What A Mess

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What A Mess

Post by PyroMessiah »

First off, not sure if a true introduction is in order or not as I'm hardly new. But for those not in the "know", this board seems to be an offshoot of what was once a board I ran. DoubleV picked up the ashes of that board and carried the torch until what appears to have been a big mess happened.

Based on my brief and limited dealings with the guy, I am convinced that he truly does not care about nor want any of his fans....or at least doesn't want them to actually talk to each other about him.

His lawyer requested at the time that I take down the message board that I'd been running. At the time, the message board and the website were the least of my worries. Having always had my doubts about his "personality", I did as they asked and walked away from the website and message board.

So it doesn't surprise me one bit that he's pulling the same shit.

As for all of the "news" he was promising, I never bought into it for a second. When he initially was sueing KISS, he was regularly putting out updates of all of these recordings that were to come. Maybe it was done to distract those that were wanting their boxset or maybe he truly felt he'd win against KISS and then could afford all of these projects. But at the end of the day, none of those projects saw the light of day.

It's kind of funny that he stole money from countless fans (and yes, it was stealing), but yet it's those same fans that seem to be his amongst his enemies.

Glad to see that the noose was loosened as I thought the "restrictions" on what you could and could not say on the last board was a joke. I applaud Double V for trying to make contact, but Vinnie has made it plainly clear that he does not want any contact and doesn't want to communicate with his fans, as few as there are remaining.
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Post by teej »

Joe ! your alive! Good to hear from ya bro .. been a long time
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Post by metatron »

Sorry to hear that this also happen to you PyroMessiah. V has had a lot of oppatunaties to make good for himself & fans. Part of me feels bad for him cause he may be mentally ill. But then I hear so many bad stories of him trying to do shady deals with everyone from band members to fans to promoters. Everyone can't be wrong. Maybe the illness is his own doing. If he made his own bed, well he'll be the one lying in it. Very Sad for everyone.
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Post by poserboy71 »


The GODFATHER . All hail PyroMessiah !!Are you sticking around/ Any love for Vinnie still?

As it was years ago with the lawsuits ,it holds true today. He was banking on winning to put the product out. That's why things are limited edition (ie.-the upcoming release of Guitars From Hell). Notice how Vinnie/Suzieq said that they didn't know how long the AZG guitars would be available. I hope the prices are reasonable for all product, I will enthusiastically purchase everything.I hope there is a safe way to purchase said product being that these endeavors most likely will be funded by OUR deposits from OUR pre-orders .

Vinnie ,We are still loyal fans and ask you to treat us with respect. You in return will get it and sell a few things in the process. It was once said TO USby Suzieq, 'With fans like you ,VINNIE DOESN'T NEED ENEMIES." But the truth is "An artist that treats people the way you have through make-believe third parties is LUCKY that WE are STILL here for YOU !!"

I hope to one day meet you again Vinnie and shake your hand (AFTER YOU SIGN MY NEW AZG guitar of course !!!)

:wink: :wink: Your fans are still waiting but it might be FOR A LIMITED TIME. Your call .

I hope you stay PyroMessiah !!!

THINK: Porter Wagoner

:wink: I am the Undisputed Sex Symbol of the VVFF

Post by doublev »

The godfather has spoken. The board almost feels complete now. All we need is Freddy and Quentin.
I agree with you Pyro. The only thing I think differently in a small way is that I do think he plans these projects but doesn't have the ability to deliver be it finances or a trusted team, he has big ideas and no ability to pull it off. I know he may have planned to get what he wanted from me all along and then boot me, but something tells me that wasn't the plan and he just starts to make up things that people are doing in his head, and then for no reason demonizes them. he thinks by putting out music he is doing the fans a favour. He threatens not to put it out if something doesn't go his way. You would think he would be proud to put music out and not horde it for some power trip. I do agree he cares nothing about fans because they are a threat to him due to the boxset etc. I have no respect for the threats to pull out of music and blaming fans. Its madman behaviour.
Like I said before Vinnie can put some of these big errors to good and just come out non demanding, easy going cool 58 year old man and if he said sorry,it would go a hell of along way if he really meant it.

I love it that Pyro is back and this board is going full strength thanks to genebaby.
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Post by Shred4hire »

yes im glad too~
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Post by Genebaby »

Hi Joe, great to see you hear.

Yes, what was once your board, then Dino's, is now here. I didn't really know what happened to your board exactly as it just was there one minute, gone the next.

Through necessity we are here now as Vinnie fans need a place to be no matter what's going on, and there's a been a bit lately hasn't there.

Welcome and I hope you can hang with us, you're a wealth of knowledge.
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Post by Slayer »

Welcome here bro! You are a valued Vinnie Scholar and your presence makes this great board an even better place. I like Vic never knew the truth of why your board went away and I only knew that I missed it when it was gone. Thankfully Dino started his and now Vic has started this one which I believe that we can all agree is the most liberal Vinnie Vincent Site to date! Thank you for that Vic!

I remember emailing you after your board closed and never getting a reply back and now it all makes perfect sense all these years later.

I would ask one thing of you if you don't mind. If you still have a way to get a hold of Roger who had the 1st Vinnie Vincent Tribute Site and board who you tell him about this site in the event that he might care to join us? I remember back in the day that he grew tired of maintaining his site and felt that you did such a great job at the Pyromessiah site that he closed up shop and yielded to you. He to would likely have lots of great information to share in a safe and friendly environment!

I'm very glad that your here!

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Post by wolfgang161272 »

Welcome on this board Pyromessiah.
It's a long time ago but now we have you here. It's a perfect free and liberal place to talk about Vinnie. Thanks to Dino and to Vic, too.

Hang with us,

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Post by mylittleguitar »

glad to see back. :D
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Post by PyroMessiah »

You guys are too much. Thanks for the warm greetings.

I had fun doing the website and the message board. Over the years, there were many "regulars" who came and went. Many of you are some of the last batch of regulars on that message board. In the early days, I was always putting up posts to start topics because it was so slow. By the end, I was barely checking into it because you guys had a great community going and kept the topics and conversations coming.

Slayer - My apologies for not getting back to you. At the time, I had some very deep personal issues going on, and the message board was the least of my concerns. I was asked to shut it down, so I did.... and in doing so, walked away completely from all of it.

As for Rog from the Guitarmageddon site, I haven't seen nor heard from him in a number of years. He had the first real VV tribute site, and it was a great one. I'm not sure what ever became of him.

Double V- I agree. Vinnie has a great wealth of unreleased music out there. Perhaps he's not putting it out as he could possibly have the money he makes garnished to pay his debts to the KISS guys. Who knows. He's let little bits out here and there, some "official", some not.

Poserboy - Not sure if I'll be sticking around full time. At best, I'll certainly be lurking. As for any love? I still love the music. I'm sure you can figure out the rest.

Teej - Glad to see your still out there and rocking.
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Post by teej »

Dude .. weather you like it or not .. your a legend .. stick arround .. your legacy continues .. am VERY happy your here :D
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Post by Slayer »

Do you know what may have happened to Roger from the Guitarmaggedon site? Didn't he join the DoubleV Forum but didn't end up posting very much?

Please advice


Post by doublev »

I don't know Kev. Sorry
Pyro who was the guy in Florida that owned Vinnievincent.com. before you? 3 owners until I gifted it back to him at expense to myself.
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Post by Slayer »

verlineUi.net wrote:welcome!!! you are so so dramatic... just one hello and everything is okay with us!! lol :wink:


Post by doublev »


Post by doublev »

i just did my moderating duty and took that post down.. ha ha
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Post by Genebaby »

I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but I was suspicious of that "guy".

I will delete the account.
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Post by doublev »

it was the weirdest spam i saw. he had some link to a weird website that was part of the give away.
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Post by Genebaby »

I do not know why they bother? Honestly, why?
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