anyone that has really studied the body of his music what an advanced and truly unique talent that he was.

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Re: How depressing

Post by KissMeDeadly »

Slayer wrote:KMD,
It sounds like you have done a lot of reading through the archives here and have learned much in a short period of time.

Welcome here! Though we at times may seem harsh towards Vinnie most of us really do want the best for him and would help him come back if he would find a way to openly communicate as himself rather than an alias of his own design. He would also need to show some remorse for the state of things that he has created with his true fans here and we in turn would show remorse for the negative actions that we have taken and said but it takes two to develop mutual respect. We can only hope that he finds the courage needed to move forward before it's too late.

It is undeniable to anyone that has really studied the body of his music what an advanced and truly unique talent that he was.

I agree. I saw where "Ed" even was making arrangements for Vinnie to perform in his hometown but Vinnie clearly has no intention of doing anything in public. In fact, Slayer, reading some of these threads, I wondered if Vinnie even allowed mirrors in his home. I honestly think in his mind he's still that gorgeous hot dude we last saw in VVI and, in many ways, time has ceased to pass in his mind. What a sad and lonely existence. And I do mean existence, because it's certainly not what I would call a life.

After all of this reading of the bad business deals in which many have been involved with Vinnie, I do think he owes those he failed to fulfill obligations for an apology and/or explanation. My take on this (and I could be wrong, but I'm trying to put myself in the mindset of a very delusional man) is that he did none of these things intentionally. I think he is suffering from bipolar disorder and, in his manic phases, he's on top of the world and thinks he can do absolutely anything and probably does make steps in that direction, thinking if he can just get some working capital he can do it; however, once the manic phase passes and a more hypomanic state sets in, I think he realizes there is no way he can successfully complete these undertakings and he abandons them, all of the money having been recklessly squandered during his grandiose schemes. I think, in his mind, apologizing or explaining why these endeavors fail is far too close to Vinnie having to face up to other issues, i.e. his mental health.

In short, I believe a lot of his actions have malice of afterthought rather than malice of forethought, if that makes sense. I would imagine it's very much like a coke high, where in the throes of it, one feels they can conquer anything in their path and all things are possible but, when the euphoria wears off, one realizes one isn't superhuman after all. In Vinnie's case, it sounds like he lays low after a failed project and waits until he thinks things have blown over or people have forgotten (such as with the archives) and tries to reemerge, quickly realizes no normal person is going to forget such incidents, and then he goes into turtle mode and pulls back into his shell. He's kind of like a human ground hog, comes out every year or so to see his own shadow. What a waste.

It also sounds like he has a raging case of OCD based on all accounts, including his own, doing everything over and over and over again, nothing ever being quite right or quite good enough or needing improvement. It would be interesting to know if he were the classic overachiever during his school years. I would imagine that mixed with bipolar disorder would be a really tough, if not impossible, condition to handle without a lot of professional help. I don't understand why mental health issues continues to be so stigmatized by some of the population. There's no shame in asking for help...the only shame is if you waste precious time out of your life refusing to ask for it.

I doubt his anger management classes did him a bit of good, either. I'm sure he looked on it as simply going through a process of completing the requirements to avoid jail and didn't think any of it applied to him. After all, everyone else has a problem, not Vinnie...just ask him, he'll tell you. Under one of his impressive list of aliases but never as himself. Because in Vinnie's mind, he's still a 35-year-old rock star at the top of his game and it sure seems as if he'd like his fans to see him that way, too.

Although my rambling post is filled with supposition and assumption and speculation, there's one thing I'm 100% certain about.

I wouldn't want to spend a day inside of Vinnie's head. That has got to be a very confused and scary place.

(Kudos to anybody who made it through my godawful lengthy post...I've just taken in so much information reading all of these threads that I'm on turbo charge :oops: )
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Re: How depressing

Post by Slayer »

I made it through the whole post and I think that you are spot on in your assessment.

We sent him money for the Archives but since in has be going on 20 years in this day and age of cyber technology through friends here and elsewhere I have probably acquired the equivalent contents of the Vinnie Vincent Archives for free. I would just like to hear him state in a really general way that he has had his troubles and made some mistakes in his life (all of us have) and for those that I may have hurt along the way I'm sorry. That's it and mean it along with an honest and sincere effort to move forward while treating folks with respect much of his past would be forgotten.

Bi-Polar, OCD, Agoraphobia he appears to be symptomatic of these and other issues. Truth is he gets angry when he reads statements such as these but all he needs to do is step forward and demonstrate them to be untrue but he sadly does the opposite.

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Re: How depressing

Post by shramiac »

Watch out KMD! You'll be like.......

Promises made, crying in vain, all empty. Never accepting the blame and not letting go of the shame. A river of tears, as months turn to years, all wasted. On someone not willing to change.Now only a shadow remains! :(
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Re: How depressing

Post by Slayer »

LOL with Andrew
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Re: How depressing

Post by Genebaby »

Good thread this one, some good posts.
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Re: How depressing

Post by Streetbeat »

Brilliant post KMD , absolutely brilliant , you are DEAD ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: How depressing

Post by KissMeDeadly »

Thanks, everyone.

That picture up there, Andrew, IS pretty much how I probably looked reading a lot of this information. I think I probably fractured my jaw from it hitting the keyboard so hard a few times. :(

One thing I forgot to mention last night is the multiple identities of Vinnie/Spyder/Meredith/et al.

I saw where Vinnie has been active extensively on the internet since the good old AOL dial-up days. He spends an extensive amount of time on the computer every day. Apparently he also peruses the forums and sees every post here.

Which means he'd clearly have to have seen that everyone in this forum is onto his communications under aliases. Identical IP addresses from multiple posters (especially one living alone) is pretty damned irrefutable evidence that those identities all belong to one person.

Yet...he doesn't change the behavior, even when clearly caught.

How is it he can have been so active on the internet all of these years and yet be unaware of sites you can go to in order to ghost your IP address? Hell, when I'm in full-blown snarky form and get booted from a forum for expressing an unpopular opinion, I have a preferred site I go to where in about 30 seconds my IP address shows I'm sitting in Chicago or Atlanta or anywhere but where I actually am, and I re-register and am back in. And trust me, I'm no technie, to say the least.

Surely he has to be aware of such sites, yet he opts not to use one in even a rudimentary attempt to throw people off of his track. I find that really interesting. Of course, he does his best to make those posts under his aliases look different than his posts under his real name, but there are telltale characteristics that are common throughout the "Vinnie" posts and the alias posts that I'm sure anyone reading those posts can point out. Probably ingrained communication habits that he doesn't even realize are consistent in most of what he types no matter what name he's trying to hide behind and how much he tries to change his typing style.

But, back to the issue of IP addresses, it's almost as if, on some level, he WANTS everyone to know it's actually him but, on another level, he feels more comfortable expressing himself behind those aliases. With "Spyder," he appeared to be a raging asshole most of the time; with "Meredith," he's all business; with "SuzieQrocks" he's extremely anger, bitter and racist; and with "Vinnie," he's the kindest, gentlest soul who has been misunderstood and persecuted into seclusion...It's really bizarre when you think about it, almost as if he creates these aliases to allow his true inner feelings to be vented under an imaginary cloak of protective darkness yet, even when called out that his real identity is known, he continues on. There must be some reason but I'll be damned if I can figure it out except to draw the obvious conclusion...even if subconsciously, he WANTS everyone to know it's him.

It's unfortunate that the DV charge back in 2011 was actually a golden opportunity for redemption that he let slip through his fingers. People love to forgive. It's in our nature. A repentant Vinnie, coming forth with a public statement (not that shit on his private forum, a real public statement) doing a mea culpa and also a blanket apology for bad business deals in the past would have gone a very long ways. He takes in rescue dogs and the tale of the dead dogs was really very touching, how he had interred them until the ground softened up and he could bury them properly. That side of him alone would have helped people see a far more vulnerable and human side to him yet he let that opportunity slip away, too, and as far as I can tell let it go with just a mention in the press that those charges had been dropped. And it looks like there are a lot of people out there who never got that memo and still were screaming for his head on a platter. Making a public statement about that was yet another golden opportunity he let turn to tin.

Everyone has seen the mug shot, Vinnie. We all know your age. No one has a single fuck to give that you've aged. Big news, all of us have aged since 1983. That's kind of how life works. It sucks but it is what it is. You looked fine in that mug shot. It was that godawful WIG that looked horrific. It was totally reminiscent of Phil Spector...and that's not a good look for anybody. Burn that thing, put it in storage, ANYTHING except putting it on your head, for christ's sake. Some things are best left in the past. That wig is Exhibit A.

All of these would be moot points if any of us really believed his assertions that he wants to be left alone. But, his actions belie that statement. He's active on the internet, interacting (even if usually under aliases) with other people, comes up with his ideas to launch new music or a guitar or shirts...These aren't the actions of someone who just wants to be left alone. Sorry, Vinnie, not buying that for one second. Being left alone is probably your worst nightmare, because that would mean being forgotten and ordinary.

He's just such a conundrum, isn't he? I had no idea when I checked to see "whatever happened to Vinnie Vincent" that I'd stumble across such a complex and clearly disturbed human being. It's all so very, very sad, not just because a once-famous musician has squandered his talent, but because a fellow human being is apparently so lost in a world long past and can't seem to accept any help to come into the present.
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Re: How depressing

Post by Slayer »

I'm enjoying your posts very much and keep them coming please. I would like to give you some more fuel for thought. I would like to invite you in your free time to go to the members section here and read the back posts of a former member here named "Brainsaw".

After you have satisfied yourself getting acquainted with this character please visit another excellent website with a discussion board called - once there look for posts from a character named Sphinx. I don't know how to navigate that website as well but if you search the message board for Vinnie Vincent you will find many posts by Sphinx.

After you have acquainted yourself let me know what your thoughts are sister.

Happy Saturday,

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Re: How depressing

Post by Streetbeat »

The Sphinx is not Vinnie, he is a KISS FAN and knows a lot , that's all.
Vinnie's new name in charge of the never coming auction is "PAUL M."
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Re: How depressing

Post by KissMeDeadly »

Slayer wrote:KMD,
I'm enjoying your posts very much and keep them coming please. I would like to give you some more fuel for thought. I would like to invite you in your free time to go to the members section here and read the back posts of a former member here named "Brainsaw".

After you have satisfied yourself getting acquainted with this character please visit another excellent website with a discussion board called - once there look for posts from a character named Sphinx. I don't know how to navigate that website as well but if you search the message board for Vinnie Vincent you will find many posts by Sphinx.

After you have acquainted yourself let me know what your thoughts are sister.

Happy Saturday,

I'd love to. I'm totally engrossed in this. I've seen posts by Sphinx on KISSFaq and the ones by Brainsaw here. I'm not totally convinced about Brainsaw yet, but I think there are still many posts of his that I haven't read.

I believe at least Sphinx is Vinnie. Same written diarrheal style of posting, same technique of redirecting any and all less than glowing comments about Vinnie into a KISS bash-fest, and seems to know way too many details about subjects which only Vinnie or someone extremely close to Vinnie at the time of his work with KISS/VVI would know. And, it pains me to say, I don't think the dude has any friends, so that kind of lets the theory of someone close to him being Sphinx. I'm also pretty damned sure Diane wouldn't be on there defending his cause. She was probably too busy working to supplement their income and had her own concerns about her husband's erratic behavior without needing to see them validated by strangers on a message board.

Also, I thought those Sphinx response posts were made with a curious rapidity....not the work of someone who's actually doing a little research via Google to get statistics, it's as if they were written from memory. I can't see even the most rabid "fan" being able to spout a lot of that information off so quickly...on the other hand, the person who actually lived the experience would definitely have those details available for immediate recall. Especially someone who has spent 20 years living in the past. And that doesn't even include the defensive written tone that a lot of Sphinx's posts contain. Many of those posts struck me as being first-hand accounts and recollections. A lot of the statistics and details Sphinx posted would require a good amount of research for the average person. From my own experience, a Google for "whatever happened to Vinnie Vincent" pulled up his Wiki info and a huge amount of information from the DV/animal abuse charges. Finding more obscure information such as what Sphinx was posting would have taken some digging, I would think. I admittedly even tried spot-checking a couple of statistics Sphinx quoted on that forum and didn't have much luck (although I didn't do an exhaustive search, I did use key words). I even attempted to fact-check the assertion that VVI had the biggest debut for Chrysalis Records and the 500,000 luck. Yet, lo and behold, I did see a document supporting that on this forum. I can't remember if Brainsaw posted that one or not.

Well, it's about time for me to start work. I'm going to go to the members section so I can read between reports. I'm really curious to see more posts by Brainsaw and what everyone else on the forum thought of the Sphinx/Brainsaw theory.

Thanks so much to all for the warm welcome and intelligent conversation...What a truly lovely group of supportive people whose company Vinnie is depriving himself of. Again, what a shame. :cry:
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Re: How depressing

Post by Slayer »

Again I agree with everything that your writing here. I don't know how anybody could rattle off statistics such as those without being there and having those issues be personal. It is true what you say in that there was not enough time to research the facts. The character staunchly would re-frame negative discussions back towards the negativity of Kiss and many of the statements are true by Brainsaw / Sphinx although highly slanted to the Vincent Cusano vantage point.

I respect brother Sammy's differing opinion on this subject and I can't prove to you that Brainsaw / Sphinx are Vincent Cusano but I believe that they are.

This is just my humble opinion. The Brainsaw Account is no longer active here but I really wish that it was because even though polarizing and aggravating to some forum elders here the posts created riveting debate on the topics and in my opinion we were talking to the man himself and he was selectively answering some of the questions that we have always wanted to know.

I presented this to you the way that I did because it was important to me for you to develop your own opinion by your own interpretation of what you read.

Happy Saturday,

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Re: How depressing

Post by KissMeDeadly »

Slayer wrote:Again I agree with everything that your writing here. I don't know how anybody could rattle off statistics such as those without being there and having those issues be personal. It is true what you say in that there was not enough time to research the facts. The character staunchly would re-frame negative discussions back towards the negativity of Kiss and many of the statements are true by Brainsaw / Sphinx although highly slanted to the Vincent Cusano vantage point.

I respect brother Sammy's differing opinion on this subject and I can't prove to you that Brainsaw / Sphinx are Vincent Cusano but I believe that they are.

This is just my humble opinion. The Brainsaw Account is no longer active here but I really wish that it was because even though polarizing and aggravating to some forum elders here the posts created riveting debate on the topics and in my opinion we were talking to the man himself and he was selectively answering some of the questions that we have always wanted to know.

I presented this to you the way that I did because it was important to me for you to develop your own opinion by your own interpretation of what you read.

Happy Saturday,

Actually, I found the KISSFaq site before I registered here and stumbled on it through the Vinnie Vincent search on Google, I think, which led me to a thread at that site. Little bells started going off as soon as I read the first 2-3 posts by Sphinx, and that was before I had read anything here indicating he had multiple aliases so something about those Sphinx posts really sent off my Vinnie-dar. Now that I've read everything here, I'm feel like my suspicions were validated. I haven't spent much more time over on that site since I found this one. I find the information here much more objectively presented and backed up with facts rather than just wild speculation. I'll have to go back and try to search out more of the Sphinx posts over there.

I also embarrassingly need some assistance. Remember when I said I wasn't a techie? Yeah, here's my mea culpa of the day....I can't find the "members" section of the forum. Could you be so kind as to give me a link?

(I just noticed there are several unregistered guests viewing this thread...Wonder if one of them is the man of the hour, so to speak...If so, I hope one day he is able to read these posts and realize they come from the hearts of caring human beings with genuine concern for his well being)
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Re: How depressing

Post by Slayer »

Look at the very top of this page and it is the link second from the right. Hit the members link and the sort the page by hitting "B" to search member names starting with "B". Follow the page down and Brainsaw has 374 posts. Click on the name Brainsaw and then clink whichever of 3 links that most interests you, all user posts, most active forum or most active topic. Again he speaks 374 times.

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Re: How depressing

Post by KissMeDeadly »

Who are those douchebags? Especially the guy in the middle and the guy on the right.

NOTE TO ANYONE ELSE. Don't waste your time!! Total idiots.

at the start they jump from Creatures to then Revenge and start talking about how Revenge was all Bob Ezrin and Eric Singers drumming. It's laughable.

Then bitching because he didn't play like Ace on the COTN tour and he played a 9 minute solo with a bow.

Then they go into Revenge was a great album (not because of Vinnie but because of how they were able to connect with Bob Ezrin).

-they forget Eric Singer drummed some HITS songs. And what a coincidence--KISS was finally back AFTER Vinnie returned.

Something that was there for (Not for KILLERS-- which COTN was all the same except ADD IN VINNIE)
So why didn't Killers have the COTN feel? hmmm
Was there for LIU
Was there kinda for Animalize (and Vinnie had those 5 songs he had ready for that album)

Not there for: Asylum, Crazy Nights, Hits

Not there for: Bob Ezrin produced "God Gave Rock And Roll 2 You II" (early Revenge)

Returned when??? Damn, what a freakin coincidence!!

Then you've got the douchbag on the right who has hated Vinnie from day one still whining about they needed a NY Guitar player etc.

--hey douch! You forget-- Ace wanted to use "Back On The Streets". Peter cut a Vinnie song and bragged all the time they were writing together (even though they weren't) and then later said he had been given Vinnie songs for his project.

Now whining about--you had your pick of all these guitar players--WHY VINNIE. Hell, Vinnie beat out over 200 other people. They blew a fortune of the creatures budget flying in guitar players from all over the US.

Why Vinnie--because he set a tone and direction not only with his playing but his songwriting. He was the bridge between Gene and Paul.

And they have to ask why? Look at the crap albums that came out between when Vinnie was there and when he wasn't? All the albums since LIU pretty much blew up until Revenge and then after Revenge... we've gotten great stuff like Monster or Sonic Shit.

Of course-- here they are again talking about THE ELDER and not mentioning those 4 KILLER songs at all. If you don't mention those 4 songs and how they sound...

NEXT UP-- Vinnie Vincent Invasion 17:00
Disappointed Vinnie didn't sing lead vocals
Invasion-- its sensory overload. You melted my brain. That's not music.
The dick on the right had never even heard Invasion. And they are using that prick as an expert as to if Vinnie saved KISS?!
The dick in the middle had no interest in hearing or seeing Vinnie-- Mitch.

Two a-holes who outright hate Vinnie--- and they are on this podcast?!!! WTF!!
Kinda like having two KKK members discuss Martin Luther Kings accomplishments.

21 minutes Whine whine whine COTN didn't sound like the Dynasty tour

These morons don't even know their KISStory! This is laughable. And the Mitch prick keeps saying--oh the label forced Vinnie on KISS.

Notice that none of them brought up the FACT -- that had KISS not sounded so great with COTN they may not have even got another label deal (after there's was void with Ace gone). They just completely ignore ISStory and the facts.

What happened--COTN great album but people were still listening with their eyes.

And if COTN had sucked and Ace gone. Bye Bye label deal completely.

Some other label probably would have picked them up later but....

Those two albums delivered and showed KISS had the goods. If those albums had sucked-- people would have easily said---they were all hype and makeup and couldn't actually deliver. It was all an illusion.

They claim: Taking The MakeUp saved KISS.

Sure that helped, but again--without being able to deliver after the makeup came off. Bu-Bye!

Mitch the prick who hates Vinnie wants them to bring Kulick back for the 40th?! Kulick! The guy who contributed crap to the band. Geez!!

one D-bag did the KISS crappy website for a time and I don't even know where there other two schumck come from but gee.... pathetic!

Hope their podcast history ends soon. They have no business....doing one.
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I was leaning towards "no," until I came across this gem.

If that's not Vinnie himself, that is without a doubt the most rabid fucking VV fan that ever drew a breath.

"I'm Your #1 Fan" indeed.... :roll:
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Re: How depressing

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LOL with KMD :-)
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Re: How depressing

Post by KissMeDeadly »

That entire post is filled with just an overwhelming amount of self-righteous indignation, isn't it?

If that isn't Vinnie, it's someone frighteningly fanatical.

It puts the lotion on its skin...
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Re: How depressing

Post by Genebaby »

I was rather concerned about the Brainsaw character. As you can tell from the posts they are one motherfucking fanatical, rabid motherfucker of a Vinnnie fan.

Things said about the other VVI and Slaughter members led me to believe it's not Vinnie, but someone who truly has Vinnie's back, and who would probably like his ass, in a jar, on a shelf, in their bedroom.

That "person" almost tore this place apart, it was waaaaay too much. Their writing was as inflammatory as the Boys Are Gonna Rock video was OTT. Things were fine before Brainsaw and things are fine again since they left. You just could not have a proper conversation with them and a lot of people got upset.

The Brainsaw account is still working, they just have not used it in a while.
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Re: How depressing

Post by KissMeDeadly »

Genebaby wrote:I was rather concerned about the Brainsaw character. As you can tell from the posts they are one motherfucking fanatical, rabid motherfucker of a Vinnnie fan.

Things said about the other VVI and Slaughter members led me to believe it's not Vinnie, but someone who truly has Vinnie's back, and who would probably like his ass, in a jar, on a shelf, in their bedroom.

That "person" almost tore this place apart, it was waaaaay too much. Their writing was as inflammatory as the Boys Are Gonna Rock video was OTT. Things were fine before Brainsaw and things are fine again since they left. You just could not have a proper conversation with them and a lot of people got upset.

The Brainsaw account is still working, they just have not used it in a while.
He must have every article about VV/VVI and all other associated works ever written and memorized all the details. That is one rabid, diehard fan.

I'm still going through the Brainsaw posts but so far I've yet to see him give an opinion on (or even just acknowledge) the business debacles in which Vinnie has been involved. I love the way he'll parse a section of a post and respond to that, and completely ignore any other part of the same post that addresses the other sketchy events.

Hell, if Brainsaw isn't Vinnie, maybe Vinnie saw his frothy-mouthed posts and gave him a personal invite to join the $500 annual fee forum. Pretty sure a fan like Brainsaw would sell a fucking kidney to finance their way onto that forum. :lol:
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Re: How depressing

Post by Slayer »

Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs or as Craig Shoemaker calls him "Vagina Man"
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Re: How depressing

Post by doublev2 »

Brainsaw and Venice angel say same quirky unique words. For me they are the same. Venice angel went to vv house and slept rough in area.
Bye Bye
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